Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 154: 154 Aren't you a man?

Haslingberg city, Uklov.

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In a small abandoned locality where many empty and broken-down houses were present, there lay two people on the rooftop of one such house.

One of the two was currently standing behind the railing, his gaze fixed on a certain point far away from the abandoned house. Another lay prone above the door leading to the rooftop, gazing at the person standing behind the railing.

These two were Relz and Lith, respectively. Relz was wearing a black shirt, pants and boots and held a long range sniper rifle in his hand whereas Lith was in the academy uniform and was bare handed.

Lith stood silently watching Relz, waiting for an opportunity to strike with his most powerful move without alerting him. Lith had no idea what rank Relz was at, but based on the fact that he didnt notice him, he couldnt be a rank 6 or higher. This made things a lot easier for him.

Relz set up his sniper above the railings of the rooftop present and locked his snipers position at the target. His target was a few kilometers away from where he was, but due to the world having magic and him having a unique ability that could let him see at a great distance without any effort, he didnt have to be close to the target.

Relzs entire focus now lay on the target and on his sniper. Lith noticed Relz not moving from his place and was focusing a lot on the snipers scope.


Lith screamed in his mind and quickly cast Short Jump. As soon as he teleported close to Relz, he willed the Time elements around and cast Slow spell on him.

When Lith teleported close to Relz, he noticed the magical fluctuations around him while looking at the scope. But before he could get a chance to react or put up any resistance, he had the Slow spell cast on him, making his thoughts and overall body slower.

After casting a Slow spell on Relz, Lith quickly charged towards him, grabbed him by his collar and threw him on the ground. Lith then took out a talisman from his spatial, ripped Relzs shirt off, and placed the talisman a few inches above Relzs belly button.

This place was none other than where his magic core was present and the talisman Lith used sealed his magic core as well as cut off Relzs spiritual power, making him unable to use any spells now.

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Relz became as weak as a mortal with no cultivation. He was nothing but a fish on a chopping board now. While all of this happened, he didnt even get a chance to scream or yell about this as Slow spell restricted him greatly.

Ensuring that everything was safe now, Lith got back up and now had a good look at the so-called Relz Khiv that tried to assassinate him in the academy. He took a step back to have a proper look and, as he did so, he felt surprised when he saw the guy in front of him.

What the fuck? Isnt this the guy whom I defeated and got into the top 10,000? Isnt he the bearer of unique abilities, Liam Novius? He was the one to assassinate me? Lith recalled instantly as he saw the guys face.

He finally realized who the person that tried to assassinate him was.

Lith sighed in relief after seeing this guys face. He was nothing but a rank 2, just like him, and defeating him was very easy. There were no problems at all.

Lith walked closer to Liam and, first and foremost, he searched for anything that may help him escape. He took Liams spatial ring, checked all his pockets and after finding nothing in them, he got back and removed the Slow spell from him.

Liam got back to his senses and looked around quickly to see why there were magical fluctuations happening around. He looked left, right, up and down, and his gaze finally fell on Lith. He widened his eyes in shock and quickly got back up and got on guard.

Looking at Lith, he said with his brows furrowed,

Motherfucker, arent you a man? Why sneak attack like that so shamefully?

Hmm? Lith raised an eyebrow after listening to what the guy said.

He did listen properly but to confirm whether the guy really cussed at him or not, he wanted to check that and thus asked him again, humming.

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I SAID YOU SON OF A BITCH, ARENT YOU A MAN? Liam yelled as he charged in front of Lith.

Liths mind blanked as he heard the guy cuss at him with his mothers name. Son of a bitch? Did he just curse my mom? Lith thought as he stared at Liam absent-mindedly.

Rage that he never felt before started building up. Liths entire aura changed as he felt rage. Magical elements fluctuated violently around him and his pupils, which looked like the finest amethyst gem, turned red.

Liam felt the violent magical fluctuations and, due to having his cultivation sealed, he fell backwards and couldnt charge towards Lith. The violent fluctuations pushed him farther back as he tried to move forward.

Liam looked around to find what was causing the violent magical fluctuations and he soon found that Lith was the source of it all. He glared at him and yelled, OI FUCKER, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU



Lith teleported in front of Liam and slapped his face, slamming him down. The force which Lith used was so strong, the rooftop broke and Liam was sent down to the bottommost floor of the abandoned house.

There was now a hole in the middle of the house and Liam was now lying down at the bottom most floor on a small crater. His face was disfigured, his teeth were all broken, one of his eyes popped out of his face and due to such a powerful impact, all his bones broke.

Dont think youll get an easy death, Liam. Lith muttered calmly while raging on the inside.

No one was as important to him as his mother or sister, and no one had taken better care of him than them. He loved the two dearly and could even die for them. Cursing his mother was the deepest, most grave sin Liam committed.

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Lith, although not in the best mental condition now, still was rational enough to not kill Liam directly. The sin Liam committed wasnt small and such an easy death for him wasnt enough to bring judgment for his crimes.

Lith therefore healed him and within a few seconds, he was out of danger with his body starting to recover.

Meanwhile, Lith took out his phone and dialed Hecates number. The phone rang for a few seconds and, as usual, Hecate quickly picked it up.

How may

Miss Hecate.

Before Hecate could say anything, Lith interrupted her and calmly and seriously called out her name.

Hecate was surprised by Liths sudden interruption. However, judging from his serious and calm tone, she knew something was up but held back from asking him about it.

Yes? Hecate replied to Liths calling her out.

Take me to a torture room, right now. Lith said calmly and seriously.

His mental condition wasnt well and there was no room for any formalities or politeness. He was strictly speaking business to her and nothing else.

Hecate was a bit surprised by Liths change in attitude. However, she didnt speak about it once again and quickly said,

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Lith cut the call and walked closer to Liam. A few more seconds passed and space fluctuated around Lith and Hecate teleported out of thin air.

Lith raised his hand a little and gestured for her to stop where she was. Hecate followed Liths commands.

Lith walked closer to Liam and a few seconds later, Liams body recovered and his eyes started fluttering, indicating that he was out of coma now.

His disfigured face was now proper, broken teeth and bones were all healed and he had a healthy rosy glow on his body and face.

Lith didnt wait for him to fully recover and reaching close to him, he bent down and picked him up by his collar once again.

Holding him like that, he walked closer to Hecate, said calmly and seriously,

We can leave now.

Hecate nodded her head and placed her hand on Liths shoulder. In the next instant, they vanished from their spot, leaving the abandoned house in ruins and deserted once again.

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