Chapter 197

The morning sun dwindled over the park as Alton was still lost and confused. "Where am I?"

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"Seriously? You must have had one hell of a dream. You're home stupid. Sunset Peak."

"Oh, yeah. Of course." He mumbled back.

Sam rolls her eyes sitting next to him. "Are you sure you're alright, Alt? You looked troubled."

Holding his head, Alton shrugs his shoulders. "I don't remember. I think I'll be fine, though."

"Well, that's good to hear." She mocks, punching his shoulder. "Come on, Destiny and Marco are waiting for us."

"Destiny… Marco?"

Sam turns her head, staring Alton uneasily. "Is there something wrong?"

"No… No, lead the way, Sam."



Nothing felt right to Alton, it all felt unnatural more so than usual as a stinging feeling was snapping against the back of his head. Although he had just woken up, Alton couldn't handle anymore tired, weak in fact as he sat idly on the sofa not responding to any words spoken. This was until he felt a flick to his head, snapping him back to this reality. "Earth to Alton… Hello?" Destiny yelled, waving her hand around. "I think Alton finally lost the plot."

"Tell us something new." Marco chuckled, throwing her the microphone. "It's your turn."

"Why do I have to sing for?"

"Does Alton look prepared to sing a Queen song?"

"Ugh, fine. Bohemian Rhapsody… Out of all the songs."

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"Rhapsody…" Alton whispered, looking around the karaoke bar. Memories clashed as Alton reached for the mini-fridge only to find nothing. "What the? Where's the mini-fridge?"

"Mini fridge? I don't think this place has one." Marco recalls.

Standing up almost falling over, Alton leaned against the wall feeling worse trembling. "No, no. There's a mini-fridge there. We get unlimited drinks. I know this."

"Damn unlimited drinks? That sounds awesome we should put in a suggestion at the front desk." Destiny orders already writing down the request.

Sam walked into the room startled seeing Alton stumbling around falling over the table. "Jesus… Alton, what are you doing?"

Slouched on the floor, Alton held his face finding blood pouring from his nose. "I don't know… My head."

Marco holds his hand out, helping Alton up slightly thrown back. "You're frozen to a crisp Alton."

"I am?" He whispered. "Where am I?"

"I think you need to sit down Alton."

Holding himself against the wall holding his nose, Alton shook his head. "No… I can't give up yet Zinnia."

Destiny stared blankly looking at everyone else in the room. "Who's Zinnia? You keeping secrets from us Alton again? Last time that happened, this city was destroyed. Funny what secrets can do."

"Tell me about it. I'm fucking dead." Marco laughed. "But it was sure a wild ride that's for sure."


Sam stepped in between the laughter, making Alton focus on her. "Let's get some fresh air?" Sitting outside the karaoke bar, both friends sat on the side of the road silent. Sam continued to stare down at the ground, speaking up. "You shouldn't be here Alton if you keep hiding the fact, I can't help you."

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Looking away from his dried bloody hands Alton whispered watching people walk by. "I'm dying, aren't I?"

"That's why you're here. On the verge of life and death. Just like me. It's been what six years since you brought me into that hospital?"

"You know?"

"I hear you from time to time. You always sound so sad it pisses me off."

"Pisses you off."

Sam pivoted around looking annoyed. "Yeah, pisses me off. You frustrate the hell out of me Alton acting like some fallen warrior always moping around brooding and shit. Get over yourself."

Flinching from this Alton looked away sighing. "What do you expect me to be? My father is trying to kill me. You're stuck in a coma with no sign of waking up, and I have no one. Sorry for not being all sunshine and rainbows…"

"Fuck me, you're so dense. You've always had the power to change that Alton. If you had stepped back and realised that you could have easily of turned your life around. You can stop your father, I know you can. You're already doing something different. You have that new team of yours. What a team you've put together too it's making me slightly jealous in fact hehe…"

"He's too strong, though. No matter what I do, he always has a way to overcome my powers. I can't even beat him in my Garden form… My stolen powers are nothing against him."

