Chapter 69(1) - Sugar Painting

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At the gate of Nanxun Mountain, all the disciples were standing all over the mountains or flying with swords. The crowd was like a sea of people.

He Tong looked at the boat excitedly.

'Half an ancient spirit vein.'

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He saw Su Yu on the boat. She is as bright as a spring sun and surrounded by the disciples who went to the north.

He Tong's heart moved slightly.

'This is the future pillar of Nanxun!'

He couldn't help but say loudly, "Junior Niece Su, on behalf of the disciples, can I ask you to share with us what you have learned?"

Nanxun disciples are looking forward to looking at her.

Su Yu had her hands behind her back while thinking about today's recipe.

At this time, when she looked at the disciples who surrounded the boat and made it impossible for the boat to move forward, she blurted out, "There is a beginning and an end."

"When you go out, you will have a farewell banquet, and when you come back, let's have a celebration banquet!"

He Tong was stunned.

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Su Yu smiled and took a step forward. "This trip has taken more than a month. Three disciples who have made the most progress and contributed the most to Nanxun this month, please come forward."

Nanxun disciples cheered.

Jinbamen: "...!"

Shuilingmen & Bingling Sect: "...!"

They only hated that they came to exchange too late, and it was too late to contribute to Nanxun.

It didn't take long for two bold people to stand up.

But the third person did not come forward.

Su Yu glanced at the crowd suspiciously.

Taoist Mu is also looking for his disciples from Zhiqiong Peak.

In the end, the two people who stood up said, "We dare not say that we are the best in cultivation speed this month or the most diligent. We only dare to rank second and third."

The most diligent and diligent person is not yet here.

Nanxun disciples looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

"Senior Wei Zhao still doesn't know that Sister Su is back."

"At least for 27 or 28 days this month, he brought Zhiqiong Peak and the brothers and sisters from Baiyu Peak to eat and sleep in the secret realm. I only saw him once at the exchange office to buy medicine."

"If you want to say who trains the hardest, it must be Brother Wei Zhao. He opened his eyes and practised, closed his eyes and meditated. Otherwise, he took care of his brothers and sisters."

Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

Taoist Mu also touched his beard happily. "Okay, as expected of my third disciple."

After a while, Wei Zhao and the disciples of Zhiqiong Peak and Baiyu Peak rushed back from the exit of the secret realm.

Their clothes were tattered, and many people were dripping blood, but each one's eyes were bright. Their eyes were more firm and determined than a month ago.

They rushed to the front of the Nanxun gate, and their eyes were red when they saw Su Yu.

"Second Senior Sister!"

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Wei Zhao's eyes were hot.

"Wei Zhao lived up to his mission and took good care of his junior brothers and sisters."

"Congratulations to the second senior sister on your triumphal victory!"

Su Yu smiled and nodded.

Wei Zhao and others excitedly looked at the Nanxun team, whom they had missed for a long time, especially Hang Wan'er and others.

However, Wei Zhao was stunned for a moment when his gaze swept across a tall and slender figure. "'re back too!"

Wei Zhao and his brothers and sisters rejoiced.

Taoist Mu: "..."

He has been standing here for a long time.


"Wei Zhao, everyone mentioned you."

Su Yu nodded, "Three disciples, you can talk about the difficulties in your cultivation recently. There is no end to cultivation. Today is a celebration and a new starting point."

Wei Zhao and the other two disciples who stood up looked at each other.

"Actually, we're not in a hurry to take elixir for now. It's better to be stable for the time being."

The two disciples, who were originally from second-class peaks, were a little embarrassed.

"Because of the slow progress in our spiritual consciousness, it seems that it will not be able to keep up with the swordsmanship that we trained in the secret realm. Hey, Senior Sister Su, can I keep the pill on credit? We will use it next time."

Su Yu was stunned.

For the first time, someone rejected Master Su.

Wei Zhao looked at Su Yu with a dignified expression. "Second Senior Sister, when the former elder of the Meditation Hall left, he brought the Jade Bed Formation with him, so there are fewer places for us Nanxun disciples to exercise our spiritual awareness."

The elders, such as Qing Xuan, looked complicated when they heard it. They looked at the cabin of the boat.

In the cabin was the half-dead Rong Qianqiu, whom they had just brought back. His consciousness was injured, and his Nascent Soul was beaten by the Taoist Mu so much that he could not take care of himself. He is still in a coma until now.

If they want him to get up and form a formation, it is estimated that they will need to pour him down with fifth-grade medicinal pills.

Sect Master He Tong sighed, "I have asked a fifth-rank array master to carve it, and now several fourth-rank array masters are also studying the locking spirit array. At the latest, I promise that the spiritual consciousness cultivation in the Meditation rooms will be restored to its original state in less than half a year."

Engraving formation evokes the power of heaven and earth.

