Chapter 84 - Seafood Rice

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An alchemist left the Ancient Secret Palace of the Five Elements behind and every assessment was related to alchemy.

This was a ridiculous idea.if you are reading this on a site other than puretl(.)com then this chapter has been stolen

Soon Su Yu reached the third floor of the tower.

Hang Wan'er already knew what to do and stepped on the shallow footprints on the stone floor.

On the stone wall, there were indeed parts of beasts that were about to be reborn.

Her Five Immortal Ropes flew out, just like how she usually practiced many times previously, tying them gracefully and just right, ensuring that after they were put on the stove, the flesh and bones would not fall apart.

"It's... ugly."

Hang Waner said after thinking.

The people outside the projection array were surprised. "Is this okay?"

After the beast fragments in the wall sculpture were properly bundled, they slowly disappeared.

A staircase to the fourth floor appeared.

When Su Yu stepped on the wooden staircase, she turned her head and gave Hang Wan'er an encouraging gentle look.

She complimented. "Practice is useful. Your craftsmanship has improved a lot. Senior Sister likes it very much."

Hang Wan'er was instantly delighted.

To everyone's astonishment, Su Yu stepped into the fourth floor of the tower, which might finally stop her.

There were seven floors in the tower. They had passed through the first three floors, leaving four floors left. However, she only had one more person accompanying her.

Su Yu looked at Xiao Muge. Xiao Muge lowered his hat and seemed to be looking at her too.

"Second Junior Sister, I will try my best to help you."

He said seriously.

Su Yu put her hands behind her back and looked forward. "I feel that this Ancient Secret Palace of the Five Elements is testing my way."

She didn't explain further, but Xiao Muge had already understood.

The Five Elements Palace outside, which were metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, tested the way of a single element.

The fact that she could pass through had nothing to do with those.

This ancient secret palace was the real assessment for her.

On the three floors just now, it seemed like Yan Yan and the others helped her pass. However, they were all influenced by her and walked in her way.

"The secret palace excludes Jin Haotian and Xu Tu because their way has nothing to do with me."

While Yan Yan and the others participated in her cooking.

They were deeply influenced by her.

"So, Senior Brother Xiao, how did you get in?"

Xiao Muge took a step back.

Su Yu took out a soup pot from her storage bag and walked to the table on the fourth floor. "They are all downstairs and can't hear you. Is the Jasper Turtle here too?"



Su Yu put down the soup pot and dug out the compliment note she got in the north from her storage bag.

Glancing at him, the corners of her mouth rose.

"So, are you strong enough to ignore the rules of the secret palace, or are you entering my assessment as my only diner?"

The rest of the people here wanted her elixir. Their favorites were her magic weapons.

Only this man praised her craftsmanship.

Su Yu smiled, smoothed out the rolled edges on both sides of the note, and folded it neatly again.

Praise–Master Su had heard a lot.

But this was her first real compliment in the world of immortal cultivation. Master Su would cherish it.

So, the case was solved.

In her assessment, as indispensable as knife work, seasoning and other steps... was the diner.

This man was her diner; therefore, he could enter the ancient secret palace.

"Let's go, brother turtle."



Xiao Muge put on his hat.

"Sister, do you have any misunderstanding of me?"

Su Yu shook her head. "It seems that you have nothing abnormal."

Xiao Muge's consciousness fell on her and he frowned.

Su Yu was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Well, after entering the fourth floor, I lost my sense of smell."


The Jasper Turtle in Xiao Muge's sea of consciousness sat up in surprise.

Su Yu put the handwritten note on the tip of her nose and sniffed.

"When it was delivered, it smelled of fresh fish and duck. Just like those snacks I made in the north."

"But now," she paused, "it doesn't smell."

After that, she took another bundle of hooves from her storage bag.


It was also odorless.

[Abandon. The assessment of this ancient secret palace seems to revolve around loss.]

Su Yu nodded as if she heard the words of the Jasper Turtle in Xiao Muge's consciousness.

Then she sighed softly.if you are reading this on a site other than puretl(.)com then this chapter has been stolen

"In the first three floors, for Yan Yan and the others, they had to give up speed, give up uselessness and give up anxiety."

"But for me, it's to give up my companions."

"And at this moment, all I have left is myself. There are four floors left, so my own parts start to disappear."

While speaking, she had already walked to the long wooden table in the fourth hall and boiled the broth.

