Chapter 24: V.I.R.A.L Chapter 24

"Why do I have to take the reject onboard for?" Monty snapped eyeing down Emil with spite. "It's an insult that I have to even be in the same room as a half-blood."

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"Well, this is what happens when you pick a fight with strangers who turn out stronger than you Monty!" His father snapped. "Your brother has already had his rights revoked, and he'll have to earn the family name once more. We Montagues know nothing but respect and honour. You were lucky to get out of the situation without any controversies. Something with that high calibre could get your name revoked from the records too, and you don't want that do you?"

"No… but with the imposter? It's insulting."

"Would you rather team up with Jinx? Or maybe we could get you teamed up with Florence?"

Monty spat at the comment waving his arm around. "Forget those rejects. Fine, I'll take the fake. Happy?"

Monty turned ready to leave as his father placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm only doing what is best for you, you know that Monty? As a Montague, we have to represent everybody before us. We are the high and mighty of V.I.R.A.L. Any bad press against us would be tragic. You understand, right?"

"Honour and respect. Hear you loud and clear old man." Monty spoke, walking past Emil. "Are you coming imposter?"

Emil was leaned upon the pillar as he smirked following behind. "Must be quite the ordeal if I'm stuck getting babysitting duties from Monty Montague. Take it, it has something to do with the fight a few months back."

Monty turned around, pointing his finger at Emil. "I don't want to hear a fucking peep from you imposter, got it? It's bad enough I get shown up by some fucking nobody in a convenience store, but now my fans have to see me with the likes of you. As if my reputation wasn't already questioned."

"Who gives a fuck about some air bender wearing a bib? He wouldn't dare mess with you after what you did. I still don't understand why you dropped the charges."

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"It's to show power. I could easily let the kid rot away, but that's no fun. If I give him false hope and a way out, he'll try and take it only to fail and fall to my boot. I want to see him fall with my own two eyes."

 Emil smirked shrugging it off. "I don't think I've ever seen you so worked up before. You need to chill bro, you're a huge streamer with no signs of stopping. This team Rhapsody will be nothing more than a bad dream in a few months."

"Whatever." He hissed storming out of the Montague HQ. He began playing with his phone readying a stream as he grumbled. "And don't call me bro, you're the furthest thing from a brother."

Emil flinched for a split moment before building his carefree persona back up. "Still on about that, huh? Not like I care but whatever. What sort of stream do you want to do then?"

Monty crossed his arms still torn up and pissed. "Streaming is the last thing I want to do right now."

"Really? I thought with the whole buzz Team Rhapsody are getting with their stream takedowns you would be more motivated to keep ahead of them."

"Me? Ahead of me?! Give me a break. Like a bunch of misfits, freaks could become more popular than the Montagues. Do what you want with the stream I want to get something to eat."

Emil shook his head sighing as he set up five of Monty's drones. Each one turned on broadcasting the stream. He quickly caught up with Monty as the streamer was giving no one any time. He would usually give many fans the cold shoulder out of his character. Still, this time it looked and felt personal scaring many fans away. "If you want to be the number one streamer this isn't how you go about it."

"Like you know any better imposter. Did my father give you a pep talk or something?"

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"He's my father too."

"Ha, I almost the old man brought up such a mistake. The sight of you just makes me sick. A Bastard in the ranks you should have stayed with your slutty mother."

Emil took a long sigh, not letting the comments get to him as he entered the local supermarket going through snacks for the stream ahead. Peering at the stream chat all he noticed was how much Monty was being praised and loved by his obedient fanbase. They were most likely little kids who loved watching him flex his fame and fortune. "Douchebag…"

"What was that, imposter?"

Emil grabbed a small can of soda and an ice cream grumbling. "I said family drama for the audience is cool and all, might just boost your views but isn't this a bit much."

"Yes, I would agree if you were a part of my family."

"Again, with this shit… I don't want this hate to keep going. What is it going to take for you to accept me as a Montague?"

"The day I accept you as a Montague will be the day I die. The only thing you're good at is keeping the chat covered and reading out donations."

"Ai, ai captain," Emil spoke in a defeated tone as he went back to the chat. "One-year subscription from Princenovice, an eight-dollar donation from Sleepycat."

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"What are you doing?"

"Recreating a scene from a Christmas Carol, what the fuck does it look like I'm doing?"

"Only read out donations if they are in the triple digits. If these cheapskates can't keep up with that, then what is the point?"

"They can hear you; you know?"

 Monty smirked glaring at his phone as the chat was still roaring with love for him. "And? If you're going to be on this stream, keep up with my level. Nothing, and I mean nothing can change that."

Emil glanced at the chat only to stop seeing a notification sent at Monty. He opened it sly laughing to himself. "What about Team Rhapsody?"


"You see here? It appears you are the third target for their stream takedowns. How fucking funny man."

Monty scrolled through the app seeing the very stream for himself. "Exposing Monty Montague, the crooked streamer and bully of V.I.R.A.L… has Alton lost his mind? This is a joke, right? An out of season April fool's joke. No Alton wouldn't do something so reckless and dumb. This has to be the girl wonder Zinnia. Ha, if she wants to throw away her career for something petty and out of her control, then let her."

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"I take it you're not worried. Even after your defeat against Dauntless, you are as cool-headed as possible. How dumb."

Monty grabbed serval bags of chocolate, stuffing them in his pocket as he laughed it off. "I'm not doing any fighting. You are going to take them down for me."

"I'm what? Don't get me wrong my powers are impressive and all but five streamers at once?"

"You need not worry; you can handle them if you do then I'll acknowledge you as a part of the family."

"For real? Ha, no you've got my blood pumping dude." Emil laughed as the bell to the supermarket entrance ran. "I'll prove my might I guess, just you watch."

"You better, Montagues don't accept failure." Monty barked, he stopped as Zinnia jumped from the counter yelling trying to grab him. Monty managed to dodge the attack kicking Zinnia to the ground. She lay on the floor ready to pounce only to freeze as Monty held a gun to her face made from his tattoo. "Now, now, Zinnia that's no way to act. Your usually so calm and annoying…"


Zinnia glared up at him biting her lip. "We're here to take you down Monty for the crooked streamer you are?"

"We, huh?" He muttered, turning to Emil. "Get into position and wait for the others to show. Leave Alton, he's mine." Grabbing Zinnia by the back of her collar, he dragged her out the store and out into the open. Gale came running only to stop seeing a gun pointed to Zinnia's head. "Should have known Zinnia was stupid enough to come after me. Your way over your head boy. Walk away now, and I'll forget your ugly face."

Gale stared at Zinnia helpless as he was forced to surrender. "You're a coward."

"Maybe I am, shame my viewers won't see it that way when Team Rhapsody is finished for going against me." 

Emil waited in the shadows for his moment. He was conflicted, of course. The way Monty was acting was no way a Montague should work. If he could help it, he would help Team Rhapsody, but this was too personal to him. It's all he ever wanted. To become a proper member of the Montague family. No matter what.

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