Chapter 224

Acceptance stared on through the cage smiling with a gleeful look tapping his fingers against the bars. "You never cease to surprise me, Alton Brantley; having those two show up so early on wasn't my intention… Let's see how you'll fare against two legendary heroes, shall we?"

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"Are you alright?" Another guard questioned before collapsing on the spot passed out.

"I hate interruption. Hmm?" Acceptance turned, feeling something off as the base began igniting with alarms everywhere. Standing still, he sighed, shaking his head. "I can never be alone to my own self indulges, can I? No matter, it's about time you crashed the party, Alice Hawthorne."

From the highest level of the prison, a group of rebels landed as Alice slammed down, turning to Blossom and Goro nodding. Both dispersed as guards came flooding in. Alice stood over them all, calling her bow to her aid as she pulled it back, ready for the fight of her life. "Alton, hold on, I'm coming to save you!"


"I'll make you pay Bargaining pay for what you did to Zinnia."

"Really?" Adam whispered, shrugging his shoulders. "You see, from my point of view, you're just a crazed lunatic screaming bloody murderer. Don't blame me for your defeat." Before Alton could even incite his first attack, a portal rushed from behind, consuming him whole. Serval more portals opened everywhere, throwing Alton around like a simple ragdoll. Flying out the fifth one, Adam rippled past, kicking him to the ground blowing the area apart. "I have no idea who you or this Zinnia is."

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Alton pulled himself from the ground spitting blood from his mouth. "Are you done now? I believe it's my turn now… Bargaining all you do is manipulate and control people for your own self-gain. Allow me to blow you away with winter's wrath."

Trying to use his usual powers, Alton was left divided. No matter how much he tried channelling his inspiration ability, nothing would come of it. That's when it hit Alton; he was Kurt Hatching right now, meaning his trump card was tossed out the window. This wouldn't sway him, though, forcing himself to bring out whatever power he could to seek his revenge. Eve tilted her head yawning. "What is he… Wait? No way!"

Smoke began pouring all around Alton, flooding the room as even Adam was taken back. "Ah shit, did we just bluntly attack the wrong person again? This power belongs to the hero of New York, the Phantom."


"We should probably make our intentions known and apologises, I suppose," Eve suggested turning to her brother for an agreement. "But it seems the Phantom has no intention of stopping…"

Taking a step forward, Alton vanished in a puff of smoke, making the siblings flinch. Reappearing behind through a burst of smoke, Alton slammed down, attacking Adam head-on. Turning his head, Adam held his hand out, seamlessly passing by Alton, pinning him to the ground in a matter of a mere second. "Time out, will ya, hero? We made a big mistake attacking you; we thought you were apart of the Syndicate. Give us the benefit of the doubt, will ya?"

"Brother!" Eve yelled as he was blasted with a heap of smoke, blinding him.  Alton spun around, kicking Adam back, rising up with all his might behind him, ready to strike. As the smoke fiddled away, Alton was already in Adam's face with a direct attack. For that split moment, Adam was thrown off, sensing the absolute hate behind Alton's eyes as he was fully intending to kill Adam right there and then. A portal blocked the two as Alton was tossed aside, crashing through the club into the streets. "Are you alright?"

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Adam turned, feeling his heart racing as he scoffed for a split moment. "That hero tried to kill me. What is his deal?"

"Should we retreat for now? It appears we were set up."

Adam folded his arms, walking over to the destruction left behind. "No, no. That crazed lunatic actually tried killing me. Me! I just cannot let that slide."

Jumping from the club's second floor, Adam stood in the streets watching Alton slowly pull himself up, dazed from the change of scenery and blunt force taken. Stumbling around, he wasn't given any time to avoid a speeding car flying by. Alton's head turned to the car as he fully phased through, turning to smoke before coming back to normal when the danger was gone. Shaking his head, he looked at his head, still pouring with smoke muttering. "Oh, I get it now. So that's how this power works. Convenient."

"Eve, prepare the portals. I don't like any of this." Alton stood to Adam's demand running at the two heroes. Eve reacted too quickly, summoning her portals to hold Alton down; inches away from being consumed, Alton phased through, avoiding all of her attacks. Now right in front of Adam, he readied himself attacking. "What?!"

Adam was launched, flying back as Alton kept with his momentum landing serval devastating blows. Not knowing what to do, Eve created more portals to hopefully catch Alton stopping his barrages. The moment a portal opened, Alton used this, grabbing Adam throwing him into the portal, using it to send him even further out. Crashing into a bus stop, Adam glossed up seeing Alton crashing down. At the last moment, Adam passed by Alton, avoiding the attack distancing himself all the same in a single second. Kira was watching idly with nothing but the excitement in her eyes, never once seeing Kurt ever go this hard against an opponent. "It appears we've heavily underestimated our enemy, brother."

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Adam grumbled reluctantly, agreeing to his sister's worries. "I hate that I have to agree to that. Mister Phantom! I admit you've thrown us off indeed. How about we call this a draw and leave it there for today."

A single smoke bomb rammed past, just missing Adam exploding into a pool of thick smoke. Adam cranked his head around, losing his patience more. "What you've done to my friends, I simply won't let you just leave!"

Adam sighed, shaking his head. "Fuck it, fuck it. Don't say I wasn't trying to be friendly, but I won't kill you." Walking casually up to Alton, he waited for the bait to be taken. As Alton came in for his own attack, Adam zipped past Alton before he could respond, kneeing him in the stomach. Alton gagged before being thrown over Adam's shoulder, crashing to the ground. The man was moving so fast it felt like he was slowing down time itself. Alton was tossed in the air, ready to be finished off for today, Sending serval more attacks. Free falling to his doom, something snapped in Alton as flaming smoke rippled and exploded from his body, igniting the sky. Adam stepped back weary as Alton bolted even further into the sky like a speeding bullet. Making it to nearly the top of the buildings around him, Alton turned around, crashing back down like a bomb ready to explode. Eve ran in, making serval portals to stop his onslaught, but to her shock, Alton's sheer power smashed each one apart, making her collapse to her knees in pain. "What the hell is this?! Is this the power of the Phantom?!"

Slowing downtime to a crawl, Adam picked up Eve in a panic, fleeing as far away from the battle as he could before Alton crashed to the ground blowing everything around him away. Smoke poured through the streets, exploding as Alton formed back together, stumbling around panting. Small clusters of smoke danced around his hands as he looked about dazed. "Did I do that?"

Before any more was said, Alton collapsed to the ground overworking his new powers. Kira walked out, skipping away, kneeling down at an unconscious Alton blushing. Staring at him with a matching look, she giggled, sitting next to him. "You've gone and done it, Alton Brantley. You're nothing like the boring Kurt, I know. Your powers are chaotic and raw yet calm and collective. Your pure rage and willpower are just blissful. You better take responsibility for making me fall for you, hero."

Shane stepped out, waving his hand around in front of all the smoke. "Man, this was way overkill. If the Blight Father catch wind of this…"

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"Don't worry about him. He'll understand."


"Are you satisfied with the outcome?" He questioned, stepping over rubble, looking disgusted. "What a waste. I liked this place."

"I am. I'm so very satisfied…"

Shane stared at Kira, weary as he cleared his throat. "I don't think I've seen you so excited over something so trivial before. We should take Kurt home before anyone sees us."

Kira stood up, continuing to watch Alton biting her thumb nodding. "I've discovered the greatest feeling possible. I've fallen in love."

Shane took a deep breath picking Alton up, staring down in disgust. "Good grief, good luck Kurt… You're in a world of pain now."

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