Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 188: 188 Arya's Past Memories

Lith and Arya were together in the shower. But instead of doing what one might expect two people to do in a shower together, they were just standing opposite to each other and talking.

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Lith was explaining to her about the unnatural growth of his shaft so that she stopped worrying about him. Such a talk had now escalated to the point that, Lith was now supposed to tell her about his sex life.

Looking at her who seemed to be curious and waiting for his answer, Lith said:

I hope you dont hate me for what I am about to say next, teacher.

Arya nodded her head and ruffled Liths hair. Dont worry, theres hardly anything you could do that would make me hate you.

Lith smiled hearing it and nodded his head. He looked her in the eyes and said, I love my mom and my big sis. Things happened and I ended up having to do it with them. Mom wanted me to be fully grown before doing it since it was the first time for me as well as her and I ended up with this. Not that I hate that or this. Anywho, thats pretty much the gist of it.

Arya let out a small chuckle hearing it and once again ruffled his hair and said:

You were so worried and went through so much hassle just to say this?

Lith was confused when he heard that. Whats with this reaction from her? Why is she in a mood to joke around in such a tense and serious atmosphere?

Do you not hate me, teacher? Or are disgusted? Lith asked.

Why would I? Arya asked back with a smile.

Eh? Isnt that a normal reaction though? Like majority of the people dont like incest and loathe it. Plus wouldnt your natural reaction be like woahhh, such scandalous news something? Or something lik

Sshhh. You think too much. Arya interrupted Lith by putting a finger on his lips and saying that.

You love your mom and big sis too right? Arya asked, with her finger still on his lips, indicating he shouldnt speak, only nod or shake his head.

Lith nodded in agreement.

If you love them, what you did wasnt wrong or disgusting. Dont let anyone else tell you this and you yourself shouldnt feel like this. Arya said and took her finger off.

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She then held his chin and raised it slightly to meet her eye level, since was a head taller and said seriously:

Listen, Lith. To survive in this world, the first and foremost rule that you should know, and follow is: fuck peoples opinion.

Lith stared at her blankly as she said this. What is going on? He thought to himself. He was confused as to why Arya suddenly became so serious and said that to him.

Do what you like, say what you like and be what you like. Dont let anyone or anything restrict you for it. If people dont like what you did, shut them up, easy. Arya continued.

Lith simply nodded his head in approval and didnt speak on it.

Arya took off her serious attitude and smiling, she said:

Actually, my first reaction was shock, then the next one was an amused one. I was so amused to know that you, while being so young, could coax the Queen into having it do with you. Do you by any chance have any idea that what you did wasnt scandalous, but a feat that no one in the whole world could, can or will achieve. Arya giggled after saying so.

Lith nodded his head once again in agreement and waited for her to finish speaking.

Anyway, all those things aside, I am happy knowing that you are comfortable speaking about it to me. Dont worry, I dont hate you or feel disgusted. I am just shocked and amused. I am actually a bit proud too, knowing that my student scored such a big shot even before he joined the academy, hahahaha. Arya stepped back a bit and laughed.

It was now Liths turn to be amused. Such an unnatural reaction from her was really unexpected. But, its a good thing. Everything was sorted already and he didnt have to go through unnecessary drama.

All that was left now was to take care of the aftermath of such talks and this was the moment where he didnt need to take one step ahead to improve his relationship with her, but sprint his way in and coax her into becoming his lover and date her.

Lith braced himself and mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do. Now was a make or break moment for him.

He walked closer to Arya and willing the wind elements around him, he levitated in the air and became a head taller than her. He raised her chin up, just like how she did to him and said:

Do you wanna know the reason how I scored her, teacher?

Arya was amused looking at such a change in Liths reaction. A moment ago he was all confused but now he seemed pretty confident in whatever he was doing as he held her chin. She didnt hate such a change at all. She chuckled lightly and said, sure.

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Lith smirked and said, I can tell you, actually show you, but I dont know if you have the guts to let me do it.

Talking big eh? Arya said smiling. She knew what he was hinting at. She wasnt stupid.

Lith chuckled and said, what are you thinking of, teacher? I am speaking about dating you and loving you, not anything else.

Arya raised an eyebrow in confusion as he said that. This guy He really knows how to joke around and play. Even I got tricked, hehe. Hmm, wait Did he say love? Love love

Arya got into thinking about what Lith just said and about love. This word was something she had long forgotten about and couldnt recall or remember about even if she tried to.

