Chapter 20 (2): Eight Treasures Mushroom Soup

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Now in Zhiqiong Peak, there are a total of thirty-nine disciples.

Since their master, Taoist Mu, disappeared, Zhi Qiong Peak lost a Nascent Soul cultivator's protection and cultivation guidance. Many disciples had already left or moved to other peaks.

The seven core disciples, like Wei Zhao and Lu Yizhou, were all orphans or injured children picked up by Taoist Mu back then. They regarded him as a savior and were grateful and revered him. They will not leave the peak.

The remaining thirty-two people were disciples whom senior brother, Xiao Muge, had picked up. They are all still in the Qi refining period. Most of them were not qualified enough, so when they were admitted to the Inner Sect, no other peaks wanted them. So they stayed under Zhiqiong Peak.

Now they are also grateful and willing to stay on Zhiqiong Peak, but their cultivation base is low. They can't help much in the big competition.

Hang Wan'er called them back this time, and most of them came back in time.

"Fourth Senior Brother, who is in the middle stage of foundation building, is in retreat. Fifth Senior Brother, who is in the early stage of foundation building, has not returned. He sent a jade slip and said that he would arrive in six days. There are three people above the seventh level of Qi refining, and the rest are all below the seventh level. Among them, there are four who have not returned."

"From thirty-nine people, we are missing six."

Su Yu hummed and immediately pointed to an cast iron pot about half a person's height on the stove. "You take this Eight Treasure Mushroom Soup and share it with everyone. If it's not enough, just wash it off and return the pot to me. I'll ask your sixth senior brother to buy some more mushrooms."

[T/N: Eight Treasures Mushroom Soup (pictured above) is just chicken & mushroom soup with seven types of mushrooms, including hime-matsutake, chanterelles, tea tree mushrooms, bamboo fungus, cordyceps flowers, oyster mushroom, king oyster mushrooms, and also red dates to make up the 'treasures' to eight.]

Hang Wan'er's pretty face was startled, "I'm here because of this, senior sister?"

"Yes. The sun is about to set. What else can we do?" Su Yu couldn't think of anything other than distributing staff meals to boost the army's morale at this time.

Hang Wan'er smiled bitterly. "I thought Second Senior Sister would gather everyone and give us some tips on swordsmanship. When Sixth Senior Brother returned from Wanjian Mountain, he said that your understanding of swordsmanship is superb, and your attainments are second only to the Senior Brother. Now the junior brothers and sisters don't believe it and didn't even dare to ask Second Senior Sister."

Su Yu: "..."

That kid, Yan Yan, even made things up for her.

"For sword training, let them find the elders of swords mountains. I don't care," Su Yu said while asking Hang Wan'er to add a dust avoidance and heat preservation spell to the cast iron soup pot. "I'm just taking care of your food."

Hang Wan'er was helpless. Ever since she came back from challenging Qian Qingqiu that day, Second Senior Sister has been working in her small kitchen every day. She fell in love with cooking.

But thinking of the Five Immortal Rope and Hoof Flower pill refined by Second Senior Sister, she did not dare to question her.

"Senior sister, I'll go right now."

Su Yu nodded and immediately sat back arbitrarily on the reclining chair in the small kitchen, then closed her eyes to rest.

"Sixth Senior Brother, you said that Second Senior Sister is very skilled in swordsmanship, and she was once a genius. So will she be in the ring this time?"

In the challenge, it will be five to five. We only have four people in the foundation-building stages. There is still one person missing!"

"Really? Let Second Senior Sister come? Can she do it? Sixth senior brother, please give me a change. I'm at the eighth level of Qi refining anyway. I... I think I'm stronger than Second Senior Sister at the fifth level."

"What, she's at the seventh level? That's still one level lower than me."

"I'm hard working. Unlike... Second Senior Sister. I have never seen her practice swordsmanship."

In the sword forest of Zhiqiong Peak, a group of junior brothers and sisters chatted around Yan Yan.

