Chapter 41: The Crown Prince’s Call

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“Your Highness Elias. This is your schedule for today.”

In the morning, the Grand Chamberlain reads out my schedule for today.

His voice continues on in my private room for a long time…damn it.

The tasks and duties, as well as the schedule, keep increasing. One of the reasons is that after the failure at the garden party the other day, it has been decided that I will be re-educated in etiquette.

“In the afternoon, you will be visiting the royal orphanage with Miss Ina…”

I often accompany Ina in etiquette lessons and visits like this, but I have no time to rest.

I used to protest, but now I no longer have the energy to do so.

The reason is that it delays the schedule and makes you sleep late.

“…How is Ina’s education?”

“Miss Madetoya’s education is progressing, but her progress is slow, according to the Head Lady-in-Waiting.”

I know. The only places where I am allowed to accompany her on official business are orphanages and farms in the suburbs of the Capital, places where etiquette is not required.

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For example, you are forbidden to attend formal events, such as official dinners where high-ranking nobles gather, even during the peak of the social season, or to attend grand events like ballroom dances, even if they are unofficial or secret.

“Why is it taking so much time…?”

While being forced to make the morning preparations by the ladies-in-waiting, I murmur.

“Is it because she is that foolish? Or are the governesses(female tutors) making trouble?”

My murmur was not directed at anyone, but the Grand Chamberlain still replied.

“There may not be any ladies-in-waiting or governesses with favorable feelings towards Miss Madetoya, but even so, as they has been ordered by His Highness the Crown Prince or His Majesty to receive her education, there is no way that she is being neglected or disturbed in her education.”

“So you think she’s incompetent?”

The Grand Chamberlain averts his gaze.

“I have had conversations with her as well, and I think she is somewhat of an unusual young lady, but she is by no means stupid.”

“Then why?”

“That is the difference between high and low status. Even a commoner who achieves great things and accumulates wealth can rise to the rank of Baron, Viscount, or higher in one generation, and there is a difference in the type of education itself.”

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I sighed.

“Is it really that different?”

“Yes, all of the women around His Highness Elias are ladies or widows of a higher social standing than Count. Even the maidservant who is combing his hair right now is one of them.

When I briefly looked at the maidservant, I was certain she was the third daughter of the Count’s household.

I can sense criticism from the Grand Chamberlain’s gaze. I understand what he wants to say. He is probably dissatisfied that the maidservants are serving a low-ranking person like Ina.

However, he did not mention it.

“Therefore, it is not hard to imagine that the different etiquette and way of speaking of Miss Madetoya would appear fresh.”

Hmm, there may be such aspects as well.

“That’s because someone like Miss Vilhelmina, who is a Duke’s daughter, or even a princess from her own country or a neighboring state, has been raised in such a way since birth because there is a possibility that she will marry a royalty. It would be difficult for Miss Madetoya to catch up to the 15 years of effort of that talented woman in just a few months.”

I understood the true meaning of my father’s words.

If they were judged to be unsuitable as the next generation’s royal couple, they said that it would bring about their downfall. In other words, we were already judged to be unsuitable at that stage.

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But I can’t accept that.

Because I hold Ina’s hand. I will make everyone acknowledge her by all means. To her parents, to the nobles, to the clergy, to the people.

“…is there any report on how Vilhelmina is doing?”

“As for her husband, Mr. Alex Peltra, there is a report that he has resigned from the Royal Research Institute.”


He should have been a competent researcher to the extent of being awarded a medal.

“According to the research institute’s report, the reason is unknown, but it was suddenly conveyed to the institute that he had resigned.”

“Can you guess why he resigned?”

“It’s a speculation, but there are reports that he was harassed by his superiors and other staff at the institute. At least one of the reasons, it seems.”

I see…

“What’s his next job?”

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“There are reports that he and his wife have been meeting with bank and merchant officials in the center of the capital before his resignation, but there is no report that he has been hired by anyone yet.”

I see… Well, isn’t this an opportunity?

A family that lost their income, I will help the struggling Vilhelmina. This does not conflict with the idea of forgiving a place where one should be executed with mercy.

And if that woman once assisted me in my work, it would be good to have her do my work again and assist Ina’s etiquette.

“Call Vilhelmina.”


Grand Chamberlain lets out a foolish voice.

“Bring that woman to the palace and give her the honor of assisting me in my work!”




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