Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 199: 199 Cow Tempted

On a glacier.

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Huff Huff Dennis breathed raggedly as he lay on the glacier.

The sound of someone breathing irregularly resounded around and even after Denniss breathing normalized, there were still sounds of irregular breathing resounding around.

Dennis turned his head towards the source of the noise. He smiled looking at the one making the noise.

It was a snow-white cow lying down and trying to catch its breath.

Oi dumb cow. Dennis called out to the cow.

The cow turned its body and facing Dennis, the cow mooed, moo?

You arent stupid. Dennis complimented.

Moo. The cow nodded its head in understanding and closed its eyes to rest and ignored Dennis.

Dennis smiled noticing this.

A second passed.

Moo!? Realization dawned upon the cow as it realized Dennis wasnt complimenting its prowess but intelligence.

The cow quickly got up and looking at Dennis, it said in anger, moo moo moo!?

Thats right! How dare Dennis says it wasnt stupid! It was an intelligent cow, okay? Always has been! It was never stupid!

The cow was tired of fighting Dennis for so long and was resting. It ignored his comment at the start thinking he must be praising it for its prowess. The compliment didnt matter more than resting for the cow but only a second later did it realize that he wasnt complimenting its prowess.

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They had been fighting for so long and the cow put so much effort into it, it was only logical that the first thing the other person should say was a compliment regarding the prowess. But no! Dennis didnt even mention about it to the cow and thus the cow was angry.

Dennis laughed noticing the cows response. He got close to the cow and patting its head, he said, alright, alright, you arent weak either.

The cow let out hot air from its nose and harrumphed. The hot air, mixing with the cold air of the surroundings, made it seem like steam was coming out of the cows nose.

Dennis could understand what was going on in the cows mind. He however ignored it and said to the cow, I cant play with you anymore, Ive got places to be.

The cow turned its head and looked Dennis in the eyes and said, moo?

Yes, really. Its time to say goodbye to each other. Dennis said with a small smile.

Moo, moo. The cow nudged its face on Denniss body hearing it.

The cow was sad that Dennis was leaving already and was asking him to stay and play more with it. The cow, despite Dennis making so much fun of it, enjoyed its time fighting and hanging out with Dennis. It had been living in this lonely area for so many years and Dennis was the first person to ever have visited it.

The cow passed days by eating, sleeping, and singing. There was no other thing for it to do in this desolate area. Fighting Dennis was the first time the cow ever had fun. The cow was thus sad when Dennis talked about leaving.

Could he not stay for a bit longer? Could he not accompany it just a little longer? Why did he have to leave? They hadnt even spent a day together and he was already leaving Why?

Dennis could tell the cow was sad hearing him say about leaving. He did not understand why the cow was sad about him leaving. He looked at the cow and asked,

You dont want me to leave?

Moo. The cow nodded its head.

That wont do, bud. I need to leave. Theres a tournament going on and I am participating in it. Cant play with you anymore. Dennis said reluctantly. He too didnt want to leave and play with the cow but the tournament was going on and thus was left with no choice but to leave.

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Moo moo. The cow begged Dennis to stay.

Dennis could understand that the cow was asking him to stay. He did not know what was going on in this poor animals head that it insisted so much for him to stay. Dennis now felt reluctant to leave.

He racked his brains and thought about how he could leave quickly and also how this situation would be sorted quicker. After a few seconds of thinking, Dennis realized what he could do. He smiled and asked looking at the cow,

I cant stay here and you You also arent obliged to, right? Just leave this place and come with me. We both will go adventure together and win this tournament, haha.

Moo? The cow tilted its head and asked in confusion.

Thats right, bud. Come with me. Leave this place and adventure with me. Dennis repeated with a smile.

The cow, if confused before, now understood fully that Dennis wanted it to leave this place. No, not its place, Dennis wanted it to leave its home and go with him. The cow felt reluctant to do so.

It had been living here for so many years, even though it was boring, the cow still had a sense of attachment to its birthplace and the place it was raised and lived in for so many years. Leaving it so suddenly It didnt feel like a good idea to the cow.

Another thing was, how can the cow survive without food? Its food was here and leaving this place would mean getting no food. This was also one of the reasons that made the cow hesitant.

The cow looked at Dennis and mooed a few times and tried to explain to Dennis the problems. It walked towards a shrub growing on the glacier and plucked it out and handed it to Dennis and mooed, trying to explain about the food problem too.

Dennis was listening seriously to what the cow was trying to say. Then when the cow brought him a plant and mooed again, Dennis could roughly understand its concerns.

Dennis smiled knowing how trivial the concerns of the cow were. Though the cow was intelligent, it hadnt explored the world enough and was ignorant of many things which were now showing. Dennis patted the head of the cow and said with a smile,

If youre worried about food, theres plenty available. Like A lot of them. Arent you bored eating this same type of shrub every day? Come with me and Ill feed you good stuff.

The cow put on a pondering expression. It was tempted by Dennis. What he said was understood well by the cow and Dennis even provided proper reasoning. It was now thinking about whether it should leave or stay here.

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After thinking for a bit, the cow decided to leave. Dennis did say it could come back anytime it wanted and that was the thing that made it accept Denniss proposal the most. The cow didnt want to be lonely again and leaving with Dennis seemed to be a good option.

Moo. The cow nudged its head on Dennis again and gave its approval of coming with him.

Dennis smiled happily. He patted the cows head and said, Good. Lets get going then.

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Rustle! Rustle!

Gunther and the trio consisting of Sheng, Ji, and Ojas were hiding behind trees and they heard the rustling of bushes. A few moments later they heard footsteps.

Oi, do you see anyone? A person from the ground shouted to a person who was standing on the branches of a tree above him.

No one. The person yelled from above and replied.

Check the magical device we have. Maybe youll find some traces of someone. The guy from the ground said.

The guy above ground took out a black screen like this and infused his spiritual power in it. He noticed the readings given in it and said to the person below, no fluctuations.

Alright. Lets move ahead and search then. The person below said and moved forward.

Ojas looked at Gunther and whispered in a phone-like device he was holding in his hand, Gunther Stay in your position. Me, Sheng, and Ji will take care of this.

Ok. Gunther replied in the same phone-like device he had in his hand.

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Ojas said on his phone-like device, Sheng, go underground. Ji, stealthily follow the guy on the tree. Make sure to not cause any magical fluctuations you two.

Got it. Sheng replied.

Alright. We are on. Ji replied.

Lets go and get our victory, boys! Ojas said in the device and cut off the connection.




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