Section 1: Morning Scene and Two Messengers

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Translated by AmaLynne
Edited by AmaLynne


TN: This novel divide each edition to many episodes, the first edition has 6 episode(and each episode have chapters). Now is the first edition(Local City of Lapis Edition)-second episode.

―Episode 2: A Normal Day in the Life of an Apprentice Witch―


Morning comes early for an apprentice witch.

Waking up at sunrise has become a habit.


「Ahh, sleepy…」


As I raised myself up, still slithering in the dim light, two beasts came up to me.

They were my messengers, Carbuncle and White Owl.


Carbuncle is a phantom summoned by the master.

For some reason, he became attached to me,「I see that he likes you ], and so on.


The White Owl was a chick that I picked up after its parent bird died and turned into my messenger.

Master says,「It is a messenger of God who wears white color」or something like that.

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Master has a mountain of little animal messengers, but these two are the only ones I have.

Both of them are very intelligent and have strong magic power, according to Master.


「These kids have intelligence. They are very smart. Much smarter than you.」

「Ha-ha-ha. You must be joking.」


Master at that time, she didn’t have the face to joke around.

No way.


「Good morning, gentlemen.」


I patted them, and they both squinted happily.

After a good ruffling of feathers and animal fur, I seemed to fall asleep.

Then, as if in a panic, the two messengers would wake me up, which is my morning scene.




While yawning at a high volume, I boil water in a kettle.

After making tea, I headed straight for the master’s study.

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When I knocked, a familiar voice came through the door,「Come in.」


「Excuse me.」


When I opened the door, master was already putting on her reading glasses and looking through a book.


I wonder how long she had been doing that.

I have never seen Faust the Eternal Witch asleep.

I wondered if it was an everyday occurrence for a first-class witch not to sleep.

It is a feeling I find a little hard to believe.


「Good morning, Meg.」

「Good morning. Here’s your tea.」

「Thank you.」


Master slowly sips the tea I have made and takes a sigh of relief.


As she drinks her tea, I feed the small animals that have woken up.

They gather at my feet every time, looking for breakfast.

They must think that I am an automatic feeder or something.

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As if to confirm this, they start eating commercial sunflower seeds, corn, and other things.


「All right, I’m going to give you some rice. Sha-sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha-sha.」


As I take care of the small animals, I began to develop questionable raising practices.

In this way, I sometimes wonder if I am not a witch but a keeper.


I took a breather out of the study.

I head straight for the kitchen.


With an owl on my head and a carbuncle on my shoulder, I make breakfast.

Bread, salad, and bacon and eggs. And some fruit.

The same breakfast for years.


As I finish cooking, master comes out of nowhere.

Facing each other, the two of us eat our meals together.

Our table is always peaceful.




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「I’ll be gone for a bit today.」

「I’m sorry. Where now?」

「It’s the West. It’s a meeting of politicians and mages. Ten hours or more.」

「Wow, that’s a lot of work.」

「You heard it on the news. You should be more interested in politics and economics.」

「I’d rather be thinking about today’s lunch than politics and economics.」

「I don’t deny it.」

「Deny it.」


After breakfast, I see the master off to the door.


「I’ll leave you to it, then. I’ll be gone for a couple of days.」

「Leave it to me for two days, three days, even two months.」

「If I’m gone that long, I’ll lose my house.」

「What do you mean?」


I blinked and master was no longer there.


「I guess I’d better clean up then.」


Owl and Carbuncle responded to my soliloquy.

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