Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 229: 229 Card Game with Emilia

What!? Dennis shouted when he saw the draw +4 card on the table. Your Highness, you had no other card that matches with the Blue 6 that Ralph played previously?

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Obviously. Or else why would I play Draw +4 to you? Lith said with a smirk.

I dont believe it. Dennis shook his head and said.

Heh. Are you going to challenge me? You can if you want. But remember this, if I am not found guilty, youll have to draw an extra four cards. Lith said with the same smirk on his face.

I Dennis wanted to say something to that but stopped himself when he saw how confidently Lith said that.

It seemed to Dennis that Lith really didnt make an illegal move and challenging him would backfire. Dennis stopped speaking and quietly picked the four cards from the deck.

Lith and Ralph both smiled looking at Denniss suffering race. The total cards in his hand had gone up from 7 to 11 and he had an ugly expression on his face.

The color changes to red. Lith said.

Dennis turned his head to look at Ralph and made a smug expression.

Ralph did not like such an expression of his. He could figure that whatever move Denniswould make next will have Ralph suffer. By how much, Ralph didnt know.

Stop with that reaction and play already. Ralph said, a bit annoyed.

Dennis, with the same smug expression, took a card out from his hands and slammed it on the table.

Red Draw +2!

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Tsk. Ralph clicked his tongue. He was at 2 cards but now hell have to draw two more from the deck. Ralph picked two and then played a Red 8 card.

It was now Liths turn and he was about to play but stopped. He looked at the two and said, we did not decide what the loser would do and what the winner would get.

Yes. Ralph nodded his head.

Indeed, indeed. Dennis too nodded in agreement.

How about, the loser does whatever the winner asks him for three hours straight.

Hearing this, Dennis immediately shook his head and said, no, no, no. Definitely not.

Ralph looked at him and asked, why? The punishment doesnt seem too harsh in my opinion.

It is harsh. Ralph, did you forget what His Highness made us do last time when we lost to him in Red Hands? Do you wanna do something torturous like that again?

Ralph recalled the time when he had to clean. It was such an atrocious task that it made him feel unpleasant just by thinking. Ralph looked at Dennis and nodded his head.

Youre right. Three hours is too much and this thing is bad. Lets just have the loser stand in the middle of the sky island with a signboard that says, fight me and if you win, 10,000 credits for you. Dont we three hate people coming to challenge us every now and then the most? Thisll be better.

Lith and Dennis thought about it and nodded their heads. This seemed to be a much better option.

UNO was based a lot on luck. If one had good luck, no matter how bad their strategies were, they had a high chance of winning the game. If ones luck was bad, no matter how much they tried, winning wont seem to be a possibility for them

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Lith thus knew he may lose this game and agreed with such an easy thing.

Dennis looked at Lith and asked, what will the winner get then?

Umm Lith started thinking about it. Just as he did so, he, along with everyone else present in the room heard a rich and smooth voice.

Hey, children. Emilia walked downstairs and greeted the three sitting on the sofa.

Hello, teacher. The three greeted Emilia back.

Emilia walked towards them and sat on the empty seat present. She looked at what they were playing and said with a smile, oh, youre playing UNO. Thats nice.

The three nodded their heads. Lith looked at Emilia and said with a smile, teacher, why dont you join us?

Ah, no. I am okay, you guys continue. Emilia said with a smile and shook her head.

Cmon teacher, play with us. Itll be fun. Dennis said from the side.

The more, the merrier. Ralph added.

Emilia thought about it for a bit and showed one finger to them and said, fine. But just one game, okay?

The three nodded their heads.

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Dennis turned his head to look at Lith and said, Your Highness, now that teacher has joined, we should change what the loser and winner would get.

Ralph agreed with Dennis and nodded his head.

Lith looked at Emilia and asked with a smile, teacher, how about you suggest something to us? What will the person get on winning and losing the game?

Uhm Nothing? Arent we playing for fun? Emilia questioned them.

Lith shook his head and said, no, teacher. Its not fun like that. There must be prizes and things to make it more exciting.

Oh, okay. You guys decide it, I have no idea about it. Emilia nodded and said.

Since theres teacher playing too, lets keep her things separate. How about Teacher if you lose, you take us to tour Espat. But if you win, well do whatever you say for one day. Lith said to Emilia with a smile.

Emilia thought about it and this condition didnt seem too bad. She nodded her head and said to Lith, Ill take you to tour Espat but, itll only be a three days vacation, okay?

The three nodded their heads. Something was better than nothing.

And as for us three, lets make it like this. The loser would do whatever the winner asks for the next one hour. Lith said to the two.

Hey, is it not unfair to me? Yours seem so easy but if I lose, Ill have to take you three on a tour. Emilia said.

Lith looked at Emilia and said with a smile, teacher, a wise man once said that everything is fair in love and game.

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Emilia slightly furrowed her brows and said, isnt it, everything is fair in love and war ?

Same thing, same thing. Anywho, let us start. Lith tried to cover up his blunder and started shuffling cards.





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