Yan Yan, who had two swords pinned to his waist, returned from Wanjian Mountain after ten days. He just stepped into the third level of Guiyi Swordsmanship.

When he stood in the forest at this moment, his aura was sharp, but after listening to their group questioning, he felt a sea of ​​pain.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to tell his third senior brother about his breakthrough, he talked about his second senior sister's swordsmanship talent. Hang Wan'er spread this matter, and now everyone on the peak knew about it. Now, wherever he goes, his junior brothers and sisters come to ask him, which is very annoying.

"If you want to know her strength, then you can have a test with her." Yan Yan frowned.

A group of disciples hissed back.

They dare not. She has never been good to them, and they still want to compete with her? Wouldn't that mean that they will be beaten until bloody? Is it possible to blame the stick then!

Even the blue-robe eighth-level qi-refining disciple who just rushed in the front was as strong as a cow, but he was sweating on his forehead and shrank back. "Talking to her is scarier than fighting against a Golden Core."

"Little Sixteen, what are you talking about!"

Hang Wan'er landed from the sky, carrying a big iron pot, and slammed it to the ground. She pointed at him and scolded him while akimbo, "It's been a long time since you saw Second Senior Sister, and you just slandered her behind her back? Have the guts. Go and say it in front of Senior Sister! (Gagging)—"

Yan Yan's expression was complicated.

Seventh Junior Sister feels sick when she sees the male sword cultivator. How could she fight in the Great Competition arena?

But just as he was about to speak, he was reprimanded by Hang Wan'er, "Second Senior Sister has worked hard to cook soup for you, but you are very good. You are not practicing for the competition and are still playing here! Come here, pour the soup one by one, and drink it all. Then immediately go to Yuqiong Peak to listen to the qin song and practice!"

All the disciples took a step back.

'Second Senior Sister... cook soup for us?'

They all shivered when thinking of her gloomy and uncertain face in the past. Since when did she do things for them?

'Are you sure this soup is drinkable?'

"Senior Sister Seven, I've already taken a Bigu Pill."

"Yes! Me too..."

"Yeah, me too."


The five immortal rope around Hang Wan'er's waist was whipped on the ground. On the spot, the brown soil where they were standing cracked in circles!

"What do you say? Speak louder."

A group of Qi Refining disciples: ...

Yan Yan smiled bitterly. "I'll get it first. Do you have my share?"


Hang Waner hummed angrily, "Of course."

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She took out the bowls and dishes from her bag and distributed them to the crowd. She also kept a porcelain bowl in her hand.

Well, if it wasn't for worrying about everyone's food and clothing costs, with Second Senior Sister's talent, she was already the best alchemist in Nanxun. How could she be confined to Zhiqiong Peak's small kitchen?

Hang Wan'er sighed.

But just as she was sad, she opened the soup pot's lid, and a savory, delicious gamey scent rushed into her nostrils.

This rich aroma seems to be born in the depths of the secret realm, which has hundreds of branched vines. These vines and leaves are constantly floating in the wind, stroking the tip of her nose and her lips, making her take a deep breath and almost get drunk.

At this moment, the pores all over the body opened comfortably, and her Dantian trembled lightly.

And within a few breaths, the strong fragrance of this domineering scent has spread from the square inch of the soup pot to the entire forest!

All the disciples, who were reluctant while holding their porcelain bowls, couldn't help but look at ease.

"This...was it done by Second Senior Sister?"

Zhao Ran, the most sturdy-looking sword cultivator, ranked sixteenth, couldn't help but wipe his mouth. Fortunately, he didn't touch anything wet.

Holding the bowl, he subconsciously took two steps towards the pot.

"What's the hurry? All of you, come one by one." Hang Wan'er also suppressed her craving, thinking that she was already fasting, suppressing the greed that she wanted to enjoy the whole soup pot alone. She gave the soup to Yan Yan and the rest of the disciples in order. Each person got a spoonful into their empty bowl.