"He's too strong. I can't beat him… Give me a break." She says in a mocking tone. "You're letting him get in your head Alt, stolen powers? Who gave him the right to say whose powers belong to who? Their just as much your powers as they are his."

"But that still isn't enough. I couldn't beat him with his or my mother's powers. It's hopeless…"

Sam slouched over nodding. "It is isn't it. If you choose to give up and let him win, I won't stop you. It's your decision. But answer me honestly, do you want to die?"


"Alright, then." She states, standing up. "Take my hand then."

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"Because we're going to defeat him together."

Alton took Sam's hand, confused. "But how? You're still…"

"No shit sherlock. It's your powers. Your actual power. It's not ice or water manipulation. It's inspiration."


"My mind is connected to yours. I see what you see. I know what you feel, this is inspiration. Your ability to link with people you have a deep connection with. They share memories with you and you the same. You can also take on and learn their abilities. This, in turn, occurred with your father for freeing you from the Garden and giving you a home. As well as your mother for protecting you regardless of the truth."

"My deep connection with others? Like you?" Alton questions as snow began to fall. "I don't understand."

Sam held her hand out, letting the snowfall onto her hand. "I don't quite understand either. But our bond has already begun to show. Look." The snowflakes began to set on fire lighting the sky up. "Your powers are incredible Alton; I've never seen anything like this."

"This is us?"

"Our combined powers. Truly remarkable. I was right to take you under my wing."

Alton smirked laughing. "You took me under your wing? Wasn't it I who stole the show?"

"That's not how I remember it? Wasn't it you who called me your older sister?"

Alton looked away, embarrassed muttering. "What? No… I did say that right…"

Sam ruffed up Alton hair laughing. "You are so easy to tease. Come on Alton, you need to go back before it's too late."

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"Wait… You said I had the power to change things. How do I get you back? How do you wake up?"

Sam walked in the middle of road leaning over wagging her finger grinning. "You just have to ask. Now come, let's take him out together one last time."

Now we're talking," Ragnar smirks dropping Scarlett. "Finally deciding to accept the truth. You know none of this would have to happen if you had just done as your told. Sunset Peak, your friends even Lily would still be alive if you had done just this." Alton lay on the floor completely done. His will was over, and he had given up. Ragnar walked over proud of his achievement, but as he reached out for Alton, a small orange flicker passed through the boy's eyes. Ragnar stepped back slightly thrown off, shaking his head. "That cannot be. No that's impossible… I killed you, I'm sure of it."

"Impossible is only a word used by weaklings who have no clue of true power." A voice echoes through Alton. Ragnar kept walking back as Alton glanced up his eyes flickering a blaze orange. "You would know Ragnar Brantley."

"What sort of trick is this?! Is this your doing Sam?!"

"Sam?" Zinnia whimpered watching the snow around her melting. "It can't be."

"This is all Alton." Sam's voice boosted. "You pushed him away so much that he was afraid of even using his own powers. But look at him now. Accepting his powers as his own."


Alton held his arm out as the ice all around him melted as flames spawned off his arms. "I'm done fear, you any more father. You've caused me grief and nightmares for as long as I could remember. But I take that back all today the cold doubt and dread will no longer freeze my life. These flames will be my future. Together we will overcome you."

"Together, we will take back our future. This is…"

"My power!"

The flames ignited lighting the whole area blinding everyone around him. Ragnar covered his face looking doubtful. "Always full of surprises, aren't you Alton?! But this doesn't change anything. I have a mission; one I cannot fail. Only then can my conscience be clear. Either I kill you and free myself, or you kill me and continue your reign of terror."

"You're wrong!" Alton and Sam spoke in perfect sync. "No one else is going to die today. We will make that certain. For our might is one. Hero's Might will rise again to take you down for good!"

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