She was unobstructed and a wooden staircase leading to the upper floor appeared.

Because she had lost something.

Xiao Muge chased her before she entered the fifth floor and stepped one step ahead of her.

However, nothing happened to him.

Su Yu, who was standing at the door, reached out and touched her chin.

She said, "Senior Brother Xiao, can you cook?"

Xiao Muge: ...


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In front of the projection array, everyone watched the movement in the ancient secret palace.

However, the picture and sound were on and off.

"Senior Brother Xiao, how did you come in, because you—beep—"

"I lost my sense of smell."


The broadcast was intermittent and every one of Nanxun was anxious to death. They looked at the Five Elements Palace masters who were glued together.

"What's going on?"

'Why is there a shield?'

Taoist Mu knew that, most likely, it was because the discussion involved the cultivation of his eldest disciple, which was not important.

But he anxiously asked the Earth Spirit, "How can this ancient secret palace assessment deprive my second disciple of her five senses!?"

"When there is a sacrifice, there is a gain."

Earth Spirit voiced her thoughts.

"Haven't you heard? If there is no accident, the inheritor of the ancient secret palace will surely soar."

Everyone was stunned.

The Earth Spirit sighed, "But how to ascend? All the ancient records say that those who ascend must leave the mortal body. Only by cutting off the source and leaving the flesh can they become immortals."

Taoist Mu took a deep breath. "Losing what is most important to you, severing the six desires and becoming a soaring immortal?"

Earth Spirit did not continue on.

Water Spirit snorted, "Actually, we only made it to the sixth hall back then. Everyone's obsessions and dependencies are different. So it depends on Young Master Su."

As they spoke, the signal of the projection array was turned on again.


On the sixth floor of the ancient secret palace, Su Yu carried the soup pot in her hand as she walked.

She turned her head to look at Xiao Muge and her eyes had lost their usual brilliance.

"Fortunately, my hands are still there."

This one sentence made everyone in front of the projection anxious.

The thin bandage on Xiao Muge's right hand fluttered between his fingers for a moment. It was about to unfold.

But Su Yu told him to tie it back.

"The order of loss should be according to my usual degree of dependence."

Smell, taste, hearing, vision.

As a cook, she lost four of her most important five senses one by one.

She could no longer hear Xiao Muge speak.

But that was okay.

Su Yu felt that she had experienced the feeling of old age in advance.

She had always wanted to retire.

Now that she had a real chance to do it, she just wanted to say one word - FUCK!

It was so frustrating.

Master Su couldn't accept it.

She lost her sense of smell and could not select the ingredients in her storage bag, so she could only touch it with her hands.

When she lost her vision, she was not able to see the changes in the pot. She could not judge the cooking time.

Loss of hearing, unable to judge the heat by the sound of oil.

Without a sense of taste, it was impossible to adjust the seasoning.

It was really...

Everything was especially important to her.


Su Yu sighed leisurely.

If she was too old and unable to do anything in bed, maybe she could live with it.

But now her legs were still walking and her mind was still active. She did not want to retire.

Master Su's five senses were gradually lost. She had no fear, but now she saw her true heart.

She wanted to work for another hundred years!

She smiled bitterly and walked forward for a while. A thin cloth band floated to her fingertips. She was stunned but quickly grabbed it.

The thin cloth led her forward.

Su Yu pondered. "There's one last layer... If I have to leave something out, I hope it's my voice, not my sense of touch."

"In this way, I can still turn the pot."

As she spoke, the muslin in her hand paused.

It seemed that Xiao Muge stopped and let the muslin fell without any tension of being pulled.

Su Yu wrapped the muslin around her wrist and had time for a joke. "If I can't speak later, this may be my last word."

Su Yu had already figured out how to cook the last dish before she lost her five senses.

"Wait a minute. When the aroma comes out of the pot, can you tug me?"

Xiao Muge stood with the hat covering his forehead.

He looked at her dewy cheeks like water jade. Even if her eyes were not focused, there was a firmness that ordinary people did not have.

If it wasn't for her lost sense of hearing, he would want to ask her if she was not afraid.

Ancient immortals were moody. No one could guarantee that the loss of the five senses at this moment was forever or temporary.


He looked at her wrist, which was lightly wrapped in muslin, and answered.

Su Yu waited and listened, but of course, she heard nothing.

Her consciousness was also unable to penetrate his body.