The soup that was scooped out was as clear as a mountain spring, but upon closer inspection, its color was like broken gold had been dissolved in the sunlight. There were a lot of golden-colored oily beads floating in the soup. This oil bead landed on the bottom of the white porcelain bowl and swayed gently when the heat rose, which was really beautiful.

Suddenly, bursts of saliva came out.

"Senior sister, what about me? I don't have a bowl!" The disciple who was just happy because the bowl was empty in front of him was about to cry when he saw it now.

"Didn't you just say that you have taken Bigu Pill?"

"! Senior Sister... I was wrong..."

Hang Wan'er snorted and gave him her bowl, "Drink it first and then wash it with spiritual water. I don't have a spare."

Before she could finish her sentence, a loud swallowing sound sounded in the forest.

Everyone immediately looked at Zhao Ran, who was ranked sixteenth and had a burly physique. They saw that he eagerly picked up his bowl and swallowed the soup whole. The pale golden liquid flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Soon his body stiffened, and he let out a long, comfortable sigh that seemed to come from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. Then, his expression changed drastically, and he suddenly raised his sword. The sword flicked a drop of soup that was about to drip into his robe in time and shot it into his mouth again.

'Not a single drop should fall.'

The corners of the disciples' mouths were stunned.

"It's unbearable, Little Sixteen."


"I saw Brother Sixteen taking two Bigu Pills earlier!"

"Brother Sixteen, we are immortal cultivators, after all. Why are you doing this?"

He also curiously picked up the bowl in his hand and tasted it.

As a result, the moment their lips touched the edge of the bowl, they all stopped talking.

There is an extremely abundant spiritual energy mixed between the fascinating aroma. When they inhale it, they actually feel that their Dantian trembles.

They hurriedly raised their arms high, increasing the arc of the bowl.

The warm golden liquid flows smoothly from the tips of their teeth and through their throats. The delicious mushrooms seem to have grown for more than a hundred years, permeating the strong vitality that the spring breeze cannot blow.

After leaving a mellow and salty fragrance on the tip of the tongue, the umami of century-old mushrooms came in like a surging wave. Finally, it left a trace of moisturizing and sweet aftertaste, along with the aroma and heat, along their two veins, directly sinking into the Dantian.

Before the bowl was put down, the meridians around their bodies were already running fast, and their Dantian was hot.

The swords in their hands nearly fell to the ground.

A steady stream of spiritual energy poured into their meridians one after another. The speed at which their Dantian absorbed the spiritual energy was at least five times faster than normal meditation!

"Seventh Senior Sister, I... Is our sword forest dissipated?"

The sword forest in Zhiqiong Peak is filled with the powerful sword aura left by their senior brother, Xiao Muge, and other disciples' daily sword practice. The sword qi caused the aura in the surrounding area to be very sharp.

Even if they are sword cultivators, it is extremely difficult to absorb spiritual energy in this sword forest. At most, they could absorb three or four out of ten.

But now... they all feel that this spiritual energy is obedient, and they can absorb it how they want!

All the disciples turned red all over. They almost wanted to bow their heads and lick the soup bowl that was already empty in their hands.

'What kind of soup is this?'

'No, how is this soup? This is clearly a watered Spirit Gathering powder!'

It has a delicious taste and domineering stamina. The speed of their cultivation was accelerated. They have only read about it in the description of the Spirit Gathering powder at the sect exchange office!

Hang Wan'er was dumbfounded. 'Spirit Gathering powder?'

"Seventh Senior Sister, this Spirit Gathering Powder is so easy to use. No wonder you need a thousand spirit stones for a bottle. Hey, I was never willing to buy before. Tomorrow, I'll go to the exchange office to buy a bottle!

"No wonder the cultivation speed of first-rank peaks and second-rank peaks is so fast."

"Yes, when I take this watered powder, I also feel that I have an extraordinary talent and become a wizard of cultivation! I feel that if I continue to take it, I will be able to refine the ninth level of Qi Refining next month!

