Chapter 13

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Section 6: The Witch's Treasure

Translated by AmaLynne


「It’s strange how spontaneously the tears came out, even for me.」


On the way back to town, I was petting the carbuncle on my shoulder, and next to me, Finne quietly opened her mouth.


「I was looking at that light, and it made me remember so many things.」

「With your grandfather?」

「Yes. We played together, ate together, patted each other on the head when we were hurt. All sorts of scenes came to mind at once.」

「Grandpa’s still the same old granddad.」

「Is that light coming out of the watch a spirit?」

「Maybe. Maybe they look different. But when I summoned it with magic, it looked like that.」

「I see… It was a kind of gentle light.」



As we walked back to the watch shop, Finne stopped and looked inside.


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「I think I’ll go and buy a few watches.」

「Oh, the new one? That’s good that’s good.」

「Uh-huh. Tell me the right spirit for me.」

「Of course! I’ll pick you a lucky one.」

「Thanks. Oh, but Meg, what about work? Didn’t you say you were going shopping?」



At that moment, the universe expanded in my mind.

Earth, the sun, galaxies, supernovas, the Big Bang.

The grandeur of the endless universe filled my mind and stopped me from thinking.


「Are you okay? Meg? He―y, come back here.」

「Ko, ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko-ko.」‡


「They’re going to kill me…!」


I turned myself around and dashed as fast as I could from the spot.

The sun was already beginning to set in the sky.

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On second thought, I haven’t done any shopping yet, nor have I prepared dinner.

The laundry is still hanging out to dry.




A voice calls out to me from behind.

Without stopping, I turn my head to see Finne waving at me.


「Thanks! I’ll be back to show you my watch!」


I gave a thumbs up to my best friend, who was probably behind me, and ran through town.

She said I looked like a full marathoner in the evening sun.


「I’m back!」


I opened the door and said so, but there was no response.

The only people present were small animals that looked at me with vacant expressions on their faces.

There was no sign of life.


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As I was wondering why, I was tapped on the cheek.

I looked and saw a carbuncle shaking its head at me.


「Speaking of which, Master said she’ll be gone for a while, isn’t she?」


As soon as I thought that, I collapsed off my feet with a gulp.

I had come all the way back here from the city in an all-out dash.

I could have collapsed.


At that moment, a bottle fell out of my pocket.

It was a bottle of tears.

I casually picked it up and shook it in front of my eyes.


The number of tears had increased a little.

I wondered if they were Finne’s tears.


「Three drops now…」


Reflecting the setting sun, the tears appear to be glistening and shimmering heartily.

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Finne said this was a pure feeling.

I think to myself,「How could she possibly know that」, but I can’t deny it.


「I feel like this is going to be my treasure. What do you think?」


I turn to the messenger.

The carbuncle cries「Kyu」.

The white owl that came down cries「Hoo」.

They look so happy.


「Let’s get on with it. I think it’s time for dinner. You guys! It’s time to eat!」


As I stand up to say this, small animals gather from all over the house as if they are waiting for me.

They’re so greedy.


But today, they are so adorable.


As soon as I enter the house, the white owl gently closes the door.

This is a normal day for me.

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