Using a Wok to Reorganize Life and Fly to Immortality Chapter 66 (Part 1) — Pure Love Translations English Translated Novels

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Sep 23 Written By Pure Love15-19 minutes

Chapter 66(1) - Cream Puff

'Nascent Soul shriveled, so just eat puffs?'

Master Su herself thought it was outrageous, but she persuaded herself.

If it doesn't work, there is also fried custard for her master to taste.

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Su Yu's expression was calm and confident. Even Qing Xuan, who was in the Divine Transformation stage, could not see that she was nervous.

Qing Xuan has a mysterious young face with red lips and white teeth.

But in fact, he was only fifty years younger than Taoist Mu. Now he is three hundred years old.

But he has never seen this pill that Su Yu made.

"This is...?"

Using his divine sense of the early Divine Transformation, he could see that this elixir is like a crispy golden bun stuffed with meat, but it is not stuffed with meat. Inside was a strange thing like melting snow, but it didn't make him feel cold.

"This is a Cream Puff Elixir." Su Yu put the plate on the table.

She folded a triangular paper bag with oil paper to wrap the puff.

There is also a cut in the middle of the oil paper that Yan Yan helped her to cut, which makes it seems to be broken.

"Master, you should start from the top. Tear off the top half of the oil paper until halfway through so that it is more convenient to eat the bottom of the puff."

In this way, during the whole process of eating, you don't have to reach out to touch the outer skin of the puffs. You can always hold the oil paper.

It is convenient and hygienic to eat.

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Even if Master Su is in the world of immortality, she has the utmost control over every detail of her products.

Qing Xuan couldn't help but wonder. "Do you want me to try it?"

He has reached the Divine Transformation and will definitely not be damaged by trying a Nascent Soul elixir.

But it is not necessarily the case for the Taoist Mu.

Qing Xuan finally obtained this opportunity, and his youthful face brightened.

Since the longevity pill, he has never taken Su Yu's various elixirs. He misses it when he thinks about it.

But he can't compete with Golden Core disciples. However, now there is Nascent Soul's elixir...

"Qing Xuan boy," Elder Zhang, who sat cross-legged in the corner, snorted. "You are already in the Divine Transformation. Only taking five-grade pills will have great use for you. These four-grade pills are clearly suitable for this old man, at the peak of Nascent Soul, to try."

After saying that, sword energy flew towards the oil-paper-wrapped Cream Puff Elixir.

But halfway through, it was hit by a gourd.

"What are you doing?" Taoist Mu was speechless. "You are not injured. What's the use of trying this for me? This is what my disciple made for me. Why are you robbing me?"

"Ah?" Elder Zhang was stunned, "Didn't I tell you? Qian boy and my apprentice tried a golden core elixir for your third disciple, Wei Zhao. The result was a vision of heaven and earth, and they condensed the second golden cores."

Taoist Mu: "!?"

Elder Zhang touched his nose. "...So can't we discuss it? Don't be so stingy. It'll be fine if you give me a bite."

Even the beautiful Xia Jingsi, who was standing outside the bead curtain with bare feet, said, "Master, as your eldest disciple, I am also a Nascent Soul. I can test the medicine for Master."

Taoist Mu: "..."

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He answered them with just one motion.

Quickly picked up the oil paper bag and took a big bite.

The rest of the people were instantly embarrassed, and Taoist Mu was shocked.

The soft golden skin is chewy, with the aroma of wheat from the spirit grain. When he bites into it, there is actually a soft coolness that seems to be nothing. It was accompanied by the medicinal smell and sweetness of ginseng and red dates pouring into his mouth.

This peculiar stuffing and the little bit of taste between his teeth disappeared without a trace.

Taoist Mu couldn't help lowering his head and looking at the object in his hand.

In the kraft paper bag is the fluffy Nascent Soul elixir he had bitten off.

The pale yellow skin is only as thin as four or five sheets of rice paper. The soft skin that he has torn is like a cloud or snow.

Taoist Mu was stunned and couldn't help taking another bite.

'What a strange thing.'

The first bite is light and thin but feels full and thick. When he feels it a little, it feels silky like satin and soft like a cloud.


The feeling made him want to grab it, but it was fleeting.

Taoist Mu couldn't help but take one bite after another.

Combined with the chewy, grainy rind, the lightness of the cloud is even more apparent.

With a little force on his hand, the cloud was squeezed out from the yellowish outer skin. Taoist Mu took a breath, and his whole mouth was filled with the weightless cloud.

'It's like the wind.'

He can feel its presence, but sometimes, it seems to be absent. It has no weight, comes and goes without a trace, and it cannot be observed by the naked eye.

Taoist Mu closed his eyes.

The Nascent Soul inside him jumped out in one breath.

Only then did Su Yu see that the right half of the little Nascent Soul had all shrunk. The left half below the neck also began to shrink.

It's like - a balloon being punctured, and it keeps leaking. It seems that it will leak out in less than half a day.

She couldn't help but look solemn.


Hang Wan'er's disciples were anxious.

