Chapter 53(2): Four Seasons Spring Boba

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It has been especially lively in Zhiqiong Peak lately, especially compared to other peaks that are more or less laying low.

Hang Wan'er and others were excited. They had never been so popular.

They couldn't help but hold their breath as they looked at Su Yu's bright yellow dress and her storage bag around her waist that looked as shiny as a golden sword.

Hang Wan'er wanted to touch it but didn't dare. Her pretty face blushed when she said, "Is this a spatial storage bag that only the elders could have? I heard that the sect head himself makes the restriction in each one of these. Except for the owner, even the gods can't open it."

Therefore, Zhiqiong Peak's thousand-mile sound transmission incense cauldron was taken out again.

"Master, Senior Brother, Second Senior Sister took over Baiyu Peak and is now the master of the two peaks." Wei Zhao reported.

Soon, he spoke again. His sonorous face is flushed. It is like reporting a glorious deed to your ancestor.

"Master, Senior Brother, Second Senior Sister is now an honorary elder of Nanxun!"

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Hang Wan'er and others trembled.

This is the level that their master does not have.

The whole Nanxun Sect was about to topple, but their Second Senior Sister helped it up!

Su Yu cleared her throat, "Okay, ready to move."

Everyone was in high spirits.


Now, Zhiqiong Peak is moving from the position at the end of the third rank to the second-rank peak.

Now that the first-class peaks and the top positions of second-class peaks have all left, the Precepts Hall let the remaining main peaks share the area close to the spiritual veins, according to the results of this competition.

However, it turns out that there will be no peaks within a hundred miles of them, and it is especially spacious.

Su Yu felt that it would be more convenient to expand and open branches there in the future.

Su Yu said with her hands behind her back. "In the future, if you feel that the spiritual energy is insufficient and want to go further, you must rely on yourself to achieve it!"

The brothers and sisters of Zhiqiong Peak shouted excitedly and proudly, "Yes, Second Senior Sister!"

In an instant, the elder, Qing Xuan, who has red lips and white teeth like a young man, arrives at the top of Zhiqiong Peak.

"Junior Su," Qing Xuan smiled, "Are you ready?"

Su Yu nodded.

Wei Zhao and others raised their faces solemnly and expectantly.

"Okay." Qing Xuan smiled and raised his hand. "Zhiqiong Peak, I will personally send you there—"

He waved his hand, and the green bamboo on his sleeve seemed to grow inch by inch.

In an instant, it stretched out to envelop the whole Zhiqiong Peak and lifted it up from the ground.

In one step, Qing Xuan sent them thousands of miles away to the core position of Nanxun with abundant spiritual energy.

"You and Baiyu Peak are next to each other, which is convenient for Little Su to manage."

Su Yu nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Elder Qing Xuan."

Qing Xuan smirked. The green bamboo on his sleeves disappeared, turning into dark lines, "Elder Little Su is very polite."

Su Yu coughed lightly.

"Junior Su, ten days from now, the top ten sects in the southern border will hold a self-cultivation gathering on the northern border. In the past, I would send the top three elite disciples of Nanxun."

Qing Xuan's expression became solemn.

"Now Nanxun talents are withering, and the overall situation should be stabilized. If we give up this year, I am afraid that the disciples in the sect will be even more afraid. Would you like to participate?"

Qing Xuan now speaks politely to Su Yu, and he does not dare to force her.

Su Yu was stunned when she heard this.

She has reached the plot of the cultivation gathering in the novel.

Every year, the top ten sects in the South will go to the North to sell the magic weapons and talismans made by their own sects or help the Northerners to experience the secret realm. This is to spread the reputation of the Southern Sects and increase their prestige.

The southern border sects that harvest many spirit stones will have rich rewards.

This reward comes from the ancient secret mansion jointly found by the ten major sects in the southern region.

But since Tiansheng Sect's Mei Youde's only daughter, Mei Zhen'er, was born, the Tiansheng Sect has always won first place.

"Elder, what is the reward this year?" Hang Wan'er couldn't help but wonder.

Qing Xuan's eyes gleamed with a gleam. "This time, the top prize is half an innate spiritual vein from ancient times, which is worth one-third of Nanxun's current thirty-six peak aura!"

Hang Wan'er opened her mouth. "Then, if we win it and bring it back, won't we be able to add a dozen more main peaks?"

The reason why Nanxun has a peak ranking is that the main spiritual veins in Nanxun are limited. The main first-class peaks are the closest to the spiritual veins, then the second-class peaks and so on. The further other peaks outside, the aura gradually thins.

In the final analysis, the resources of the sect are not enough.

