Chapter 65(1) - Mending Nascent Soul

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Outside the Nanxun store, there are disciples from the north to look around from time to time.

The monks of the Buddhist Sects have all left.

"Is it still open?"

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"I would like to go to the second floor of Nanxun to try my luck and see if I have fate today."

"Who wouldn't?"

They gathered around, but Nanxun was still closed.

Jin Haotian carried his trident, Hu Yuan shook his paper fan, and both of them wandered anxiously.

Xue Ning and Wei Shuang stood face to face, looking at each other vigilantly.

"Speaking of which, this is actually the fault of the Tiansheng Sect you are obsessed with," Wei Shuang looked at Xue Ning with dissatisfaction. "The Tiansheng Sect's elder insisted on taking Master Su's credit for finding the Son of Buddha. As a result, Master Su has not gone to the secret realm to do business today."

"She must be in a bad mood."

Wei Shuang is worried.

Xue Ning bit her lip.

All other teams of the Nanxun Sect also withdrew from the secret realm.

Senior Brother Qian from Nanxun told her that they would rest today.

The northern disciples who were queuing at the door of the store were even more anxious. "Master Su of the second floor's team is in a bad mood. So how many days are they going to rest?"

Which refiner has no temper?

There are only a few days left in this cultivation event.

The northern disciples are in a hurry.

Senior Brother Mu Han from the Bingling Sect also sighed, expressing his remorse. "It's also my fault. From the Bingling Sect, none of the seniors and elders were present today."

"Master Su took us to practice in the secret realm and gave us, more than 300 people from the Bingling Sect, magic weapons... and elixir package gift. Her sea of knowledge must be exhausted. After that, she was suspected and robbed of her merit. We, more than 300 people in the Bingling Sect, failed to protect her, making her feel wronged!"

Wei Shuang almost burst into tears.

How did she manage to level up to the fourth level, Walking on Thin Ice?

It was all because of Sister Su.

As an admirer, she is really not qualified.

"In the end, it was Master Su who made her own move and told the Tiansheng Sect and the Buddhist Sect to shut up." Wei Shuang felt distressed. "She must be very disappointed with our Bingling Sect and the Northern Territory. I don't know when she will recover."

After saying that, she glared at Xue Ning. "What are you doing at the door of Master Su? Go to the Tiansheng Sect you admire!"

Xue Ning took a step back.

'Is Miss Mei Zhen'er, whom I admire... a bad person?'

Xue Ning squeezed the two silver darts made by Su Yu tightly. The cold feeling made her wake up.

She has not been to the Tiansheng Sect store this year!

Xue Ning's face changed slightly.

Why would she look for Miss Mei Zhen'er's talisman... Since she fell in love with opening lucky treasures, she has worked for Nanxun in the secret realm. She didn't even need any lucky charm.

After all, her cultivation techniques had a breakthrough, and she has a golden snail magic weapon for self-protection, um... The lucky charm seems to be useless.

But while she was thinking, the other northern disciples were panicking and looked at Wei Shuang.

"Who can speak to Master Su? Tell her that we are all on Nanxun's side in this matter!"

'Who doesn't want to ask for magic weapons and elixirs?'

"Yes, this is Nanxun's victory!"

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"Master Su, don't be angry! We northerners can distinguish right from wrong!"

Everyone's shouts soon spread to the Nanxun store and nearby stores along the street.

"On behalf of the core disciples of Bingling Sect, we will no longer purchase anything from Tiansheng Sect unless they apologize to Master Su." Wei Shuang takes the lead.

Senior Brother Mu Han also nodded. "Our suzerain has always made clear of any grievances. They will support us."

Xue Ning took a deep breath.

Soon a water-like sound also sounded.

"Our Shuilingmen only purchases from Nanxun." Shui Qianxi arrived at Nanxun Shop with her silver-gilt magic tray.

The two major sects in the north all support Nanxun!

More and more loose cultivators have joined in!

Many disciples and elders came out from the shops of various southern border sects with complicated eyes.

The situation in the south has changed.

Tiansheng Sect... was overwhelmed by Nanxun overnight.


