Chapter 205

Training had finished for the new recruits, alongside them was Eli Syndicate. Second cousin to the ruler of the house Jack Syndicate. Even with his family connection, he was given no extra help or leeway, not that he wanted it. He was entirely on his own as he expected. Eli limped into the changing room, exhausted and beaten. He had come dead last once again, and his psychic abilities were being questioned. Nothing different for him, though.

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The other recruits were loud throwing around banter and other such words while Eli stood by himself slamming the locker closed. "The final exam is coming up Eli, I bet you're shitting your pants over them."

Eli chuckled slightly turning to one of the other recruits. "I'm trying my best. I won't ever get to any of your levels, but if I work hard enough, I can pass."

The others scoffed pushing each other around. "Get a load of Eli, failing horribly failing every test thrown at him, and he still believes he has a chance of being a part of the Syndicate family."

"Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"The only way you're getting in the family Eli is through cooking or cleaning. You'll never be in the big leagues like your cousin or us."

Eli bowed, holding one arm over his stomach. "Thank you for having so much faith in me that you'd trust me with your cooking or cleaning. You see I'm getting in the family no matter what. I hope to see all of you in the long run."

"What a joke. Let's get out of here I'm starving."

Everyone left as Eli slipped into his boots, waiting for the last set of recruits to leave. Heading out the changing rooms, he was stopped by a familiar voice. "Heard you're failing all the tests, Eli."

Eli turned shocked slightly to see his cousin waiting for him. "Jack, sir. How may I assist you?"


"Easy now. Care to explain why you're still the bottom of the list?"

"The trials they throw at me they aren't for me. I'm not cut out for all-out assaults. That isn't for me."

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"Really? Alright, what do you have in mind."

Eli gave a small nod building up his courage. "I'm more on the psychological end of powers. Others can lift objects with their minds or bend and shape others to their own creation. My powers allow me to change my emotions and feelings in oneself."

Jack gave a firm look folding his arms. "Prove it. Make me cry."

"Excuse me?" 

"I said. Make me cry. Do that, and I can discuss an important matter to you." Eli gave a long thought before nodding stepping back letting his emotions swell around him. The bad memories flooded him as Eli felt a small tear drip down his face. "I said, make me cry, not you."

"You are crying, sir; you just don't know it yet."

Jack wiped his face seeing tears forming. "How?"

"I simply projected my thoughts and feelings onto you, sir. It's not very useful in battle, but I know there's a place in it for me."

Jack smirked, wiping his hands sniffing. "Right, you are Eli. Come with me, I want you to meet my daughters."

"Your daughters? I didn't know you had daughters."

"A secret from the family. They are to be the next line of Syndicate members. What I need from you is important. Do you accept?"

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Eli didn't even hesitate to nod. "Of course, sir! I'll do anything for the family."

"Splendid. Just what I wanted to hear. Bag him." A bag was placed over Eli's head as he panicked for a moment. "Relax Eli, the location of my family must be kept a secret. We'll be there soon."

Time went by as Eli was led astray wondering what felt like ages, but soon enough, he came to a sudden halt. The bag was ripped from his head. Eli found himself standing in front of a giant window looking in on a small playroom and two little girls matching white hair and red eyes. "Your daughters…"

"Their names are Scarlett and Riley Syndicate. Their psychic essence has already surpassed Daemon himself at just the age of two years old. The problem is they won't listen to our commands most likely children being children. Lilith nor I have time to spend with them these days, so we keep them here."

"They look so sad."

"Do something about it then," Jack demanded sitting down watching them. Eli paused for a second nodding. Walking over to the entrance, the door cracked open as Eli walked in. Standing in the room, neither girls bat an eye to him as he looked to the one-way glass nodding.

"Hello, my name is Eli Syndicate. Your father sent me to well cheer you up, I suppose." No response. Eli cleared his throat, making his presence known. Scarlett glanced at him for a moment before going back to playing with her toy train. Trying another approach, Eli walked over kneeling to Scarlett's level. "Hey there, Scarlett is it? Or are you Riley? What are you playing with a toy train? Do you mind if I have a look?" 