But soon, she felt a light tug of the muslin on her wrist and raised her lips.

"Let's go then."

Her tone was expectant.

As long as they got out of this secret palace, everything would end.

"If in the next level I lost my touch, then it's over."

Master Su glanced over and her flawless cheeks blushed a little.

The chef must know the real level for everyone in the back kitchen.

Especially at times like this.

"In fact, Senior Brother Xiao has already surpassed Spirit Severing stage. Is he overcoming the calamity? Or is he about to ascend?"

Xiao Muge froze.

"I can't hear you now, so I will take it as default."

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Xiao Muge: "..."

Master Su was not a fool.

In addition, there were too many doubts.

Elder Qing Xuan could not even break her third-grade tofu skin fabric, so Xiao Muge's cultivation base could be imagined.

The jasper turtle that could enter and exit the small world of the Five Elements Palace at any time and the strange ice block that made her five-element cauldron lose the elixir buff.

In the assessment of the Metal Palace, an unknown second person broke through and only Xiao Muge disappeared.

Su Yu was taken to the seventh floor by Xiao Muge while she was thinking.

She opened her mouth and grinned.

Xiao Muge turned sideways and saw her dazzling smile, like sunlight shining on fresh snow.

She lost her voice.if you are reading this on a site other than puretl(.)com then this chapter has been stolen

But her ability to take charge was preserved.

Very happy.

Xiao Muge closed his eyes and opened them again, looking at the seventh floor in front of them on her behalf.

There were ten nanmu wood tables that could seat about ten people in the hall.

Some shadowy lights, big and small, constantly appeared on the seats at the wooden tables.

Three sticks of sandalwood incense were inserted in the incense holder and had been lit.

A spiritual thought fell into both of their seas of consciousness.

[Ancient Secret Palace of the Five Elements Ultimate Assessment.]

[Abandon. Helplessly abandoned, actively abandoned... There are many types of abandonment in this world.]

[What is lost? Which is more important and which is less important? If you had to choose one or the other, what would you throw away?]

[Within the three sticks of incense sticks, you have to get the Hundred Spiritual Senses in this hall to approve you and you have to answer this question before you can pass. Otherwise, everything that was lost in this secret palace cannot be recovered.]

Xiao Muge squinted.

In an instant, a long table appeared in front of Su Yu.

It was similar to the table in the small kitchen at the back of Zhiqiong Peak.

Several hooves tied with silk ropes, chickens and ducks wrapped in lotus leaves, cut small ribs... floated towards Su Yu.

Those were meat that was handled by Yan Yan, Yu Dong and Hang Wan'er on the previous three floors.

Su Yu took a deep breath and pulled the muslin on her wrists.

Xiao Muge stepped forward immediately and was hesitating whether to enter her sea of consciousness when she touched him.

One hand pressed down on his muslin-wrapped belly.

Master Su was taken aback. "I'm sorry."

After she said this soundlessly, she quickly poked the hard abdominal muscles with speed as fast as her knife.

'Very good.'

'His standing is very stable and he will be durable in the back kitchen.'

As her fingertips left his abdominal muscle, she slid over to find his hand.

Xiao Muge froze.

'Her fingertips were warm.'

The fingertips were wandering across his arms at the moment, like a light feather and felt very unbearable.

He reached out and grabbed her wrist, and pressed it into his palm.

Su Yu was also relieved.

She wrote on the palm of his hand.

"Remember to tell me the changes in the pot."

One stroke at a time and every word was written gently.

Xiao Muge felt a light itching, as gentle as water, through the tangled muslin cloth.

[Master... wake up!]

Xiao Muge took a deep breath and stared at Su Yu's pot.

Su Yu thought for a moment, then began to operate.

'What to cook this time.'

If it was normal, Master Su had many recipes.

However, now that her five senses were lost, Master Su thought of seafood paella.

Traditional Spanish-style seafood rice dish that was half-boiled and half-fried.

The short-grain rice used in this rice dish was highly absorbent. Even if it was soaked in water, the centre of the rice remained firm.

The outer layer of the rice grains was wrapped in the rich juice of the seafood sauce, but the inner layer allowed the diners to taste the original taste of the rice.

Even if it was cooked a little longer, this rice would not be mushy.

But if the heat was too high and the time was too long, the starch would be completely gelatinized and the taste would be closer to porridge.