"I have always been slow. But I felt the unimpeded surging sense of spiritual power for the first time."

One by one, their eyes glowed.

Soon, the sixteenth junior brother, Zhao Ran, who was the first to take it, finally came to his senses. He was excited and surprised, "I didn't expect Second Senior Sister to be willing to give us so much Spirit Gathering powder. How many spirit stones does this big pot cost? "


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As soon as he said that, all the disciples were stunned, and shame flashed on their faces.

Just now, they didn't want to drink her soup and questioned her behind her back. In the end, they received her favor.

"This single bowl, at least three hundred spirit stones!"

"Then this pot is probably five thousand spirit stones, right?"

The younger brothers and sisters speculated excitedly.

Hang Wan'er listened, and a hint of surprise overflowed on her pretty face. It turns out that Second Senior Sister has been concocting alchemy in the small kitchen these days. She has been painstakingly researching the cultivation problems of all the disciples of Zhiqiong Peak!

But when she looked at the golden and clear soup, she was stunned, "This... is not a Spirit Gathering powder."

A group of juniors and sisters: "Huh?"

Hang Wan'er took out a jade bottle from her spatial storage bag with a strange expression, which Qian Qingqiu lost to her. This bottle of spirit gathering powder was from the sect exchange office. She opened the jade cover and showed it to Zhao Ran and others.

"When Spirit Gathering Powder is soluble in water, it is colorless and odorless."

The disciples took a look and saw that the powder in the jade bottle was golden, but there was not even a strange scent.

After carefully feeling it, Zhao Ran immediately felt a little disgusted. "I feel that this spiritual energy is not as rich as the soup given by Second Sister."

The other disciples nodded.

Hang Wan'er inhaled. "Did you just say that after taking this soup, your training speed has increased by four or five times?"


"Yes, I finally know what it's like to be gifted!"

Everyone babbled.

Hang Wan'er immediately turned her fair face towards the direction of the small kitchen in the backyard with admiration. In her mind, Su Yu stood with her hands behind her back and was dressed in a ginger-yellow dress. She was very dazzling.

"If you take some Spirit Gathering powder, the training speed of someone in the Foundation Building stage will increase by about 20%. It will increase by about 40% in the Qi refining stage." Hang Wan'er has been taking some Spirit Gathering powder for three days, so she has a deep understanding.


Spirit gathering powder can only increase cultivation speed by 40%? That bowl of golden soup just now made them at least five times better!

The whole bamboo forest was silent.

This soup is really not the same thing as the spirit gathering powder. It is much stronger than that!

Yan Yan also put down the empty bowl in his hand, "Did she say the name of this elixir powder?"

Hang Wan'er's red lips parted slightly, "...It seems to be called Eight Treasure Mushroom... soup."

'Eight Treasure Mushroom Soup powder!'

All the younger brothers and sisters looked fascinated. Just hearing the name, it is really like a spirit gathering powder.

But soon, a disciple with a good memory said, "Senior Seventh Sister, I remember you just said that Second Senior Sister made this soup. Do you mean, Second Senior Sister melted the powder in the water herself?"


Hang Wan'er took a deep breath, "No."

"Listen, what I'm about to say is amazing, but every word is true."

All the juniors and sisters: "?"

Hang Wan'er looked at the small kitchen reverently, "She made it. Our second senior sister refined this Eight Treasure Mushroom soup elixir."



A group of people gasped, took their bowls, and stepped back.

Although their time at the peak is not as long as the core disciples of Zhiqiong Peak, they all know the situation of their Second Senior Sister.

'How could she do alchemy?'

'Isn't she a sword cultivator? Didn't her spiritual roots mutate into five, and she became a cultivator with low aptitude!'

'Why did he suddenly concoct pills, and how did she even make an elixir that is even better than the sect's Spirit Gathering powder!'

"What Seventh Senior Sister said is really scary."