In the Nanxun store, Zhu Ying broke through to Nascent Soul and just took a new Fortune Bag elixir, which once again covered her Nascent Soul with a hazy veil.

"Senior Sister Su, Senior Sister Su, there is some shouting outside."

Lu Yuesheng hurriedly shouted to the second floor.

They are now following Hang Wan'er and others to call Su Yu "Senior Sister."

He looked both proud and excited. "Everyone is asking about you. Are you in a better mood? When will you reopen?"

Hang Wan'er and other disciples on the second floor showed admiration.

Taoist Mu had already retreated to his gourd and said in a proud but muffled voice. "Second apprentice, for your teacher, cough, for the Nascent Soul who is your teacher's friend, you don't have to be in a hurry. First, you should handle the affairs of this year's cultivation event well. For your teacher, don't worry."

After he finished speaking, Elder Zhang glanced at his Dantian with a frown.

He clearly disagrees.

"Little Niece Su, your master... your master's Nascent Soul friend can hold on for two more days at most."

Taoist Mu coughed lightly.

Hang Wan'er couldn't help touching the mirror-like golden core in her Dantian.

Using her Seven Emotions and Six Desires, she just needs to take a glance to know.

Although, due to the difference in their cultivation base, she can't find out her master's specific situation, she feels her master's emotions.

"Master, that friend of yours is you..."

Taoist Mu: ...


Su Yu interrupted Hang Wan'er immediately.

'Child, you are not sensible.'

"Master, Seventh Junior Sister means that your friend is your best friend."

Hang Wan'er suddenly realized, "Ah, right!"

Taoist Mu: "..."

How come he feels exposed?

Su Yu stood up with a light cough, "Master, call your friend."

Taoist Mu: "..."

Su Yu put her hands behind her back and slowly walked behind the bead curtain that was temporarily her kitchen.

"Now is really time to open, so we won't let the business of our cultivation market be left behind."

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"Sixth Junior Sister, you go to the door and tell them that today's reward is a 50% discount for any cultivator's Nascent Soul problem. The same is true for Master's friends."

Taoist Mu: ...

His disciples want to collect even his money.

Taoist Mu is still a little worried, afraid that his Nascent Soul is really damaged by luck. Even if his second disciple's elixir heals him, he is afraid that his bad luck will flow to other places, such as his disciples.

He was hesitating, but then he heard the exclamations of the customers queuing outside.

"What's the matter? My hands seem to be frozen."

"Ah, my feet can't move. They're frozen."

"It's from the Bingling Sect!"

In turn, Taoist Mu saw a petite Golden Core female disciple stepping on thin ice under her feet. The tip of her nose flickered with ice. She is obviously the most talented among the core disciples of the Bingling Sect.

She looked excited and pleading, anxiously covered with sweat, all of which condensed into ice crystals.

"Sister Su, can you also cure Nascent Soul's problems? I just sent a jade slip to my senior sister, and she came over. Please help my senior sister!"

Taoist Mu was stunned for a moment. Are there people like him whose Nascent Soul is damaged?

In a hurry, Wei Shuang gasped for breath, and a cloud of icy mist spewed out of her mouth. "My eldest sister was injured in the secret realm. She took a lot of reshaping pills, but her Nascent Soul was not able to inflate back."

She was anxious and bowed her hands to Su Yu.

Su Yu quickly held her arm and brought her to the small black iron table on the second floor.

"Don't worry. Tell me slowly."

Wei Shuang did not dare to sit down and looked behind her.

Su Yu followed her gaze to the back of the line and saw that the stairs on the second floor were completely frozen.

Cold air gradually spread from the first floor.

A cold, chilling voice that makes people tremble resounded elegantly but apologetically, "Master Su, I'm sorry. I heard that Nanxun is selling pills for restoring the Nascent Soul today, so I came here. I want to ask myself if there is really a cure."

She obviously couldn't control the cold aura from her body.

The power of a Nascent Soul cultivator is fierce. It is not something that someone below the Golden Core stage can resist.

The third-grade defense formation on the shop's first floor has trembled slightly.

But this Bingling Sect's Senior Sister hadn't even stepped into the store. She just stood outside the store and asked them aloud.

Taoist Mu frowned. "Her Nascent Soul seems to be missing something."