The moment Eli went to reach for the train, he was plumped back smashing against the glass collapsing to the ground. He stared blankly, unsure of what happened until he noticed a trail of blood trickling down his face. This was met by a laugh which was followed by a hackle. He had never seen such power before that he was so easily thrown across the room by children. The two twins looked at Eli confused before Riley let out a small snicker. Shocked by this, she covered her mouth but couldn't stop as she was laughing alongside Eli. Scarlett wasn't far behind as the room was filled with wild laughter, and the two girls were smiling for the first time in a while. The door opened again as Jack stood outside, indicating Eli to go to him. Leaving the two laughing girls, Eli stood clearing his throat. "Sorry sir, that was an accident…"

"I haven't heard those two laughs before in my life… You did well, Eli. Say, how would you like to be their Godfather?"


"Correct. Like I said before I don't have time to spend with those two. It's not like they would want that anyway. Like children, they need to be shown love and affection. Enough for them to trust the family to do our bidding. I believe this is a task for you, Eli. Only you can do it. I'm asking you of this, please will you do this for the family?"

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Eli watched the children from the broken glass again nodding without a second thought. "I said I'll be apart of the family no matter what. If this is your demand of me, sir. I'll do it."

"Wonderful. That makes me happy you've got quite the task ahead of you, Eli. Please don't fail me. The future of these children is the deciding factor in our plan and the Syndicate family's survival. I wish you the best of luck third in command."

Eli stood in shock as he smiled bowing. "I won't let you down, Jack!"


Two weeks before the events of The Viral Scheme

Eli lightly knocked on the door, hearing no response. "Riley? Are you in there? It's me." Opening the door slightly, Eli was shocked finding Riley's bedroom destroyed. He burst through only to get pinned to the wall be Riley herself. "Hey, hey! What are you doing?!"

"Did father send you? Did he send you to convince me to stay?!"

"I don't understand. Riley please." Eli cried, holding his neck. He was soon released as he gasps for air crawling to her. "No one sent me. Riley…"

"Please don't. Don't try and change my feelings to suit my father. I can't stand being here anymore. All of this is just a living hell. I'm just their slave doing nothing but their bidding. You're no different Eli we're all just puppets to that evil man. Team Rhapsody was meant to be my ticket out! It was supposed to be me!" She screeched throwing furniture around. "Why?! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why can't I be free? I cannot stay here."

Eli stumbled back, holding his hand out, trying to smile. "Riley, listen to me. Just calm down, let's talk to your sister. We can work this out."

"No! I hate her, I hate her so much! I refuse to stay in this prison any longer. I don't care if you were commanded Eli, you are the closet thing to my father, please come with me. We can leave this all behind. Don't be a prisoner to that man any longer."

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"I can't. Not without your sister, I cannot leave her like this."

Riley gritted her teeth tearing up. "So, you choose her too…"

"Riley wait!" Eli screamed before the bedroom exploded, and Riley made her escape into the night. Eli crawled to his feet, running to the window. "Riley!"

"Leave it, Eli," Jack demanded standing from the wreckage. "She's chosen this path. It's all apart of the plan. Emi."

Emi walked in bowing. "Yes, master?"

"Follow her. Pretend you are on her side. Take the other members of the high council and help her achieve her goal. Make sure Scarlett and her Team Rhapsody are the ones to rise against her."


"Yes, master."

Emi vanished from the light as Jack waltzed in staring out the broken wall. "A mighty shame. But it just shows she wasn't worthy of carrying the Syndicate family's future, I always knew she wasn't as capable as Scarlett. You failed with this one Eli make sure Scarlett doesn't. Team Rhapsody will be sure to visit soon about the incident. You will be there pretending to be a member of the Dawn family. That is all."

"That was your daughter… She's your own blood, and you're just going to throw her away like that?"

"If she was truly my daughter, she wouldn't have failed me. Likewise, your dear cousin will not. Scarlett is your final hope, so get to work."

Eli stared out the window slamming his fist against the wall in frustration. He had enough of this all. The idea of the family meant nothing to Jack; he was no longer blind to that. Riley was right, and he was just too afraid to admit it. Not anymore. Staring at the night sky, he yelled out for the world to hear. "I promise you, Scarlett. No matter what happens, I'll save you for this family! Even if it kills me, I will save you!"

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