If they are slightly not careful, one mistake and the entire array will be destroyed.

"Little Su," He Tong looked at Su Yu very gently. "Then you can keep three pills on credit and give them to these three outstanding disciples later. The sect will bear the relevant spirit stones."

But as soon as he finished speaking, the beautiful Xia Jingsi in a white robe and short hair tied behind his head smiled and put his hands together.

"The eldest disciple of Zhiqiong Peak has seen the head."

He Tong: "..."

'Is this the stupid Son of Buddha?'

Seeing is better than believing. He is really stupid.

"Master," Xia Jingsi smiled, "My sister Su can also carve a formation. The formation can help me in Nascent Soul to comprehend my exercises. She must be able to study the spiritual formation."

With his character, the Son of Buddha is obviously telling the truth.

Su Yu's forehead twitched.

"To save all sentient beings, Junior Sister. Your merits will help you soar." The Son of Buddha smiled peacefully.

Su Yu: "..."

'It was discovered.'

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Anyway, her Dao is to help others (bullshit), which is the source of her great business of cooking.

When she is continuously on the stove, and entertaining guests, the five-element cauldron in her Dantian is expanding day by day.

Once it stagnates, not only her cooking skills will decline, but her cultivation will also stop.

Su Yu sighed.

Master Su's light couldn't be hidden.

"That's right," she took a step forward with her hands behind her back, looking at the stunned leader He Tong, "I probably... can carve."

The Locking Array is the fifth rank formation.

It is different from the green plum array she carved before, which is just a third-rank array that prolongs life for several months.

"You can't recognize it until you are Nascent Soul—" Taoist Mu stopped her, "Don't be ridiculous. It will hurt your root."

"It's okay, then try to engrave a fourth-grade lock spirit formation."

Su Yu has no burden at all.

Su Yu took a deep breath, and under the gaze of Nanxun disciples and the admiration of disciples from other sects who came for student exchange, she winked at Sect Leader He Tong.

"Where is the inscription of the... Locking Array, I'll study it first."

He Tong's Primordial Spirit almost fainted.

'Study it?'

He looked at Su Yu's Golden Core's cultivation, and he was dumbfounded for a while.

'When will she learn it?'

'Nevermind, just let her learn.'

He Tong was also a straightforward person. He shot a jade slip with a divine transformation seal in front of Su Yu.

"Little Su, take your time."

"Elders of the Precepts Hall, first join me in placing the ancient spiritual veins in my Nanxun!"

Nanxun disciples jumped for joy.

The placement of spiritual veins is not a one-day event.

All the Divine Transformation elders and the Nascent Soul elders together can barely hold up half of the ancient spiritual veins.

They carefully move it and lay it flat.

If something is slightly wrong, the spiritual energy riot is no joke.

This is Nanxun's top priority today.

The elders, such as Qing Xuan, went to help immediately.

Before leaving, he did not forget to instruct Su Yu, who was reading the jade slip. "If you feel the tingling of your consciousness, stop immediately. Don't force it."

Taoist Mu took out the spirit tea in his storage bag and warned worriedly, "Disciple, it's okay not to do it. We just need to wait for half a year. If you really can't, we can still use that waste, Rong Qianqiu. Just let him get up and work. It's the right thing to take care of yourself first. It's not a sign of courage to force yourself. Remember it."

He also instructed Hang Wan'er and other disciples, "Take care of your senior sister. If her spiritual sense is injured, call me immediately. She can't be distracted when she learns the formation method, so be careful to hold up some defensive formation."

Then he looked at the Son of Buddha. "Take care of your... Junior Sister."

"Yes, Master."

The beautiful Xia Jingsi immediately crossed his knees and took out the five-grade magic weapon, the wooden bell.

When he knocked and knocked, it was as if thousands of monks recited the sutra simultaneously, making consciousness clear.

Hang Wan'er and others were even more solemn, standing straight.

Wei Zhao stepped forward and stood in the first place. All the disciples from Zhiqiong Peak entered the battle, and Yan Yan stood at the end of the straight line.

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"It's the defense formation of Zhiqiong Peak, the Burger Treasure." Elder Zhang nodded.

Taoist Mu was stunned: "...?"


Soon, the small half of the spiritual vein was lifted up. The head He Tong and the elders worked together to move it to the outer edge of the main peak.

In addition to the original thirty-six main peaks, there are new twenty-four extra peaks that can be shrouded in rich spiritual energy.

"One day in the future, all the peaks of our Nanxun will be nourished by the ancient aura!"

The disciples were all excited and clenched their fists.

Even if the spiritual vein could not be placed properly for a while, they watched with great interest and were reluctant to leave.

He Tong, the head, adjusted his position. He sweated profusely down his forehead and slowly moved the ancient spiritual vein down inch by inch.

This process will not be completed until tomorrow.