In order to be fair and encourage the disciples' progress, Nanxun holds the competition between peaks every year so that the superior peaks will be closer to the main spiritual vein.

Qing Xuan smiled bitterly. "If we can't get it, I'm afraid we will have fewer more Nascent Souls in Nanxun in the next ten years."

He changed his tone. "However, our goal this time is fifth place. The reward will be ten third-grade spiritual tools and one mysterious-grade exercise."

He looked at Su Yu. "The competition is divided into secret realm experience and market competition. It is equivalent to testing the combat power of a sect and the comprehensive strength of refining and alchemy. Because your cultivation is still shallow, I think I will mainly leave the management of the Nanxun store to you."

Su Yu looked complicated.

However, Master Su is good at managing the business and opening a store. She can't hide her own skill.


She is not afraid of challenges. She even wants to take her deputies to experience new things so that they can be on their own in the future.

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As for the heroine of luck, Master Su wouldn't go to her Tiansheng Sect to open a shop, so she is not afraid.

"A total of 20 elite disciples are needed for this cultivation fair. We will be divided into four groups. Elder Zhang and I will guard them all the way." As Qing Xuan said this, he couldn't help but look at the Zhiqiong Peak's disciples behind Su Yu.

"If you perform well, Nanxun will also reward your disciples."

The crowd at Zhiqiong Peak, led by Yu Dong, lit up when they heard about rewards.

Hang Wan'er covered her red lips, "In case our second senior sister won the first place and brought back half of the spiritual veins. Elder Qing Xuan, will the sect's Magic Treasures Hall be open to us to choose from?"

Qing Xuan: "..."

Su Yu: "..."

'Hey, my younger brothers and sisters can dream better than me. What should I do?'


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Three days later.

An enlarged boat with a capacity of 100 people docked at Nanxun Competition Tower.

Many disciples from the sect came to see them off.

However, they all looked sad when they saw the people on the boat.

Among the twenty disciples who participated in this year's Northern Cultivation Market, the highest cultivation level was Qian Qingqiu, who had just broken through the Nascent Soul not long ago. The rest were almost all in the middle stage of Golden Core. Even the number of people at the peak of Golden Core is no more than three.

"The assembly includes secret realm experience. We have to kill monsters with the cultivators in the north. Can we rank in the top five with such strength?"

"In previous years, we had at least two early Nascent Souls, and the rest are Golden Core peaks. At most, we would include one or two middle-stage Golden Core disciples with special exercises. This year... hey."

Nanxun's vitality was severely damaged, and its talents withered. The disciples quickly found that they were severely weaker than previous years.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

They haven't set off yet, but they are already downcast.

Elder Qing Xuan smiled wryly when he saw it.

More than half of the twenty disciples on the boat beside him also looked anxious, not at all excited.

But soon, a few rustling sounds reached his ears.

"This time, we go out to compare with other sects on the southern border. Usually, if we can't beat them, Second Senior Sister will take them back. According to this reasoning, will Second Senior Sister take over people from other southern border sects?"

Before going out, Hang Wan'er already thought of the key points.

Yu Dong, who was standing behind her, flicked his abacus while adding faintly, "Seventh Junior Sister's thinking is too small."

Yan Yan held his sword expressionlessly. "There are also the Northland cultivator families and sects."

Hang Wan'er exclaimed, "My Gosh. Luckily, I asked Fourth Senior Brother to kneel down and beg the elders to let us follow Second Sister. Otherwise, when Second Senior Sister comes back, will there be a place for this lovely Hang Wan'er next to her??"

Qing Xuan: "..."

He turned his head to look and saw that the few people from Zhiqiong Peak on the deck were not at all decadent or sad, only panicked.

They are afraid that their Second Senior Sister will soon regain the new junior brothers and sisters, who will compete with them!

The corners of his eyes twitched. He quickly looked back at Su Yu and saw her leaning against the small wooden table, holding a teacup, and looking at the encyclopedia of monsters.

Don't need to say. In terms of motivating disciples, even the sect head may not be able to compare to Su Yu.


Elder Qing Xuan cleared his throat, and all the disciples on the boat and in front of Competition Tower looked at him.

"Let's start soon. Let us allow the second team leader, Su Yu, who is the representative of the two peaks, to speak a few words!"

Su Yu raised her eyebrows and immediately put down her encyclopedia.

Qing Xuan's eyes are full of hope. "You say a few words so that Zhiqiong Peak's brave state of mind can also be passed on to other peak disciples!"

Hang Wan'er and others took a deep breath and raised their chests proudly.

Su Yu glanced around.

