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Laurice was startled.

Little Louie just started crying in her arms. She felt something clutched her chest from the sound of the child's wailing. Her face sunk in agony. It's really heart wrenching to see children cry and she particularly hated it. It's just too painful to watch for her.

Laurice started shushing the little one while cradling him in her arms. It does not matter anymore if she'll end up with sore limbs after carrying the child for a long time since she was the one at fault anyway. She tried to suppress the panic that's been seeping out of her chest and remained calm in fear that it may affect the child. She was no expert but she knew for a fact that kids his age tend to be sensitive about their surroundings and even around adults since their cognitive skills at such stage is still developing. Little Louie probably needed an even greater attention span since he only seem to have his father around.

"Don't cry now, sweetie. It's alright. I'm here." Laurice doesn't know exactly what she was supposed to say to the child but it was surprisingly enough to soothe him a little.


Little Louie was clinging to Laurice ever so tightly. Such was the scene that's making Sid completely perturbed in his seat. For a moment there, he felt a twinge of guilt towards his own son. Towards his shortcomings as a father. He felt his existence is of little significance to the little child he was raising by himself. It seems his influence towards Little Louie was way too shallow. He had to put an end to it somehow. Without wasting for another minute, Sid gathered his thoughts and walked towards the pair who looked more like that of a mother and son.

Sid halted and stayed right beside the woman whom he held by the waist on one hand while he sum up the courage to console his own child with the other. He wasn't experienced with coaxing children but it was somehow evoking a new and profound feeling deep inside of him.


Laurice jolted by the sudden sensation from Sid's touch as he held her tenderly but firmly in his palms. It was emitting a familiar heat unto her own body that's gradually helping her calm her nerves down. The man even held his gaze towards her as he rub Little Louie's back in a gentle motion.

Little Louie was still a bit disoriented when he slowly loosened up his grip around Laurice's neck. The little one seem to have recognized his own father's touch and presence that he instantly stopped crying. He turned around and saw his father staring at him.

"Our Little Louie is the best." Sid said to him affectionately. The corners of his mouth curled into a rare tender smile.

Laurice was blinded at sight.

She sucked in her breath. The man's smile was dazzling. He was already handsome enough when he look cold and stiff but seing him wholeheartedly smile like that was only making him more attractive in her eyes.

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Her heart was fluttering out of her chest.

She was having crazy thoughts at the moment she fear she might actually pounce at the dishy guy before her.

Even Little Louie was surprised himself with his father's gesture and words that not one hiccup escaped from his mouth. Both of them were still in a daze when Sid spoke again.

The man looked at them indulgently and said, "Are you both ready? Let's head out and have some fun, shall we?" He said in low and tender voice.

Both Little Louie and Laurice were gaping at him with their mouth wide opened.

'Who is this person?' They wondered.

They must be hearing and seeing some foreign things.


Sid gave orders to the butler who remained unfazed in his position. He was facing the back of his young master so he failed to catch a glimpse of that mysterious smile just now.

Sid tilted back towards the two individuals who were wearing a stupefied look on their faces. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. Suddenly, a fair and slender hand nestled right above his forehead. The smell of his own body wash mixed with that unique jasmine scent penetrated his senses. The warmth and softness of her skin against his was kindling a fire within him. His gaze turned deeper in an instant towards the oblivious woman.


With the back of her hand, Laurice felt the man's forehead.

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"You're not ill, are you?" Laurice asked the man worriedly. She was looking rather confused and anxious. She was still baffled by his smile just now.

Sid gawked at the dense woman.

"What?" Sid replied annoyingly without getting rid of the hand that's touching his temple.

Laurice withdrew her hand and said simply, "Just saying."

Sid pulled back the same hand that touched him unabashedly. He held it in his face instead and lightly grazed it with his lips. Laurice gasped. She was startled by the man's reaction that she couldn't utter a word.

At that same moment,


Little Louie was stunned himself. In a flash, his vision was blocked by a huge palm which obviously belonged to his father. To no avail, he couldn't pull away from the hand that's obstructing his view no matter how much he struggled.

'What's happening?' The little one was getting frustrated by the minute.

A certain father was also struggling inside as he tried to focus his attention back with fondling the soft and supple hand in his other palm.

'Son, please cooperate with your father. I am already at my limit here.'

Laurice regained back her senses and was completely astounded by the scene before her.

'What the h*ll are you doing?' She mouthed the words that she could not speak, afraid that she might startle the little guy in her arms.

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Sid was amused by the woman's reaction.

The corners of his mouth curled up into a wicked smile.

'No!' She gaped at him in fear and panic.

Laurice had an inkling of what's to come.

She drew a deep, shuddering breath.

'He wouldn't dare, right?'

Sid on the other hand decided not to say anything as well but he continued to caress the hand in his grip and gently stroke it with his thumb. His fingers were drawing circles on Laurice's palm.

Laurice: " ...!!! "

Her heart trembled. Her pupils dilated by the sudden bolt of energy emanating from Sid's gentle touch. It was just as stimulating as the man's hot gaze but she could not avert her eyes from him. She was having goosebumps all over her skin. Her mind was muddled in an instant.

'Please!?!' Laurice mouthed towards the man as she beg.

'Please, what?' Sid replied back with his mouth.

All of a sudden, the man drew Laurice's hand closer. He held it on the side of his face and kissed it while staring at her, as if tempting her to respond. Laurice felt his warm breath and she almost lost it. Her knees started to buckle.


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Shortly after, Sid felt a sharp pain on his other hand.

His brows creased by the stinging of his finger.


He got so carried away that his left hand loosened a bit in his grasp.

The biting was followed by a sudden hissing.

"Daddy!" Little Louie yelled. His raging eyes were shooting daggers at his own father. It was full of contempt and suspicion. For a good one minute, he stared at his father before shifting his gaze towards Laurice and his expression turned even sour.

Laurice was apparently flushed all over.

Little Louie reverted his gaze back at his own father and asked accusingly, "What did you do?"

Sid stared back at his son helplessly.

'Son, what do you know? You're only four.'


Amidst the ruckus, Butler Han who received the most blow out of them all was completely at a lost.

He did not intend to peek nor gossip with his young master's affairs but he was way too shocked with what he witnessed the moment he stepped back inside the penthouse. In an instant, he was rooted to the ground, unable to move a muscle. The scene just now was jaw-dropping that he nearly forgot to breathe. He was so afraid that he might interrupt the couple. But he just could not believe his eyes.

His young master ... cold like winter, distant and indifferent was flirting with a woman in broad daylight. Right in front of his own son. And the son was still a kid. How shameless can he get?

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