"Brother Sixteen, am I dreaming? You pinch me?"

"Don't make trouble. I'm in a dream too."

Hang Wan'er: "..."

She sternly said, "Second Senior Sister is working hard for us now. Don't chill her heart anymore. Cultivate well in the future, and treat her with more respect."

Yan Yan stood aside and was expressionless, but there was a bit of moving approval in his cat's eyes.

Her words made all the brothers and sisters recover after a long time.

Their thoughts were disordered, but the deliciousness of the mushroom soup remained between their lips and teeth.

They exercised the spiritual energy in their body quickly, just like stepping on the clouds with one foot.

They thought their Eldest Brother was missing, and they were all humble disciples with no one to protect them.

Their third-rank peaks exist in name only.

Unexpectedly, their Second Senior Sister actually refined such an elixir for them to take.

Isn't this better than the treatment of first and second-class disciples?

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Everyone was moved.

"I... I shouldn't have been talking about Senior Sister behind her back."

"Seventh Senior Sister, I was wrong."

"Senior Sister is right. I'll go to Yuqiong Peak and refine this Eight Treasure Mushroom soup elixir!"

"Yes, so am I. I'll step up to Yuqiong Peak to listen to the qin practice. I don't know if the acceleration effect can be maintained for a few days. Thank you, Second Senior Sister, for giving the elixir."

"Sixth Senior Brother, if Second Senior Sister want any more monsters, tell me. I will go to the exchange office to buy it for her next time." The Sixteenth Junior Brother, a sword cultivator who was in charge of running errands for Yan Yan and Su Yu, took the initiative to undertake the task. After he finished speaking, he hurried to Yuqiong Peak.

In no time, everyone went to practice!

Hang Wan'er was full of relief.

Since their Eldest brother also disappeared, these younger brothers and sisters have not spoken much, but in fact, their hearts have been corrupted. They lost a major pillar, and there has not been any motivation for everyone to forge ahead for Zhiqiong Peak for a long time.


She clenched her fists. "Senior Brother Six, I suddenly feel that I have a far-reaching vision. This time, we may be able to rush into second-rank peak qualification!"

Yan Yan's brows and feet twitched, and he silently put his right hand on the spirit sword around his waist. "Then you should break through to the middle stage of foundation establishment as soon as possible."

Hang Wan'er snorted, "Sixth senior brother too. Sixth senior brother must not lose to me. (Gagging)"

Yan Yan: "..."

'I don't know if Second Senior Sister has any medicine for her.'


At Yuqiong Peak.

After Qian Qingqiu finished the song, he looked around.

He stood up and walked to Lin Zhen in the small pavilion by the water. With hatred that iron doesn't become steel, he said, "You deserted again?"

Lin Zhen, who was practicing: "?"

Qian Qingqiu looked to the edge of the rockery where a group of disciples from Zhiqiong Peak temporarily practiced. "The Qi-refining sword cultivators of Zhiqiong Peak can stir up the world's spiritual energy faster than you are, someone in the middle stage of foundation building. How dare you say that you are not lazy?"

Lin Zhen: ...

"Extra practice for two hours a day."

Lin Zhen: "!"



Within the Nanxun faction, one hundred and eight peaks were busy everywhere. All the disciples of the peaks were preparing for the competition.

When bitter Winter Osmanthus bloomed, it was finally time for the first round of the competition—the third-level peak challenge.

Anyone who wants to challenge a third-rank peak can send a challenge letter within three days. Three days later, on the Battle Tower in the center of Nanxun, there will be twelve arenas guarded by the elders of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Each arena is for each third-class peak. If they lose, they must submit their third-rank qualification to the winner.

The challenges of the twelve third-level peaks are all announced on the taskbar in front of the tower.

It is available to see at any time.

"The total of 58 peaks have challenged us... I knew they were taking advantage."

A blue-robed disciple was standing on a flying wooden boat. He is wearing a bamboo hat and carrying a suitcase, and he cursed at a glance of this announcement.

