Chapter 110 - Bonus Chapter - Rebellious Master Su and the Cold Immortal

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The Grand Immortal Pavilion would select the most popular immortal every hundred years.if you are reading not reading this on puretl(.)com then this chapter has been stolen

There were some jackpots in the previous elections. If you won, you could get the qualification to travel to other worlds, work reduction and so on.

But who stipulated that the Heavenly Monarch could not participate in this competition?

"As a leader, you should be the same as any other immortal." Su Yu was now a fairy who had been baptized by modern management knowledge. "That means we should be equal."

After three reincarnations, she was now a high-end technical expert and management expert.

"Otherwise, I can change jobs and become a monarch on my own."

Su Yu didn't care whether he agreed or not. She carried her cauldron with high spirits and walked out of the Grand Immortal Pavilion.

Heavenly Monarch Xiao held down the chicken heart skewer for a long time and found that his chest was shaking.

The Jasper Turtle couldn't help but stretch out its little claw, press his chest and touch its own little fairy heart. "Heavenly Monarch, your heart beats faster than mine. Uh, I want to say, this grilled skewer is weirdly fragrant. If you don't need it, can you give it to me—"

Before it finished speaking, there was only a piece of flying robes left in front of him.

This chicken heart skewer, dipped in the barbecue sauce specially prepared by Master Su, had been improved for three generations.

The fragrant herbs and cumin had been sautéed in oil in advance. The color of the sauce incorporated an unforgettable fragrance and a softer spice flavor.

Just before the sauce was completely cooked, she added the second half of the ground cumin powder to add a strong and bright impact to the taste buds without burning it in high fiery oil temperature.

It was fresh but not salty, fragrant but not greasy, pungent but not overpowering, and sweet but not too sweet. The sauce densely wrapped the chicken hearts with just the right heat, not fishy or gamey.

Xiao Muge tore two or three pieces from the wooden barbecue skewer in one bite. It melted into his lips and teeth with the long-lasting fragrance of the ancient wood bathed in heat.

Jasper Turtle hummed and finally moved back to the nine-story tower. However, it saw a suspicious red sauce at the corner of its lord's mouth.

"I thought you were coming back to handle official business, but you were hiding and eating alone!"

A certain immortal looked down at the official document and pretended that nothing had happened.

Since then, the immortal world no longer had the bitter aura of medicinal pills. Finally, Fairy Su completed her immortal pursuit - making her medicinal pills fragrant.

The elixir tower had resumed business and more immortals were queueing this time.

All the fines issued to her by the nine-story tower were also withdrawn.

But the meeting in the nine-story tower soon ushered in a new problem.

"Heavenly Monarch, cough, cough, cough, please forgive this little one for being rude. I chirp day and night to announce the time, and my throat... cough... I need to take a Golden Throat Treasure Pill before I report."

Heavenly Monarch Xiao, who was listening to the immortals reporting one by one, couldn't help but face the person. It was a little sky rooster official, who was constantly coughing.

The little sky rooster official, Ting Xiao, his real body was a big rooster. Only after practicing for three thousand years did he achieve a positive result and he was included in the immortal class.

But his voice had a long-standing problem brought about by occupational disease.

Immortal energy could repair his broken throat, but he chirpped in the fairy world day and night, letting all immortals hear the time. His throat just collapsed soon after it was repaired.

The little sky rooster official's 'pharyngitis' voice used to rely on Fairy Su Yu's golden voice pill to survive.if you are reading not reading this on puretl(.)com then this chapter has been stolen

However, previously, Fairy Su Yu left for a hundred years. He had to find other alchemy immortals to buy medicinal pills. But the medicinal effect was average, and it could only be comfortable for a short period of time. So, now he had to take one every day to stop his cough.

All the immortals knew this.

"Well, you use it."

Xiao Muge also loved immortals who had been working diligently and served the fairy world for many years, especially those who had been injured at work.

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Moreover, this little sky rooster official coughed every time they met, so he was used to it.

He also asked Jasper Turtle to send a cup of jade dew to the rooster so that he would not be thirsty after taking the pill.

"Thank you for your care." The rooster was very grateful.

Xiao Muge nodded, but the next moment his brows moved.

He saw that the other party took out a narrow jade box with the writing "Produced by the Seven-Story Elixir Tower" engraved on the box.

After opening it, the little sky rooster official carefully took out an arm.

Xiao Muge raised his eyebrows.


A strange and crisp sound, accompanied by the movement of the rooster putting it in his mouth and biting it, sounded clearly in the hall.

Afterward, a spicy aroma filled the tower.

This time, all the immortals on the front, back, left and right all turned their attention to the little sky rooster official.