Only then did they know that the Taoist Mu's situation was so serious.

But when Hang Wan'er covered her mouth and was about to whimper, her tears shrank back.

A gust of wind blows, and the bead curtain floats.

Clouds seem to be rolling up the sky, pouring into the second floor of Nanxun Shop.

White mist condensed by the spiritual energy followed the breeze. A large cloud shrouded the foreheads of the Nanxun people...

In an instant, Taoist Mu's sluggish Nascent Soul floated up in front of him. It was wandering in the white mist and inhaling the white mist into its body in an instant!

The shriveled part of the Nascent Soul swelled as if a balloon was being inflated.

The small arm that shrank into a stick suddenly grew into a chubby look.

In an instant, even Nascent Soul's tender face was instantly fat... No, it was round, like a puff filled with cream.

Taoist Mu closed his eyes and didn't seem to notice the difference.

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More and more white mist clouds gathered on his forehead and were inhaled by the Nascent Soul.

Taoist Mu's aura is also growing.

Even Xia Jingsi folded his hands in surprise. He looked at him and then looked at his Dantian.

This Nascent Soul was instantly inflated, growing taller and wider.

"Elder Mu, stop!" Qing Xuan changed his face and shouted, "You haven't condensed your soul, and you haven't stepped into the Divine Transformation. If you absorb too much spiritual energy, your Nascent Soul cannot support it and might blow up!"

Taoist Mu frowned.

Elder Zhang looked at Qing Xuan in disbelief. "During the period of spiritual transformation, a cultivator learned a little bit of the rules of heaven and earth. They got the approval of the Dao to mobilize the spiritual energy from heaven and the earth at will, which is inexhaustible. He... "

'Taoist Mu has reached the step of spiritual transformation!?'

In the Nascent Soul stage, you need to run exercises to absorb spiritual energy.

If the spiritual energy is exhausted, one should also meditate cross-legged or supplement it with an elixir.

But when it comes to spiritual transformation, it was the stage to condense the primordial spirit and break through the mortal body's confinement. Even without meditating, it can continue to absorb the world's spiritual energy.

Although Taoist Mu is the pinnacle of Nascent Soul, he already has this epiphany?

Elder Zhang was shocked. He hadn't stepped into the gate of Divine Transformation for five hundred years.

Taoist Mu eats a pill, and he has it?

He envied him. He almost grabbed Su Yu back to his Wanjian Mountain.

"Hey, Elder Zhang, don't be envious. It's fleeting, fleeting!"

Taoist Mu opened his eyes, and there was an epiphany in his eyes.

He caught a glimpse of the rules of wind and spiritual aura, but it was taking advantage of the feeling of the elixir entering his throat.

Only at this moment, he seemed to be approved by the rules of the wind element between heaven and earth.

The wind within a hundred feet of the Nanxun shop seemed to be used by him.

But he knew that this state could not last. Once the elixir was completely digested, it would be gone.

Taoist Mu regrets it.

He was really reluctant to stop.

He closed his eyes again. "Elder Qing Xuan, don't call me. I will experience it again before it breaks."

'This beautiful feeling, it turns out only a cultivator in Divine Transformation stage will have it?'

If he stays a little longer, in the future, he will have more chances to step into Divine Transformation.

Su Yu: "..."

She pressed her forehead.

"No need. I can make this pill for Master in the future—"

But as soon as she finished speaking, she saw that Taoist Mu's Nascent Soul seemed as if it had eaten high-calorie dairy products for three years. It was already difficult to move and was inflated.

Seeing that this Nascent Soul's arm was about to be broken, Taoist Mu seemed to be inspired by her Snow Doll Ice Cream elixir.

His Nascent Soul started to grow hair...

The hair is also an inflatable version. Like seaweed, it flutters in an instant and is inextricably linked...

The hair is too long, and Taoist Mu feels reluctant.

Going down further may really blow up his Nascent Soul.

But Nanxun is in jeopardy. He is an ordinary cultivator at the peak of the Nascent Soul. How can he protect his disciples?

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He blushed, clenched his teeth tightly, and suddenly sucked in the clouds again.

In an instant, a new cloud-like inflatable Nascent Soul condensed in his body, growing up slowly.

And then, another!


Three days later, the clouds and mist which permeate the second floor of Nanxun Shop became less and less.

Taoist Mu let out a long sigh. He was blushing and sweating profusely and put the four Nascent Souls into his Dantian. They were floating in the compartment with their arms like lotus roots.

He squeezed them. One facing southeast, one northwest, shoulder to shoulder. This string of four cloud-like Nascent Souls barely squeezed into his Dantian.

In each Nascent Soul's hands, each of them stubbornly held a cloud and vortex that they could no longer inhale.

Below their knees, they were sitting on a cloud.

"Hahahaha, this old man is healed!"

Qing Xuan: "..."

Elder Zhang: "..."

Hang Wan'er covered her Dantian for a moment.


Su Yu pressed her eyebrows.


After eating the Cream Puffs, her master even understands the concept of a cream piping bag. He filled four... cream puff avatars.