Even worse than him.

"Forget it. This old man will lend you my gourd." Immediately, he threw the gourd in his hand.

An ice spiritual aura immediately froze the gourd.

Only after a few breaths, the frost that rushed to the first floor gradually melted away.

From the wooden ladder, there was sound of elegant footsteps.

Su Yu couldn't help but look.

She saw a gentle and graceful woman. Her whole body seemed to be braving the slightest chill, and there were countless snowflakes on her silver robe.

At this moment, she was holding the gourd in both hands. The gourd absorbed the chill that she kept emitting.

She walked up to the second floor.

Everyone could only see that she was wearing a white gauze hat on her head. The gauze fell down to her shoulders, covering her face.

"Master Su," she bowed slightly, her voice as clear as ice. "I am the former inner disciple of the Bingling Sect, Luo Yu. Now because of my practice problem, I have asked to resign from my sect."

"Senior Sister!" Wei Shuang burst into tears.

Luo Yu waved her hand. "I listen to Wei Shuang. Thank you for taking good care of them in the secret realm and for your alchemy. They have overcome the drawbacks of the Frozen Ice Soul Technique. Thank you, Master Su."

Su Yu wanted to step forward to help her but immediately felt a chill, which was even colder than in the secret realm of ice and snow.

Hang Wan'er took out several black iron chairs from her storage bag and let everyone sit down.

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Luo Yu held her white gauze hat, nodded, and thanked her. "Actually, my problem is not a secret in the north. A year ago, during a visit to the ancient secret mansion, I went deep into the secret realm and met several fifth-rank monsters."

"Before getting out of trouble, my Nascent Soul was injured. I used a lot of pills to no avail."

Su Yu wondered, "But your body is cold, and it seems that your spiritual power is not weak."

A sigh came out from the white gauze hat.

"Yes, I have no problem with my exercises, but my Nascent Soul keeps getting weaker."

Taoist Mu instantly covered his Dantian with a guilty conscience.

"Master Su, you are only in the Golden Core stage." Luo Yu was silent for a moment. "Originally, I shouldn't bother you. It would not be a good thing to let a Golden Core know the secret of Nascent Soul in advance. Everyone's way is different, and the Nascent Soul formed is also somewhat different. If I show you mine today, it is likely to give you the wrong guidance in your future practice. "

When she said this, let alone Taoist Mu, even Hang Wan'er's expression was a bit weird.

Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

She has seen a Nascent Soul several times.

"This beautiful senior sister," Hang Wan'er patted her chest. "Don't worry. My senior sister just cured a Nascent Soul breakthrough problem earlier. Don't say her. Even I have seen a Nascent Soul. The process of forming a Nascent Soul is no problem."

Luo Yu is silent.

Qing Xuan and others supported their foreheads.

The disciples of Zhiqiong Peak are just so sturdy.

"That's good."

Luo Yu recognized the strong psychological qualities of Nanxun's disciples, and she immediately pinched her hands on the gourd.

"Be careful of my cold."

As soon as she took a breath, a snow doll that seemed to be surrounded by snow and ice jumped out of her Dantian.

The whole body is as clear as snow and ice, and it has round little arms like lotus roots. It is very cute!

Su Yu's face lit up on the spot because of the snow doll.

Master Su is not resistant to cute things.

Hey, there is no way. The aesthetic level of this doll is too high.

As soon as the Nascent Soul came out, all the tables, chairs, and celadon vases on the second floor condensed with a trace of frost.

However, as soon as the snowflakes flying around the snow doll stopped, everyone saw the abnormality.

This small, simple, and cute Nascent Soul has two braids hanging down, with sideburns and bangs with similar arcs hanging on both sides.

But now, the braid on the right side is crooked and cut in half by a sharp weapon. The bangs on this side seem to have been roughly shaved off by scissors.

Wei Shuang's sluggish voice sounded in disbelief, "Eldest Sister... Your Nascent Soul's problem is this...?"

The hairstyle of this Nascent Soul was broken!

Luo Yu uncomfortably stretched out her hand to hold her white gauze hat and said softly, "Yeah."

Everyone from Nanxun fell silent.