"Zhiqiong Peak is definitely not going to last."

"Haha, I wonder if they had taken the spirit stone allowance for the third-level peak this year? After the competition, it will not be theirs."

The blue-robed disciple looked ugly.

But the female cultivator beside him comfortably pressed his shoulder.

"It's okay, Dong Lang. I have already sent a jade slip to my senior brother. If your Zhiqiong Peak loses your third-rank qualification, we can just live together on our Yuqiong Peak. Our second-rank peak has better resources than you."

The male cultivator in a blue robe and bamboo hat immediately nodded as if he were a chicken pecking at rice.

"Yingying, thank you. I'll go back to the mountain to tell my brothers and sisters."


It didn't take long for the blue-robed and bamboo hat male cultivator to control the flying boat under his feet to land on the top of Zhiqiong Peak.

He saw Wei Zhao in a wheelchair from a distance, with Hang Wan'er in red next to him. They were standing side by side with a female cultivator in a yellow dress whom he could only see her back.

"Third Senior Brother, Seventh Junior Sister, I'm back!"

He took off his hat, revealing a handsome face with red lips and white teeth. He has a pair of peach blossom eyes full of amorous feelings.

"I will tell you the good news. It doesn't matter if we lose tomorrow. We can all move to the second-class Yuqiong Peak. I have agreed with Yingying. Yuqiong Peak is full of spiritual energy, and there are only thirty-nine of us. There is no problem."

Wei Zhao and Hang Wan'er were startled.

Su Yu, who was standing beside them, finally looked away from the thriving spirit chickens on the ground. She turned to look at the very handsome male practitioner in front of her, only to see that he was tall and handsome.

A line of ink floated faintly from the letter in the storage bag around her waist.

[Fifth junior brother, Yu Dong, was originally a tool refiner. However, in recent years, he has always wanted to join his wife's family and has given up on himself. After Master's disappearance, he deeply felt that it was useless to cultivate until the Nascent Soul, and cultivating immortality was a dead end. I am afraid that he will go astray. When his lifespan is exhausted, he will blame his mistake on others, and it will be too late to regret it.]

After Su Yu finished reading this note, her eyebrows and feet jumped.

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Master Su's back kitchen never feeds idle people. It's even worse for people to eat soft rice like this.

"Wei Zhao, is this my unsatisfactory fifth junior brother?" Su Yu's red lips parted lightly.

Yu Dong: "!?"

"Why am I unsatisfactory?" Yu Dong was not angry, but his handsome face chuckled lightly. "I was running around for Zhiqiong Peak outside. Compared to me, Senior Sister was in the room all day and didn't see anyone. How can you find a place full of spiritual energy for your younger brothers and sisters to practice."

'If you talk about people who won't live up to expectations, Second Senior Sister is the first in Zhiqiong Peak.'

'Fortunately, Third Senior Brother can distinguish right from wrong and preside over the overall situation. Although the Seventh Junior Sister hates male cultivators, she is also usually fair.'

As Yu Dong said, he asked with a smile, "I'm more useful than Second Senior Sister. Third Senior Brother, Seventh Junior Sister, don't you think so?"

"You—you bastard!" Hang Wan'er wanted to slap him at once, "Second senior sister's big things can also be comparable to you?"

Yu Dong: "!?"

Wei Zhao also frowned. "Fifth Junior Brother, how many days have you been late? Tomorrow is a big competition, but you only return today. You also offend Senior Sister as soon as you come back. It will be fine if you admit your mistake. You will be fined for copying two volumes of the Nanxun Gate Regulations."

Yu Dong did not believe it.

He finally finished managing the future of Zhiqiong Peak. Why would he rush back now for? Can't he even be compared with the uncertain Second Senior Sister?

They even helped her teach him a lesson?

'Third Senior Brother, you have changed! Seventh Junior Sister, why are you like this?'