From the consequences of uncontrollable heat, Su Yu felt that this rice dish was more suitable for her current blind situation.

She reached out and closed her eyes to touch the floating ingredients.

As long as her sense of touch was there, she was fine.

Xiao Muge couldn't bear to see her blindly touching the air. He separated a divine sense, upheld the courtesy of a gentleman and knocked on the door of her sea of knowledge. However, what he saw was a recipe in her sea of knowledge, which startled him.

[Chop the garlic into minced pieces, chop the parsley and set aside for later use.]

Any cultivator's sea of knowledge was a private space.

If you enter, you could explore all the secrets of the other party at will.

If it was a strange consciousness that entered other people's sea of consciousness, it could cause heavy damage easily. So only very close and trusted people could do this.

Since more than three hundred years ago, for some reason, there had been a so-called fusion of spirits and souls among Taoist companions, which allowed other people's consciousness to enter their own sea of consciousness, casting a layer of taboo feeling.

Xiao Muge's sense of consciousness was too strong, but he had heard it many times in Nanxun... What a wonderful feeling.

So along the way, even when he saw that his second junior sister had lost her five senses, he never thought of doing this.

It was only when he saw Su Yu touching mindlessly and rubbing the floating animal bones one by one, seemingly already lost half of the three sticks of incense...

He knocked on the door of his second junior sister's sea of consciousness.

In fact, as long as you uphold yourself, it's just an exchange of consciousness. It wouldn't happen... like those Taoist companions.

Xiao Muge thought it was fine.

However, he did not expect her to be more defenseless than he expected.

As his consciousness knocked, her sea of consciousness opened.

Not only was she so bold, but her sea of knowledge was also full of secret recipes.

Not even waiting for his consciousness to enter, a group of secret recipes poured out from her sea of consciousness and surrounded his own consciousness!

Her state of mind was so pure that even the recipes she mastered overflowed.

He hadn't thought about exploring at will, but he was greeted by this flow of consciousness and couldn't break free.

But soon, a Little Master Su Nascent Soul, who was wearing a chef's uniform and holding a dish spoon, ran up from her dantian.

Her Nascent Soul seemed to be hot because of the stove. Her cheeks were flushed and she seemed not surprised to see him.

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Xiao Muge was about to explain his intention when she held out a vegetable ladle and handed it to him.

"Sure enough, as Seventh Junior Sister said, you can do anything. You are very enthusiastic as long as it does not violate the way of heaven."

Xiao Muge coughed. "I will do my best to help you."

Little Master Su Nascent Soul smiled immediately.

She didn't say any nonsense and quickly sank back to her dantian.

Suddenly, a light appeared from her sea of consciousness, flew to Xiao Muge's consciousness and touched him lightly.

[The shelled clams should be blanched with boiling spiritual water. When they open slightly, then take them out.]

Xiao Muge immediately lowered his head and saw the real Su Yu in the hall, doing the same actions as her Nascent Soul. He closed his eyes and stretched out his hand to rub the shells. He slowly poured spiritual water into the pot.

Then he lit the fire and poured in the clams.if you are reading this on a site other than puretl(.)com then this chapter has been stolen

Su Yu immediately moved her wrist and grinned. "Thank you."

She slowly relied on muscle memory over the years, touched the position of the dinner plate next to her and fished out the clams.

When he saw Su Yu used her left hand to pick up a gourd and garlic, and her right hand held the knife and was about to cut it calmly...

Xiao Muge's eyelids twitched.

He reached out and pressed on the hilt.

Su Yu was stunned for a moment before letting go of the knife.

Xiao Muge cut the gourd into strips and said hesitantly, "Expand your sea of knowledge and I will let you see what is in front of you."

Su Yu blinked. "Doesn't this violate the rules of the secret palace?"

She said this in the depths of her sea of knowledge, revealing a vibrating voice.

The transmission from the source of the sea of consciousness showed her beautiful voice, which was like whispers in his ear. It was clear and the murmurs were as if a spirit carp at the bottom of the water spit out light bubbles to his ears.

Xiao Muge felt a bit numb.

Su Yu shook her head before he could speak.

"Since we have to answer which one I give up and which one I don't give up, let's do this first."

"I think so too." Jasper Turtle laid on Xiao Muge's bamboo hat and nodded.

It kept watching them silently.

After all, don't expect a turtle to do the complicated work.