After a while, Qing Xuan coughed lightly and looked at Su Yu. "Nascent Soul can leave the body for a short time, possessing spiritual power and spiritual sense. It is the origin of Nascent Soul cultivation. Therefore, when a Nascent Soul... was injured, which is equivalent to the cultivator's injury. If it is not repaired in time, even a little, it will have a great impact on the cultivator."

This is the reason why Luo Yu can not control her own ice.

Her control over her powerful spiritual power weakened after her Nascent Soul was injured.

"I also want to fix it," Luo Yu said anxiously but a little shyly. "but I always feel that something is not right."

After all, the snow flying around the Snow Doll Nascent Soul accelerated.

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Soon, a new snow-colored braid was formed where the braid on the right was cut. The color and hair of the braid were very delicate and lifelike.

The newly condensed bangs are also elegant and beautiful, which is better than the undamaged ones on the left side of the snow doll.

But it didn't take long for the snow doll's braid and bangs to be melted by the wind and snow.

Everyone was startled.

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They were confused when they heard Luo Yu sigh.

"I have better hair brushing skills now than before. I always feel that it is not very suitable to not match the other half."

"But I couldn't be ruthless. I cannot attack myself, smash the hair of the intact hair, and reshape it together."

Luo Yu is sad.

The second floor of the Nanxun store was silent for a while.

Who would have thought that it was because of such a reason that her Nascent Soul could not repair itself.

It turned out that her combing skills had improved compared to when she first condensed a Nascent Soul!

Luo Yu, who has improved her hair braiding skills, wants her Nascent Soul's new and old hair braids to be similar. But when the new braids are repaired, they are inconsistent with the previous ones.

"No wonder it's useless for you to take medicine pills." Hang Wan'er really didn't expect there is a female cultivator in this world that is so exquisite and interesting. "Even if you replenish your aura, your braiding skills can't go back to before..."

Everyone raised their necks back and looked up at the sky.

Qing Xuan coughed lightly. "This is also fortunate. A Nascent Soul represents yourself. If Niece Luo Yu has the heart to feel dissatisfied with her Nascent Soul, it will be difficult for the Nascent Soul to enter the next step."

Su Yu touched her nose.

This is heart disease - symmetrical obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The braids must be symmetrical on both sides in order to accept their own soul.

Today, is it possible for Master Su to be Master Hair Styler for one day?

Su Yu looked strange.

Any chef wants to make perfectly symmetrical dishes, okay?

But as long as the mold is done well, anything is possible.

Su Yu suddenly had some ideas.

She approached Luo Yu, "I'm sorry, honored guest. Let me measure the exact size of your snow doll."

Luo Yu: "...!"

Su Yu took out a short ruler from her storage bag. In spite of the frost and cold, she measured the snow doll's left braid and bangs, as well as the various size of its round faces and arms.

Master Su's recipe today - Crispy Vanilla Ice Cream Bar for Doll.

She stood up and went back to her temporary kitchen.

But she walked in for a while, then came out. "It may not be successful. If it fails, we will not receive spirit stones for this order, and a snack will be given as compensation."

After she finished speaking, she was stunned before she could walk back inside the bead curtain.

"Junior sister, is there anything I can help you with?" Xia Jingsi, the Son of Buddha, clasped his hands together and walked up to her beautifully and gently. He was asking with a smile on his face.

Su Yu waved her hand at first but nodded after thinking for a while. "Then come in. I could use your flower smile."

When a Thousand Flower Smile lands on the enemy, it will instantly leave a wound like a blooming bud.

"You dig this little flower mold for me."

Xia Jingsi: "..."

"Okay, Junior Sister."

Everyone outside the bead curtain twitched on the corners of their mouths.

Hang Wan'er immediately comforted Luo Yu and Wei Shuang. "Don't worry. Usually, my sister says that it may not be successful, but the other way will happen."

Su Yu called Yan Yan in after a while.

"Carve the mold according to my drawing. Don't deviate."

After a while, the three of them came out.

Su Yu held an iron plate, and both Xia Jingsi and Yan Yan looked at Luo Yu with strange expressions.

Su Yu put down the plate casually and smiled.

"Guest, please."

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