Unstable people and low morale are indeed taboo.

However, of the ten sects competing, Nanxun's goal was the minimum of seventh place and aimed for fifth place.

For her, this shop has poor performance goals.

Master Su couldn't accept it for a few days.

Since it is now handed over to her, then Master Su will not be polite.

Su Yu stood up with her hands behind her back. The shiny golden storage bag flashed around her waist, and she walked to the center of the boat.

Everyone looked at her.

They know that she can refine tools and alchemy, but how can she be able to do it alone?

However, her voice is clear and powerful.

"Today, we are going to go to the north to compete with others. The road ahead is full of obstacles and difficulties, so I won't talk nonsense. Since we are going away, then let's have a banquet to celebrate!"

Everyone: ...

Qing Xuan: ...

Su Yu glanced at her storage bag, "I heard that the Tiansheng Sect is strong. Everyone thinks that Nanxun's cultivation is hopeless. Good. Then I will choose three disciples today. Those who have not leveled up for five years, step forward!"

There was an uproar.

Not only the disciples on the boat but also those on the tower.

"Banquet? She wants to give elixirs?"

Many disciples have seen her refining elixirs in the competition and seen Zhiqiong Peak and elders taking them, but they have never tried it themselves.

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Even every time they thought that she was the temporary leader of the two peaks, the youngest honorary elder, but only at the Foundation Establishment stage, it felt a little unreal. It was a bit embarrassing to say that the talents of Nanxun were withering.

They did not expect that today, she would be even more domineering than the elders.

Increase the cultivation of disciples who haven't improved in five years?

"Okay! If disciples breakthrough during this happy event, it will make Nanxun even more imposing! Who is coming!" Elder Zhang on the boat smiled.

A pair of similar-looking twin brothers behind him stepped forward.

They have beautiful eyebrows. One wears a white robe and has a mole on the left side of the tip of his nose, and the other wears a black robe with a mole on the right side of the tip of his nose.

"Lu Risheng, Lu Yuesheng?"

"Sure enough. I knew that they had been stuck in the middle stage of Golden Core for five years!"

"They are going to the cultivation event this time to seek a breakthrough, right? Hey."

"Since the two brothers of the Lu family have stood up, then—"

After a while, from under the boat, a female cultivator who was standing on the scroll also flew onto the boat.

"I ask Peak Master Su to give me pills. If it can help me break through, I, Ruo Meng, swear that I will follow Nanxun my whole life and not go against Peak Master Su!"

Su Yu smiled and nodded at them. All are new faces.

"Tell me about the exercises you are practicing and the crux of the difficulty of breaking through."

The three looked at each other.

Immediately, the older twin brothers, Lu Risheng, stood up as a representative. "Peak Master Su may not be familiar with me. The three of us belong to the originally ninth-place of the second-class peaks, the Mingzhen Peak."

"The three of us are all magicians."

Su Yu: "..."

She originally thought that she had chosen three people with different techniques. She would come to a disciple that she was familiar with, either qin art or swordsmanship. She could always be able to help one to boost her momentum.

But they are all magicians.

There are no similar disciples on Zhiqiong Peak and Baiyu Peak.

"The three of us are all majoring in Illusion Formation, but we haven't been able to break through. If Senior Sister Meng is stuck in the late stage of Golden Core for ten years, the two of us have been in the middle stage of Golden Core for more than five years."

Lu Risheng said with a distressed expression and touched the mole on the left side of his nose.

He heard about Su Yu's deeds and knew that she had saved the head and other elders.

He trusts her and is willing to share his cultivation problems with her.

"Senior Sister Su, our illusion mastery is special. The breakthrough is to increase the number of illusions that can be controlled."

Su Yu raised her eyebrows.

Elder Qing Xuan nodded. He has entered the early stage of divine transformation, and he has some understanding of the breakthroughs of various avenues. "Illusion is not complete nothingness. If you want to confuse cultivators or monsters, every plant and tree must be real in the illusion."

"Risheng, let's demonstrate."

The three magicians looked at each other and immediately made a gesture.

In an instant, a large illusion formation, made by three people's cooperation, shrouded everyone inside and outside the Competition Tower and the flying boat.

Everyone felt like they were in a secret place beside a creek.

In the lake are the man-eating fishes from the Great Competition. In the sky, there are wind demon birds. There is even Elder Hong Yun, who is competing with third-class disciples in the middle.

Apparently, these three people also went to watch the competition.

The scene is vivid and looks real.

"What I see, smell, and think is all part of my fantasy." Lu Risheng's voice sounded in the fantasy.