"Eh, at the time of yesterday... during the day..." The immortal general who was reporting had lost his train of thought.

Crack, crack, crack, hiss, thump.

The sound of eating with gusto continued to sound in the hall, accompanied by a mortal fragrance that seduced the hearts of immortals.

Xiao Muge propped up his forehead and held down the throbbing of his temples. "Sky rooster, Ting Xiao."

"Heavenly Monarch," immortal Ting Xiao hissed, "I didn't mean to. I'm just taking the improved version of the Golden Throat Treasure Pill."

Xiao Muge: "..."

The sky rooster, Ting Xiao, talked while stretching out a few pieces of broken bones from his mouth.

As soon as he spoke, the rest of the immortals couldn't help stretching their necks to watch.

Fairy Su was back, but not all fairies had visited her.

Now they had seen her elixir.

"Elixir can have broken bones?"

"Well, the sauce-flavored duck neck!?"

"This… sky rooster official, Fairy Su gave you a pill with the shape that complements your true form!"

"How much does this cost? It looks like a big amount. Ting Xiao, you've been chewing for a long time."

The little sky rooster official was very happy and satisfied and didn't have time to answer them. He was too busy chewing on this exciting duck neck.

He could chew for a long time after taking a bite of the meat with a strong flavor.

"Hey, don't bother me when I'm eating my pill. After I finish eating, I have to report to Heavenly Monarch about my chirping work."

Heavenly Monarch Xiao: "..."

This was a meeting full of flavors and crackles.

In the process, while all the immortals were absent-minded, it ended.

The next day, when he opened his eyes, he didn't hear the announcement of the dawn by the sky rooster. Instead, there was a whistling whistle-like flute in his ears.

"The sky officer is not lazy. This is how he tells the time today."

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Jasper Turtle had already asked.

"This flute is the magic weapon for telling the time that he spits out after eating the Golden Throat Treasure Pill. It is a Sixth Grade Immortal Flute..."

One elixir with two uses.

Fairy Su Yu fundamentally solved the 'pharyngitis' problem of the little sky rooster official.

He just needed to blow a few times and it announced the time.

"Uh, Heavenly Monarch, I just went there and found that the sky rooster, Ting Xiao, is now her die-hard loyalist. You might get one less vote for this year's selection of the most popular fairy."



[You have one vote. With this one vote, you will choose Fairy Su today!]

Outside the Seven-Story Elixir Pagoda, a banner with immortal characters was flying.

Fairy Su Yu was sitting on the elixir tower, rubbing Xiong Feng's bear paw and looking at the pot of soup stock.

Her seven-story elixir tower had now been remodeled. Each floor had followed the management structure of the human world's restaurant and was full of sets of tables.

While the elixir meal and magic weapon that had just come out of the pot were still steaming hot, they were immediately served on the table for the guest immortals to enjoy. Now they received rave reviews.

At the door, she also specially placed two door gods - two stone statues of the Jasper Turtle, the pet mascot of the Heavenly Monarch.

Nowadays, whatever immortal announcement in the fairy world was distributed by the Jasper Turtle.

All immortals were afraid to see this turtle. Its face was a deterrent.

Originally, she wanted to aggrieve Heavenly Monarch Xiao to get his statue to watch the door for her. But when his stone statues were ready, Xiong Feng did not allow her to put it at the door, even risking its own death.

She had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, using the Jasper Turtle to anger the Heavenly Monarch, ahem.

"It's all right. I have already sent the turtle a fee for its image rights. Ten tortoise breads every ten days. He likes it very much and has agreed to let me use it."

Xiong Feng had nothing to say.

Finally, when it was time for the voting in the Grand Immortal Pavilion to be announced, Su Yu took a deep breath in front of the soup pot.

She opened the pot's lid, picked up a tube bone from it, and sucked up the tender and delicious marrow inside it.

This was the ultimate art.

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Immortals would also get drunk for it.

The rich juice was continuous and the salty freshness was also full of spring-like sweetness and nourishing oil.

What was more, dip the bone in a simple plate of chili oil and eat the meat on top.

This long hollow bone was enlarged by three feet and fell into her palm, blooming with the silver brilliance of a magic weapon.

Su Yu walked to the top of the seven-story pagoda and held it in front of her.

She was pressing Xiong Feng's furry back. Xiong Feng immediately lifted her on its shoulders, made her stand up and looked at another tower that was separated by a few immortal clouds in the distance.

"Let's go a little further~"

"Good guy, he is still burning incense and cleaning his hands. Is he very confident that he will win the vote today?"

"Uh, this arm muscle - it's a waste not to use it to chop bones for me."