Watching romantic movies together with Lith werent of a help either for her, since she just couldnt get herself to be immersed in those and was busy feeling the warmth and comfort of his embrace.

Arya did pay a little attention to those movies and only now when Lith talked to her about love, did a flood of memories break through in her mind; from watching romantic movies to things about her past.

Looking at her getting into thinking and zoned out suddenly, Lith wanted to have her break out of it, but he soon felt the elements around him tremble slightly and realised that he shouldnt meddle with her thought process and let her be.

He backed off a few steps and looked at her. She was zoned out and was staring at the space in front of her with her blue eyes and wasnt even blinking. The elements around her were starting to tremble more and more and their equilibrium was starting to break.

The twelve elemental energies, at most of the places, were always in an equilibrium with the world. Meaning, the fundamental forces of the world, were always in the same amount as the elemental energies and thus the two were in an equilibrium together.

The elemental energies were coloured but due to being in an equilibrium, they werent visible to the naked eye. One could only feel it but not see it. The elemental energies could only be seen in a few places where such an equilibrium wasnt present. These were places rich with elemental energies.

Lith didnt know what his teacher was doing right now, but he could clearly feel that elemental energy from around the surrounding was starting to gather towards her and the equilibrium was starting to break.

Due to this, the elemental energies were starting to be visible to the naked eye. A myriad of colourful flickers of energy were happening around Aryas naked body as she stared into empty space.

Lith had no idea what she was doing or what was happening with her, but whatever the case, he felt it was something important and thus didnt stop her.

Arya on the other hand was having all her memories get recalled to her. From the time when she was a little child.

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A few minutes passed.

Arya saw herself roaming around in a field. She couldnt control what she was watching or her view. She could only look whatever was being played. She saw tiny arms and legs swinging around and found herself to be playing in her familys forest that was present behind their house.

She felt a sense of nostalgia kicking in, however right at this moment, she saw a man in a suit and half top hat, having purple hair, black eyes and a slightly square face walk towards her out of nowhere.

She didnt know who this man was or had any idea about him. The next thing she saw was her little self getting into a defensive position and becoming cautious of the man. Her mother had taught her to do so and she was following it.

Arya could vividly feel the emotions of the little girl and see whatever she was doing. The little girl, or her younger self, felt a bit nervous but was not afraid of the man in front. She cautious of him instead and put her guard up.

Arya could feel that and she was proud of her younger self for doing such a thing. She remembered that she was a brave girl, even though she was of a low magic rank. In this current scenario however, she didnt even have her magic core awakened but she still seemed brave.

Arya then saw the man smile and in the next instant, she found herself to be lifted in the air by her neck. The man had her neck pressed and Arya could vividly feel the suffocating feeling. She wasnt able to shout or yell either as the man held her neck. The man had his grip strong enough on her neck to have her not be able to yell but loose enough for her to not suffocate and die.

The man looked at young Arya and said with an evil smile:

Kekeke, dont worry, little shit. I wont hurt you. I am just here to instill a certain spell on you. I know I cant harm you or do anything to you, as it would just alert your parents but I can cast a spell on you for sure. I paid a hefty price to get a stealth artifact and arrive here. Its good that I found you.

Your bitch of a mother, she rejected me and married that shit, I wont ever forgive her for that. I loved her with all my heart but she never reciprocated it. I fucking hate that slut. Kek. That aside, this isnt a harmful spell so theres no worries that your parents would arrive here.

This spell would do just one thing to youmake you forget what love actually is. You most probably wont ever recall what love is for sure and I hope you stay like that forver in your life. How I have suffered, I want you to be the same.

Okay, no more talks. I will also have a memory forgetting spell placed on you along with it, get done quickly and leave.

Arya felt rage, one that she had never felt before as she watched the man mess with her young self and leave. Her young self, having her memory wiped was once again back to playing in the forest and new memories started to flood in.

Arya however was feeling rage the whole time she watched the other memories. She couldnt get that thing off of her mind.

For all her life, she felt something she was forgetting about. Her mother loved her, she could feel her warmth and comfort, but she couldnt tell it was love. Her friend, Mayzin, she provided care and comfort to her as a friend but she couldnt tell that it was love that was between two friends.

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Lastly, she recalled her time with Lith; how he took care of her when she was in a mess and drunk, how they cuddled together, how she felt the same warmth and comfort her mother provided in his embrace. She couldnt tell that it was love that she was feeling for Lith.

So many things happened and she was robbed off of this due to that one man who wanted revenge.

Aryas rage was intensifying so much that it was now going out of control. However right at this moment




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