His younger brother, Lu Yuesheng, quickly made a gesture, and the scene changed again.

Everyone seems to have returned to the Competition Tower, but there are Nanxun's Library Pavillion and Bitao Mountain next to this tower. But in real life, their actual location is not here.

"Our cultivation lies in the number of things that we can completely reproduce."

After that, the illusion disappeared, and they looked forward to Su Yu.

Su Yu's face... was bewildered.

What does this have anything to do with her cooking?

She can't fully wing it. Otherwise, she is afraid that she won't be able to leave for the north today.

Ruo Meng took a deep breath. "I can expand my consciousness and let you watch!"

The onlookers all exclaimed.

Letting outsiders enter their own consciousness is equivalent to handing over their lives to the other party.

The twin Lu brothers also nodded firmly.

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The Nanxun crisis made them feel a sense of urgency. The more they wanted to improve their cultivation, the more anxious they felt, and the more they could not enter into meditation.

They feel pain every day.

They are veteran disciples of the second-class peaks. They are very familiar with the elders and disciples of the top six second-class peaks.

But now, those people have betrayed Nanxun. Their teachers and friends for many years have abandoned them.

They want to compete and make people look up to them, but even though illusion magic is powerful, the cultivation is notoriously slow.

"Senior Sister Su, please enter our consciousness."

Su Yu put her hands behind her back and immediately felt the three seas of consciousness flowing towards her like a small stream.

The consciousness of these three people is different from Chang Qing's consciousness that she has seen.

The sea of consciousness flowed out like a stream. Some balls of light floated above and flew towards her as the stream fluctuated.

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Some contain a monster.

Some have a library.

Some have a spiritual plant.

Hundreds of things...

It turns out that an illusionist is a Lego builder.


Master Su coughed lightly.

"At present, the content of the magic formations we master is stagnant at 1,200 to 1,300. At least 300 more are needed to break through to the next realm."

Soon, with Ruo Meng's words, Su Yu saw the end of their sea of knowledge.

On the stream, after thousands of spiritual light balls rolled over. It was an assorted pile of several monster beasts and spiritual plants entangled in a mess. They were rolling towards her, and some of them were mixed with pavilions, towers, mountains, and white clouds.

They look like little Lego pieces that were played halfway through and were not sorted in time.

Master Su is a bit obsessive-compulsive.

If you want the Lego building to be fast and good, then you have to reclassify different types of Lego modules and assemble them again in an OCD manner.

"These are all things we have seen before, but we have been unable to digest them in our sea of knowledge."

Master Su nodded.

It doesn't look like it was digested.

It's just that there are no storage boxes for different categories. No, for each small light ball.

It should have been finished long ago if it is directly stored in a single light ball in time.

Su Yu looked at them and felt that she had some ideas.

"Three hundred light spheres are missing. No, you are missing three hundred separate illusion elements? I seem to be able to... have a solution."

The three magicians were shocked.

'So soon?'

"Then I only have one last question," Su Yu touched her chin, "What other preferences do you have?"

All the disciples were in a trance.

Improving the five-year stagnant cultivation base is already very good. What preference do you mean?

Upgrade after five years!

The brothers glanced at each other. "We want to improve the recovery speed of our divine consciousness. Formation needs to rely on our divine consciousness. If the divine consciousness is quickly exhausted, the duration of the formation will be very short."

Ruo Meng also nodded.

'Consciousness recovery speed?'

'Spiritual Tea.'

Su Yu quickly remembered those fine tea leaves in the Meditation Hall.


Spiritual Tea + Light Balls, equal to...

"You come back two incense sticks later. I'll refine the Four Seasons Spring Boba Milk Green Tea elixir for you - with an increased amount of boba."

'What? Why is the name of this elixir so...complicated?'

"What is a boba?"

[T/N: Boba is those chewy tapioca balls that are included in those chain-store ice milk tea.]

"Her elixirs' name is just as long as her current identity."

Master Su's milk tea is not very good.

How many times had she made milk tea for herself?

"Do you want half sugar or full sugar?" She asked carefully.

Everyone was stunned again.

In the production of boba, that is, the tapioca pearls, the focus is on the heat.

To be enjoyable and satisfying to chew, the cassava must maintain a consistent elasticity from the inside to the outside. It cannot be too hard, but it should not be too soft and lose its tenacity.

While Lu Risheng and others were thinking about it, Master Su had already started to make tea and boiled some boba.

They finally figured it out and respectfully said, "Senior Sister Su will decide for us."

Master Su nodded and asked Yu Dong to make some hollow objects.

Everyone was stunned again.

Even Elder Zhang and Qing Xuan looked over curiously.