And over there, Su Yu looked at the younger brothers and sisters who built the 'Hamburger Treasure Array' beside her, and she felt a sense of security in her heart.

She looked down at the inscription of the locking spirit array in the jade slip.

She agreed and wanted to try it because she had seen it in the Meditation Hall.

There are more than a dozen densely packed inscription characters in this spirit lock formation.

Some of them are like the bronzeware script she has seen before. It is full of strokes strokes and circles circles, similar to words but more like paintings. Some are like rivers, and some are like flying dragons and phoenixes.

At that time, Su Yu thought of sugar painting.

Su Yu quickly squatted down and took out a stove carved by Yu Dong from her storage bag.

She took out a white jade slate, put it on the stove, and took out a round scooper and a shovel.

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Xia Jingsi, who was knocking on the wooden bell next to her, looked over curiously and glanced at the inscription inadvertently. In an instant, his face turned pale. He closed his eyes in pain, and a stinging tear flowed out of his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't understand any formation method, but when he glanced at this continuous inscription with continuous strokes from beginning to end, his consciousness was almost injured.

"Junior brothers and sisters, close your eyes and don't look." The Son of Buddha reminded Hang Wan'er and others.

The disciples of Zhiqiong Peak can't help worrying about each other.

But Su Yu was not uncomfortable.

She stretched out her index finger and slowly traced the golden end-to-end dragon and phoenix pattern that appeared above the jade slip.

She thinks for a moment and then repeats it ten times before closing her eyes.

"Huh? Second Senior Sister, have you started?"

Hang Wan'er had closed her eyes and could only hear a few fragmentary voices from her senior sister. She couldn't help asking nervously.

"How are you?"

Soon a faint sweetness filled her nose.

Then she heard the sound of simmering in her ear.

Su Yu sighed and put the melted gold silk solution in a long-handled round ladle.

She held the jade slip and observed it three times before holding the round ladle in one hand, tilted it slowly, and began to outline it on the slate.

The wispy gold pattern gradually formed under the round scooper.

Pour, pull, point, pile... all rely on her wrist to rotate, pour the sugar liquid, and draw slowly.

Circle, arc, straight line, thin or thick, continuous or tangled. The slightest indecision or trembling will destroy the falling melted sugar.

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In some places, it is necessary to use a spatula to lift or carve or draw out thin threads before the sugar painting is solidified.


As soon as Su Yu wanted to talk to Hang Wan'er for a while, the round scooper in her hand dropped too much sugar.

The small half sugar painting can only be shoveled out and restarted.

Su Yu took a deep breath, sweat dripping from her forehead.

Just like surgery is specialized.

Sugar painting production, after all, is not her specialty.

"Don't talk to Second Senior Sister. Let Second Senior Sister not be in a hurry... and try slowly."

Su Yu gritted her teeth and rolled up her sleeves.

She had previously tried sugar painting in her private kitchen as a gift for children. She specially asked a master to learn it for a while.

This kind of craftsmanship will become forgotten if not practiced every day.

Sure enough, she tried three more times, but she still failed.

Master Su was expressionless.

Good guy. She is overturned.

Su Yu lit the fire again, warmed the syrup, and continued to try.


The sweat on her forehead is getting more and more.

She was carving ingredients all year round and often using sauces to outline decorations. Master Su has a flexible wrist and a strong ability to imitate.

Slowly, this locking spirit formation failed one by one.

But after failing, again and again, the number of completed array inscriptions is gradually increasing.

"Sister Su encountered a problem this time." Elder Zhang controlled the spiritual veins, glanced from a distance, and shook his head when he saw Su Yu's sad face.

"Rong Qianqiu had to learn the Locking Array for three months before successfully drawing it. A little interruption, one mistake, the array will be completely destroyed." Qing Xuan nodded.

"That will be used as an experience," the head He Tong waved, "She watched the locking spirit formation today and tried to inscribe it, which will also improve herself in the future."

But as soon as he finished his words, a golden light fell in the distance.

He Tong couldn't help but stare.

An inscription linked from front to end floated in the air.

In an instant, it turned into a dragon with a crested head. The head and the tail are connected, and dozens of inscriptions emit golden light.

A sweet aroma gradually permeates Nanxun.

The aura in the distance slowly solidified.


He Tong was stunned.

She is faster than him, the head, placing the spiritual veins!

"Wait a minute, why is the Spirit Locking Array a golden inscription?"

Taoist Mu, who just battled Rong Qianqiu, was surprised.

"Junior Niece Su's elixir really doesn't look like an elixir, and her array is not like an array. She has such a personality."



[T/N: Sugar painting is a form of traditional Chinese folk art using hot, liquid sugar to create two-dimensional objects on a marble or metal surface. After it cools, it will be stuck to a bamboo stick and removed using a spatula.]

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