Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 202: 202 Firakan

Two hours passed since Lith started meditating.

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There were no changes in his immediate surroundings and everything was calm and peaceful. Only the Water elemental energy had decreased around him, but not by a noticeable degree.

Though everything around him was calm and peaceful, inside his Magic Core, it was a completely opposite atmosphere.

Everything was in chaos.

Tides were raging in the mini sea and caused tsunamis. Heavy rainfall caused flooding in the grasslands and lastly, the snowstorms caused the overall temperature of the core to lower, creating spikes of ice that were rained down too.

Any low magic rank mortal, if present here, would die and even if the strongest mortal were to be present here, they would still suffer injuries due to how strong everything was. That was how powerful the snowstorms inside his core were. Liths comprehensive abilities were no joke and it was only natural for such a thing to occur.

Though such a thing was happening, Liths cores area was increasing too. He was about to cross the 30,000 km mark and would become an above average Rank 3 according to the worlds standards.

Half an hour passed.

The rainfall, snowstorms, and the tides calmed down. The water seeped into the ground, the grass patches grew back once again after being plucked out from the ground due to the floods and everything got back to normal.

Lith observed his Magic Core by spreading his spiritual sense and found everything to have calmed down and the area of his core to have increased to 28,321 km.

Lith opened his eyes and got up after he was done observing the changes and thought to himself, my cores area would match any average Rank 3 but I am not a Rank 3 yet. I still have a long way to go.

Lith stretched his body and extended his wings and got ready to fly. His goal was to increase his comprehension of all the elemental laws. Death and Water were done and ten more were left. He flew once again in search of elemental energy-rich zones.

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A day passed.

I laid what few traps I could. That guy and his friends should be trapped and they would probably not come across those hidden treasures from the academy this time. The four people I set up to find these treasures, I just hope they dont mess it up. If I could, I wouldve gone there directly and taken it. But there are too many eyes on me that are watching my every movement.

Lucas thought to himself as he looked at the group of rabbit-like beasts a few kilometers away from him and an empty bottle of potion in his hand.

Ill go search for the elemental energy-rich zones and increase my cult


[The host is being watched.]

Lucass thoughts were interrupted as the system in him started sending out signals to alert him.

Those academy officials Lucas thought once again and sighed.

He couldnt go to the elemental energy-rich zones now and could only accidentally chance upon them, just like anyone else. He had to put up an act and this meant him having to waste time trying to put up an act and accidentally reach the elemental energy-rich zones.

I hope my acting isnt bad. Lucas thought to himself and started acting like an average guy.

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In a snowy mountain range.

Dennis had crossed the glacier region and reached a snowy mountain range. He was now crossing one mountain after another while fighting against the heavy wind and snow storms at the top.

Denniss teeth cluttered as he felt the extremely cold environment. He tried his best to stay warm and not freeze to death. He had black destruction flames around him that ensured that such a situation never arose.

Dennis while moving forward, looked at his side, to his new companion, the cow, and found it to be relaxed and walk alongside him in a carefree manner as if the cold didnt matter to it at all.

Oi dumb cow, do you not feel cold? Dennis asked the cow.

Moo. The cow shook its head.

Oh, it seems like I am the only one su-suffering. Dennis said and shivered.

Moo moo? The cow asked Dennis.

Th-thats right. I am feeling cold. I shou Hmm? Whats that? Dennis changed his sentence mid-way and pointed at a few dots he was seeing in the sky ahead of him.

The cow turned its head and looked towards the dots. It narrowed its eyes to look clearly but couldnt see it.

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Moo. The cow shook its head and said.

Yeah, of course. If I cant see it, how can you? But It seems to be coming closer to us. Dennis said to the cow.

He got back to looking at the dots and as seconds passed, the dots became clearer and he could roughly make out the shape.

The thing that was closing in on him had a pair of wings, a cylindrical body at the end of which was a narrow tail. It had no legs or anything else on it. There was no distinction available between the head and the body and Dennis couldnt make out well what it actually was.

The thing looked like a worm with wings from afar but as it neared more, Denniss eyes opened wide. He could now make out what sort of monster that was when he saw its head part of the main body.

The monster had no head. It only had a mouth in which there were sharp spike-like teeth present in a circular manner. Dennis realized what it was.

It was a Firakan!

A deadly ice monster well known for its flying capabilities and aggressive group attacks. The monster never attacked anyone solo and was always in a group.

Dennis tried to count the dots behind him and gulped when he saw the numbers.

The numbers were in the thousands!

He turned his head to the cow beside him and said,

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Dumb cow, if we survive this, Ill treat you to some delicious steak.



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