Not long after, each of the three received a glass cup with a little brown soup, plus a thick layer of round balls of unknown origin at the bottom. 

Su Yu washes her hands and washes the pot.

Yu Dong also gave them three hollow silver tubes going to the bottom of the cup.

"How does this elixir look like this?"

"How to take this..."

The disciple onlookers all got closer with their flying swords to see clearly.

Then they saw Lu Risheng holding the small tube, poking at the glass cup, and touching some small soft-bouncing black balls with three elixir halos on them.


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"It's really an elixir!"

Su Yu nodded. "It is best to drink it within an hour. Insert the small tube all the way to the bottom and suck it up."

The three magicians were in a trance.

But they immediately took a deep breath. "Yes, Senior Sister Su."

They crossed their knees carefully, carefully holding the slightly cool little cup they had and inhaling tentatively.

In an instant, a silky and soft, slightly cool liquid slipped into their mouths. At first, they tasted the bitterness of spirit tea, then the light sweetness of milk, and under the ice, there seemed to be the freshness of the spring breeze, which made them recognize their sea of knowledge and cool their hearts.

When their senses were at ease, two or three small round pills rolled into their teeth along with the silky satin, spring-like four-season green tea.

They couldn't help but bite.

In an instant, their teeth were surrounded by balls of soft bullets on the left and right sides. They were miraculously imprisoned.

They couldn't resist the chewing.

The sweetness and tea aroma soaked in it slowly come out from this boba.

This is an experience they have never had before.

The more they chew, the stronger the taste and the more enjoyable it is.

They subconsciously exerted force on their cheeks and took a deep breath. This time, five or six pieces rolled into their mouth together. It was really...satisfying.

Lu Risheng and the other two closed their eyes. Their faces showed a trace of comfort beyond their urgency of cultivation.

At this moment, their consciousness is relaxed, and the pressure is no longer important.

The onlookers watched helplessly as they inhaled one third-grade medicine pill after another. They were all dumbfounded.

As they were feeling distressed, a burst of spiritual energy condensed above the tower.

"Huh? It's raining?"

The clattering sound of something falling above suddenly sounded.

Everyone raised their heads in confusion, but they were all surprised.

The little balls of spiritual energy fell from the sky like small golden pills. They fell on the heads of Lu Risheng and the other two like pouring rain!

The three magicians were still unafraid. They were still struggling with the black balls in their cup.

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Spiritual aura is coming from heaven!

Elder Zhang widened his eyes, "Hong Yun, what are you waiting for? Cover together..."

Halfway through, he patted his forehead suddenly. "Oh, it's all right. The traitors are gone. Hong Yun, you don't need to move."

Hong Yun: "..."

The three people's golden core and sea of consciousness were separated from their bodies instantly, absorbing the golden beads falling from the sky.

"Who else is an array mage?"

Su Yu looked at the remaining pot of milk tea and a big bowl of boba.

"All come."

The faces of all the disciples of Nanxun suddenly became excited. Their expressions of excitement seemed to be passed on from person to person.

More and more people gather around her. Whether they are magicians or not, they all feel honored.

"Four Seasons Spring Boba... is a Spring Day for Array Mages!"

"Darn! Let me use this milky green elixir instead of wine to cheer for my brothers and sisters!"

"Tiansheng Sect's luck is not worth it. Senior Sister Su has a pot of Four Seasons Spring Boba Pill, which leveled up thirty-two Array Mages!"

"This cultivation event, Nanxun must win it!"

Everyone was swept away with excitement.

The boat finally escaped into the air amid the expectations and cheers of everyone.

Halfway through the flight, they heard an exclamation.

"Huh? Why did I come up too?"

Ruo Meng just woke up from a dream.

She stood up but quickly fell to the ground with a straw in her mouth.

"Ah, what is this?! It hit me on the head!"

Qing Xuan and Elder Zhang looked at the small ball of spiritual energy on her forehead. The spiritual aura has not stopped until now.

The corners of their mouth twitch.

"Stay calm and... put down the ... boba elixir in your hand."


Su Yu smiled and stood with her hands behind her back.

Before she left, she gave most of her 'elixirs' to the sect exchange hall so that the disciples could exchange them for spirit stones.

Her stock is now almost empty.

Ingredients from the North - Master Su and her assistants are here!



[T/N: Four Seasons Spring is a kind of Oolong Tea which is a very floral fragrance, smooth and light flavour profile with a slightly creamy finish. It originated from Mingjian Township in Nantou County, Taiwan.

While Googling this, I found out that my local bubble tea shop has this boba variant! So happy.]

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