"He's changing into a Taoist robe. What does he mean? Does he want to use his looks to canvass votes?"

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Inside the nine-story tower.

Heavenly Monarch Xiao, who was changing his clothes, paused as he half unbuttoned his clothes as if he felt something.

Across the thousands of layers of clouds, he looked somewhere far away with a dark expression.

"This arm, this waist... You continue... Why did you stop..."

Su Yu held the 'telescope' and moved left and right.

Then, the two's lines of sight met.


As if nothing had happened, Fairy Su Yu put down her magic weapon of clairvoyance, the telescope.

Then she covered her beating heart.

"As expected of the Heavenly Monarch. He is still a bit scary."

Xiong Feng stretched out its palms and patted her shoulders.

Fairy Su Yu coughed lightly. "Well, his appearance is really good."

"Xiong Feng, how can you peek at other people? You don't care about immortal virtue."


Su Yu was late with a cauldron on her back. She arrived at the same time as the Heavenly Monarch Xiao, who had just finished dressing and was now wearing a robe of gold silk with a profound bottom.

She couldn't help but stare under his shoulders. Her eyes were sliding to where she had just seen.

"Cough." Xiong Feng hurriedly pushed her to wake up. Su Yu wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth.


"Let's start." Xiao Muge looked away from her and walked to his seat.

"Once in a hundred years, the most praised fairy, which is more beautiful than flower~"

The sky rooster official nibbled on a duck collarbone and duck tongue pill, saying loudly. "Let's reveal it together!"

Hundred flowers fell, and a huge immortal stone slowly rose from the center of the Grand Immortal Pavilion in the middle of waves from the Immortal Pond.

After each immortal's name was listed, flowers and leaves fell one after another.

The sky rooster official immediately took a step forward.

All the immortals stretched their necks.

"Fairy Lan He: 3 votes, Fairy Huarong: 11 votes..."

"Fairy Su Yu: 2,941 votes..."

"The Nine-Story Tower Heavenly Monarch: 2,941 votes...!"

The immortals were sluggish.

'It turned out to be the same number of votes?'

Su Yu grimaced and looked at the cold immortal who was sitting in the top seat.

Xiao Muge was also looking at her. His eyes stopped on her bright facial features.

The Immortal Stone flew between them in an instant.

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In a flash, two talismans were condensed from hundreds of flowers.

[One day in the sky and one hundred years in the ground.]

[Because the number of votes for the two immortals is close, the Grand Immortal Pavilion decided to test one more time.]

[This morning, an immortal reported that mortal cultivators and demon cultivators would encounter an evil catastrophe of the thousand-year-old. It is very likely that the mortal world will be turbulent and suffer a lot of losses.]

[Two immortals will descend to earth. One day in the sky for a hundred years in the ground. Whoever can stop this catastrophe with the body of a mortal is the most popular immortal this year!]

Immortals were not allowed to influence the mortal world at will.

Unless they were reborn and reincarnated as human beings, then become heroes in troubled times and save the people like a dragon and a phoenix.

The immortals did not expect such a test.

"Okay, let's go now." Su Yu carried her kitchen knife and smiled confidently.

She took a step towards the vortex of the two-world passage that had appeared between the boulders.

But halfway through, the telescope fell out of her sleeve.


Fairy Su blushed. She hurriedly stretched out her hand to reach it, but with a flash, her foot stepped on a void and she fell on her back into the vortex.

"—Xiong Feng!"

A man in a black robe was one step faster than the fluffy and plump figure.

Turning around, Su Yu was pulled by a strong, gentle hand.

His black eyes reflected the five-petal fire lotus between her forehead.

As she fell, she smashed into his chest.

'Really, his look is really not bad.'

Fairy Su leaned into his chest.

With this last thought, her sight fell into darkness.

"Oh no, Fairy Su didn't bring Xiong Feng... hurry up and throw Xiong Feng down to her."

"What about the elixir tower? Throw it down too?"

"Throw it down. Otherwise, how can she compare with a reincarnation of the Heavenly Monarch as a mortal?"

"Ah! Oops, I threw it on Fairy Su's head!"

"This... should be fine, right?"


In Nanxun, Taoist Mu hummed a little song and rode his flying sword from the secret realm.

But in the middle of the road, he encountered a boy with beautiful bones. He couldn't help but stop in surprise.

"I found such a cultivation genius with such wonderful meridians?"

He laughed and took the boy back to his mountain, but when he approached the foot of Nanxun Mountain, he unexpectedly met another homeless girl with wonderful roots.

"My God, I'm scared. Am I being blessed by heaven and earth, to find the dragon among men?"

"Okay, from today onwards, you are my precious disciples."

"We need to support each other, you know?"

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