"You're done."

Hong Yun wiped the sweat from his forehead.

On the third day, he smiled wryly and looked at the twenty-two masking talismans that had been reduced to ashes one after another.

If this goes on like this, even though he is at the peak of Nascent Soul, he, Hong Yun, can't cover up their visions of heaven and earth.

"Cough, Elder Mu. Do you want to cover your Dantian?"

Qing Xuan looked at Taoist Mu's Dantian and couldn't bear to look directly.

"The four Nascent Souls are really—"

"Why? That's fine."

Taoist Mu felt that he had reached the peak of his life.

Compared to when he first reached the peak of Nascent Soul, he was even more comfortable. He took a step forward, and the four Nascent Souls in his body floated together.

Elder Zhang is also very envious. "It's really good."

Taoist Mu laughed and immediately felt that he had found a bosom friend. "Really? It's a pity that the cream puff is gone. Otherwise, I would condense the fifth one."

Qing Xuan's forehead jumped.

Su Yu just took out a plate of Fortune Bag Elixir from her storage bag. Hearing that Taoist Mu liked the new shape of his Nascent Soul so much, she took it back.

"Hey, disciple, what is this good thing? Is it for your teacher? Then let your teacher try it."

Taoist Mu thought of the taste of the cream puff just now, and he was also fascinated by his Second disciple's elixir.

After he ate three Fortune Bag Elixirs, the three Nascent Souls in his body were covered. Taoist Mu could not hold back from the delicious taste and was about to pinch the fourth one, but he felt something and let it go from his silver chopsticks.

Besides him, Qing Xuan, Elder Zhang, and Xia Jingsi, who had been clasping their hands, all opened their eyes.

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"What's the matter, elders, master?" Hang Wan'er was vigilant.

Su Yu also stopped rubbing the black bear cub.

Soon there was a loud noise outside.

"The elders of the top ten sects of the southern border exchange performances and fights. The invitation is free and will open immediately. The cultivators from the northern border can come and watch."

"The elder who won this time can get ten ancient spiritual veins provided by the Tiansheng Sect."

Taoist Mu was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help wiping the edge of his beard. He was almost drooling.

He was about to fight Qing Xuan for this opportunity when a jade slip quickly shot into his palm.

Accompanied by the floating noise outside, the former dean of Nanxun Meditation Hall, Rong Qianqiu, shouted.

"Is Taoist Mu of Nanxun here?"

"Tiansheng Sect's Rong Qianqiu wants to have a fight with you! Would you like to show your face?"

Everyone in Nanxun suddenly looked strange.

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Elder Zhang, who has always had a sharp personality, could not help but sigh and looked out the window sympathetically.

Taoist Mu smiled and stroked his beard. His robes fluttered in the wind. He stood up as if he was stepping on a whirlwind.

He looked at Su Yu gently. "Teacher heard from Elder Zhang that you were embarrassed when you went to the Meditation Hall before. Is it true?"

Su Yu hesitated and nodded.

Taoist Mu smiled. "Okay, I will seek justice for you as your teacher."

In the mid-air of the assembly street outside, two Divine Transformation cultivators have placed a giant arena with a fifth-grade defense formation.

Many disciples from the northern and southern borders came hurriedly on the street. Rong Qianqiu was dressed in a white robe, at the pinnacle of Nascent Soul, with four hundred and fifty years of life. He was standing in the air inside the defensive formation and looking toward the Nanxun store.

Rong Qianqiu looked back at Miss Mei Zhen'er, who was standing at the front of the Tiansheng Sect team, and said with a smile, "If you lose, Brother Mu, take your apprentice to visit our Tiansheng Sect for a few days."

Taoist Mu frowned immediately.

The elders, such as Qing Xuan, were even more displeased.

"Miss Mei of the Tiansheng Sect has no malicious intentions. She just heard that Junior Niece Su is very good at alchemy and wants to communicate." Rong Qianqiu said mildly.

Hang Wan'er and a group of juniors and seniors were immediately vigilant to keep Su Yu behind them.

Elder Zhang shouted on the spot, "Fart!"

[T/N: In Chinese, this exclamation is equal to “bulls**t!”]

Su Yu put her hands behind her back and glanced at the Tiansheng Sect team on the street. They were led by Mei Zhen'er, who was wearing white clothes and smiling hospitably at her.

She let out a sigh.

This cultivation event is a lesson from heaven and earth. Master Su really never thought of competing with the heroine of luck.

However, some people broke the defensive array in her store one after another. Then there was another Son of Buddha to send some prophecy. Also, a large group of 300 people from the Bingling Sect came to take care of Master Su's business.

Master Su doesn't plan to take the first place.

But hey, her strength doesn't allow it.

Su Yu was also very distressed. Why did she take the first place?

She also didn't understand. She obviously only opened her kitchen three times a day.

Master Su really has a headache.

Mei Zhen'er saw Su Yu with her hands behind her back, looking down at her from the second floor of Nanxun Shop. She was sighing at her and shaking her head.

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