Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 173: 173 Pinnacle of Sc*ms

Lucass POV

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Looking at the idiot in front of me, who was grinning like a fool, I knew exactly what was going through his mind. To be honest, its not his fault; he was born an idiot and raised to such a high rank by the Human Ancestor. Sigh, how I wish I had his dogshit luckno stagnation in cultivation and the ability to keep breaking through rank by rank.

After signing the soul binder contract, I walked out of the room, not wanting to be even a second more with him. As I walked out, his wide grin behind my back didnt go unnoticed by me at all. Does this idiot think I really cant see it, or is he doing it on purpose?

Clearing these thoughts, I walked out of the academy and got back to my dorm. Checking the plans that I made in my notebook, I felt a slight headache coming along. There were simply too many things to do. I turned to see some future plans and looked at the part where it was written about Senzal and Kenzal Clans; I smiled.

These two King rank Clans patriarchs, to get their daughters admitted into the academy, bribed Eric heavily; going as far as to even send their wives and their underaged daughters, who were to be admitted to the academy, to warm Erics bed. Truly the pinnacle of scums out there.

Anyway, thats the least of my concerns. I am thankful for that one maid who made this thing turn into a big issue in the future. Without this issue, I would have a much harder time making money as well as blackmailing Eric.

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For now, Ill just lie low and leech off of the academy resources. Theres nothing to learn here, but its a good place since I dont have to worry about food, shelter and clothing until I am rank 6. Whatever money I make, everything can be used on other stuff.

After capturing Liam, there would only be around a months time left before the maid from the Senzal Clan goes to the Shadow River sect and informs them of this matter. I need to be much quicker than her.

Anyway, that matter is after I am done with Liam. As for Liams capture, I searched everywhere in the academy and the sky island while on my way to Erics office but couldnt find him anywhere. He must be out doing assassinations probably. Its good that he is out of the sky island, its much convenient this way.

However, I first need to go find that spatial ring dropped somewhere near Kinzo Island in Uklov. Thats much more important currently if I want to have any plans to capture Liam.

I have this token now. I can go anywhere as long as I know how the place looks and what the coordinates are, all thanks to Eric. Speaking of him, he must really be thinking breaking the contract would be as easy as drinking tea for him.

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Heh, I wonder what his reaction would be once he fails to break it and realizes that there lay traps in that contract. Too bad though, I cant see it.

Alright, off to Kinzo Island now.


Liths dorm, Abalax sky island.

Lith sat on the couch with his teacher, Arya, in his arms, watching the movie together. While they watched the movie together, he had his arms around her waist and her head on his chest.

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Arya wasnt able to properly focus on the movie, as she felt some foreign feelings build up in her. She couldnt understand why she was feeling as such, but in any case, this wasnt half bad. Before, sitting alone and watching the movie felt a bit boring to her, but now it was different.

As Lith had said, it would feel more comfortable and she would get a better experience if she lay with him like this. She was starting to understand that it was surely the truth. She had a small smile on her face the entire time she was with Lith in his arms like that and was actually enjoying the movie.

Things hadnt progressed much, but Lith realized after todays brief cuddle session with her that she didnt dislike him and didnt mind his advances at all. Knowing this, he smiled a little and looked forward to seeing how his relationship with Arya would develop in the future.

It wasnt just him who was thinking like that. Arya, too, shared similar thoughts. She was looking forward to what other shameless things Lith had in store for her, and felt excited.

The two then continued to watch the movie once again while snuggling closer to each other.

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Auckland city, Villmer.

So, where are my artifacts and the treasures on me? Liam looked at his father, Graham, and said with his brows furrowed.

Graham studied Liam for a few moments, trying to figure out what had gone wrong to turn his hardworking and polite son into an arrogant brat, but he couldnt come up with any answers. He sighed, thinking about how fate was playing tricks on him, and then he gave up thinking about him.

Looking at Liam standing in front of him, he gave him a paper and a quill and asked him to note down whatever he had lost on it. It will be sent to him soon. Graham had no energy to argue back with Liam, as he was already very tired of him. So, he resorted to such an option.

Liam nodded his head and wrote down the things he lost. It was not only that, he even wrote a few extra things which were rare and expensive to get. He thought of them as compensation for chaining him to bed and doing things to him without his permission. He saw nothing wrong in it, thinking it was the right judgment and the most righteous thing to do.

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