[Heat oil in a pot, fry gourd and garlic finely on low heat. Be careful not to burn it…]

As soon as the fragrance came out, he pulled the muslin on her wrist and pulled her hand holding the ladle to this side of the pot.

Master Su understood immediately and moved to the side.

Xiao Muge took a plate and put it next to the pot for her.

He quickly flipped through the detailed explanation of her recipe and proceeded to the next step.

The cooperation between the two went from being unfamiliar to gradually becoming familiar.

The Jasper Turtle nodded.


In front of the projection array, all the factions were anxious.

"Master Su has lost her five senses. There is only half a stick of incense left. Is it too late?"

Who knew where the hundreds of spirits came from. They were already fluttering like fireflies and seated themselves at the ten round tables.

They seemed a little impatient. Their light flickered like a firefly.

Elder Zhang grumbled. "Xiao Muge is a good boy, but he came back a little late. The two were a little rusty at first and now they are familiar with each other, but they wasted too much time."


Taoist Mu looked strange, watching the two disciples together.

They completed this banquet together and their hands often brushed past each other.

His eldest apprentice also pulled the muslin cloth wrapped around his second apprentice's wrist from time to time. The two did not speak, but they clearly communicated with each other.

"The two are beautiful and talented. If they become Taoist companions..." Qing Xuan was obviously a supporting party.


Taoist Mu looked ugly. "Don't talk nonsense."

His eldest apprentice was very talented, but that person couldn't stay for a few days. How could he hook up with his obedient second apprentice to be his Taoist companion? If he soared and ascended, what about his second disciple at that time?

This would never work.

His eldest disciple was not suitable. If he dared to have any unreasonable thoughts about his second disciple, he would righteously break the relationship!

Taoist Mu's face was ugly. Looking at the two people in the secret palace who were gradually having a tacit understanding, he couldn't help but become anxious. "Hey, why haven't the three incense sticks been burned yet?"

Everyone: "?"


Finally, the broken thoughts of Taoist Mu were useful. The incense sticks in the ancient secret palace were finally burnt out.

Hundreds of divine consciousnesses burst out with a brutal aura in an instant.

[Time is up.]

[Su Yu—what's your answer?]

The questioning of the ancient secret palace also fell into the sea of consciousness of the two.

Su Yu smiled.

Xiao Muge had already placed the seafood paella in the pot for her.

Just as he was about to serve it towards the Hundred Spiritual Senses, he was pulled by the muslin on her wrist.


Elder Zhang, in front of the projection array, stood up anxiously. "What are they doing! Why is Little Junior Niece Su hesitating? If she fails, she may completely lose her five senses, so hurry up!"

But Su Yu didn't move.

She closed her eyes and turned to the sky above the secret palace. "This is my answer—"

She took off her chef hat slowly.

"The two of us cooperated and tried to make this meal for our own use. It will not be served to the hundred souls on this floor."

Quality control was the last bottom line of her kitchen.

Even the most sophisticated chef could not complete the food suitable to be presented to the guests when she lost her five senses.

Experience and hard work would not work.

She just finished this cooking as a fun experiment, but she no longer did it as a chef.

Su Yu stood behind the pot and didn't regret it at all. "Even if I lose my five senses, this is not enough to entertain guests."

Her dantian's Nascent Soul had changed out of her chef's clothes and put on the usual moonlight gauze dress.

This represented a transformation of identity.

Xiao Muge's gaze fell on her clean little face as if he had never known her.

At least, he had never seen such a determined expression.

"So, here's my answer."

In the secret palace, several violent spirits rushed towards her.

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Xiao Muge took off the muslin cloth between his fingers.

But the hundred souls stopped right in front of her and slowly dissipated.

[Abandon. To get rid of the mortal thoughts. There is only one mind of the Dao.]

[Su Yu, even when I threaten you that you will lose your five senses if you don't succeed, you still keep your own way.]

[Your Dao Heart is tenacious. Your future soaring can be expected.]

A gentle voice sounded in the secret palace.

Su Yu opened her eyes, looked over the ancient secret palace and found that her five senses had returned.

[I am willing to submit to you.]

The tower of the ancient secret palace immediately sent the five, including Su Yu, out.

The entire tower turned into a jade ornament. It flew to the jade belt around Su Yu's waist and hung beside the Five Elements Spirit Key.

A five-colored halo flowed from time to time along this seven-story jade pagoda.

"Ninth-grade magic weapon!" Everyone was shocked.