He looked at the two in disappointment and sorrow, but a jade slip flew down in the air.

Yu Dong recognized the mark of Yuqiong Peak with a smile on his face. "Senior Brother, I'll read it to you."

[As soon as I returned to Yuqiong Peak, I heard from my senior brother that we are allies with your Zhiqiong Peak. Your junior brothers and sisters have been cultivating in my Yuqiong Peak for many days. Our two peaks will be close to each other and work together toward the goal of a first-class peak. Why did you ask me about relocating and seeking refuge?]

Yu Dong: "!?"

Su Yu didn't even look at this salted fish soft rice guy and waved to Wei Zhao, "Tell him everything. I'm going to rest."

[T/N: Salted fish = A lazy person who only wants to lie down. Soft rice = A man who is financially supported by a woman.]

If he gets worse, she won't be polite.

In Master Su's kitchen, she would never let a lazy guy near the stove!

After Su Yu finished speaking, she left with her hands behind her back.

"Hey, Fifth Senior Brother, no matter how ignorant you are, don't make Senior Sister feel chilled. For the Great Competition, I will let Sixteenth go in the first round. It just happens that the big guy can be used." Hang Wan'er sighed with emotion.

Yu Dong: "??"

When he left, didn't that kid only in the eighth level of Qi refining?

Wei Zhao smiled wryly, "Fifth Junior Brother, go and copy the sect rules first and reflect on it overnight. Tomorrow is a big competition. It is too late for you to cultivate. But from now on, follow the instructions of Senior Sister, and don't act recklessly."

Yu Dong took a step back, and his eyes were full of trauma.

Zhiqiong Peak... He can't even recognize it. How can he get to this point?

Listening to her command, wouldn't that be more self-deprecating than what he does!

By the next day, Yu Dong has copied the sect's rules after staying up all night. He drank some spirit tea, so he was not too tired.

When he walked out of the discipline room set up by his senior brother, he saw the leader seat of Zhiqiong Peak. At this moment, all the disciples stood in front of Su Yu.

Su Yu was beside Wei Zhao in a wheelchair, who was speaking on her behalf.

"Today's first game, according to the order of the challenge, is the Changying Peak which has no rank. Their highest level is in the early stage of the Golden Core. We will try to win as quickly as possible, entangle the opponent's golden core, and defeat the remaining four Foundation Building quickly."

Yu Dong frowned.

The first battle was a tough one. Just considering the enemy's four foundation buildings, it was difficult for them to win five against four, not to mention their early stage of Golden Core.

He is not good at fighting, and his fourth brother is not good at attacking with qin art. After thinking about it, only Sixth Brother can use a sword.

How can they win?

But Wei Zhao quickly finished allocating the target. "Seventh Junior Sister, you are in charge of the Golden Core. Sixth Junior Brother, the remaining four are handed over to you. Let's go, let's go!"

Yu Dong: "???"

Is this Arabian Nights fantasy? Maybe Third Senior Brother was injured in his Golden Core, so the whole person is confused?

"Third Senior Brother," he hurriedly caught up, "What about me?"

Yan Yan glanced at him and said nothing.

Wei Zhao lowered his head and pondered, "You, we won't be able to use you for the time being. For now, you just make up a number in the ring and wait for an opportunity."

Yu Dong: ...

Hang Wan'er followed Su Yu, holding a big white porcelain bowl.

After Su Yu nodded, she immediately took a pair of chopsticks to distribute ten pieces of cherry-pink plum blossom-shaped small objects to each person going to battle. They were distributed on the empty plate they voluntarily took out.

"You can take it. Just in case you run out of spiritual power."

Yu Dong was stunned.

Hang Wan'er simply gave him the rest of the bowl, "Take it. Don't break it, or senior sister will be angry."

Yu Dong was stunned and was about to speak when a faint plum fragrance hit him.

Just after breathing in, he felt that his sea of ​​​​knowledge, which had not slept all night, was instantly awake.

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