"Second Senior Sister, are you all right?" As soon as Hang Wan'er came out of the secret palace, she flew towards Su Yu anxiously.

She also saw Su Yu's situation on the third floor.

"Can you hear me now?"

Su Yu smiled and nodded at her. "I can hear you. Senior Sister is fine."

"Hey, where is Eldest Senior Brother?" Yu Dong turned his head and looked around.

---if you are reading this on a site other than puretl(.)com then this chapter has been stolen

Xiao Muge, who had been struck by lightning thousands of miles away, re-tied a thin cloth between his fingers.

[...Master, those spirits will not hurt her, but you almost attacked them just now. Really, the secret palace can't bear your thunder tribulation...]

Xiao Muge was silent.

But soon, the Jasper Turtle jumped inside his sea of consciousness.

[Let's go back quickly. I still want to taste Master's half craftsmanship!]



When Xiao Muge came back, Hang Wan'er was eating the seafood rice that he and Su Yu completed together.

Su Yu was reluctant to give it to the guests.

But they fought together many times. Hang Wan'er and her other junior brothers and sisters had long been like her family.

Letting her own family try the dishes, Master Su had no bottom line.

Xiao Muge came back and saw Hang Wan'er scooping up a big bowl of rice.

The ruddy sauce wrapped each grain of short rice and the grains were crystal clear. On the grain, there were fleshy clams and clear and crisp bow prawns, which were very hot.

Hang Wan'er used her special long-handled large wooden spoon to scoop a spoonful of rice. She also put the corn and the clam meat into her mouth.

She closed her eyes.

The rice was full of delicious gravy, fish and shrimp soup, and a fresh mixed taste of spiritual plants. As soon as it entered the teeth, it bloomed layer by layer on the tip of her tongue, simultaneous with the heat.

When she bit it down— the glutinous rice...

'Still hard!'


Hang Wan'er covered her teeth and couldn't believe it.

She looked at Su Yu and then at her eldest senior brother.

"I tried it. It really was made by two people. Half of this thing is delicious and the other half is not delicious."

Xiao Muge: "..."

He did everything as per her orders.

Su Yu smiled and asked them to bring a bowl over, and she tasted it.

It was true that many people did not like the hard rice texture.

She carefully picked out the clams and shrimp, then re-seasoned the rice, added some stock, and simmered it in the pot again.

After waiting for a while, a plate of processed soft, glutinous, and gelatinized rice came out of the pot. Hang Wan'er tasted it and her eyes were intoxicated.

"Well, it's now good~"

As soon as she finished speaking, six lights fell from the sky into her bowl.

Hang Wan'er was taken aback. "Why did I get dizzy after taking a bite?"

Diners also had different taste preferences.

There was no one-size-fits-all recipe. There were no cooking experiences and skills that you could rely on forever.

The deliciousness was established only if it met the needs of the diners in front of you. It was only when your diners felt it was delicious.

Su Yu stepped into the peak of Nascent Soul in one breath.

A primordial spirit was imminent.

Xiao Muge looked at her, pressed his hat, and tasted the firm seafood rice in his mouth.

[ is really...not so good...]

[Master should continue to work hard next time.]

The Jasper Turtle also didn't like hard rice.



Ten days later.

"Let's go, let's go to Nanxun. It's all Mei Youde's fault. He opened the demon world channel too small. It took us a long time to squeeze out!"

"Come on. The passage will be fully opened in thirty days at most. Let's act as scouts for the army of demons first!"

Two demons were carrying a large knife and their bodies were more or less dark and demonic.

They wore black robes and hats to cover their bodies and hurried on their way.

One of the demons was burly and tall in his black robes. He was called Mo Sang and moved forward quickly.

He was confident.

He was one of the demons who read the most.

Before he came, he had read all the deeds of Nanxun for thousands of years, including when Su Yu entered the mountain and which clothing shop she liked to buy from in the past. He knew everything.

He, Mo Sang, would be the most competent undercover agent to sneak into the human world this time.

He knew Nanxun and Su Yu like the back of his hand. He would definitely be able to find the best way to attack before the Demon Lord led the army.

Then he saw a few golden parrots hovering in the air.

"Welcome to Master Su's Five Elements Secret Pagoda."

"Please take your number first."

"It is estimated that there are 391 tables ahead of you."

Mo Sang, the demon who knew everything: "??"

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