Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 242: 242 Buying Maps

So the plan is to kill monsters, take their cores, sell it, and use the money for the treatment of Murons little brother? Ralph asked.

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Thats right. Lith nodded and said.

But Your Highness, can we not just give little money to Muron and resolve this situation faster? Its not like we dont have money at all, right? Dennis put his thoughts out.

The money our parents give us, its for our own use. If we want to help someone, the money spent should be our own. We cant give out our parents hard earned money like this. Do you get it? Lith explained.

Lith knew the importance of money. He knew how each and every single coin mattered. In his previous life, at some point he didnt even have money to buy instant noodles which were available for cheap and had to resort to drinking sugar mixed in water and going to sleep.

Hes been through a lot of such nights and knew very well how hard it was to earn money and save it. Everything he had today was due to his mothers hard work and it was one thing to use it for himself and another thing to give it away to someone else. He cant just go around spending his mothers hard earned money on others, can he?

Hes right. We cant use our parents money for others. Ralph agreed with Lith and said.

Fine. Dennis changed his mind and said.

Coming back to the topic. First well hunt a few monsters. Ill help you two for an hour or two and then leave. Ill go see whats the matter with the Jingmei Guild and then get back to where you are. If things go out of control, you can always send an emergency message to me and Ill reach out to you. Lith continued to say his plans.

For now, lets go to the village and get ourselves maps of the Kunlor Forest.

The three flew for a few kilometres and reached a small villagethe Norkenheim Village.

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The Norkenheim Village was well known to adventurers since it was from this place onwards that the Kunlor Forest began. The village had become prosperous in recent years due to the adventurers and had expanded to become a nice, cozy, and relaxing place for the adventurers.

It had everything an adventurer needed, ranging from inns to weapons, and the trio currently needed maps of the forest. They walked the streets of the village in search of it.

In a few minutes, they found a young man sitting at the side of the street with a mat in front of him on which many scrolls lay.

Are these maps? Lith stopped by and asked the young man.

Yes, sir. These are maps. Which ones do you need? I have maps showing areas where there are weak monsters all the way to areas where you can find weak but rare monsters, whose core on selling would make you loads of money. Which ones do you need, may I know? The young man said with enthusiasm.

The entire first level map that can tell me the various locations and monsters present. Lith said indifferently.

One second, sir. I have just the right thing for you. The young rummaged through the pile in front of him and picked a dusty brown scroll and gave it to Lith.

Here, sir. Your map.

Lith opened it and checked its content. It seemed legit. How much for it?

Just two silver coins, sir. The young man said with a smile.

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Liths brows furrowed. Two silver coins? Holy hell, such a big amount? Two silver coins were almost equivalent to forty to fifty meals. Or if he were to say the equivalent price from Earth, it was two hundred dollars.

The guy sure was scamming him. They appeared to be teens and were actually teens too, anyone would think of them as gullible and would try to take advantage. To check whether it was the truth or not, Lith decided to test it out.

Lith gave the young man a look and said indifferently, 20 bronze coins.

Eh? Sir I am afraid thats too low the young man said with an awkward smile.

Lith shrugged and gave the scroll back to him. He turned to the two beside him and said, lets go find another place.

Wait, wait, sir. The price can be negotiated. Please hear me out. The young man said hurriedly.

Lith stopped and looked at him with the same indifference as before which made the young man think twice before saying his next words.

Sir, we villagers have to put in a lot of effort to get maps such as these. Its really not easy. We also need to

Say the price, save the talk. Lith said in a neutral tone.

Sigh Sir, I cant go below one silver coin. The young man said in a depressed tone.

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Do you have a map that says about the density of the adventurers in the first level? Lith didnt bother with the price like before and asked something different altogether.

Yes, sir. I have one such map. Itll cost

Add that in and Ill give you one silver coin. Lith cut off the guys words and said.

One silver and twenty bronze coins. Please sir, I cant go below this. The young man pleaded .

Okay. Lith took out the coins from his ring and handed it to him.

He left with Ralph and Dennis towards the first level.

Looking at their departing figure, the young man sighed and said, what a troublesome bunch. I tried to make a little extra cash but it backfired. I wouldve ended up making nothing. At least I got this much. It wasnt a good deal, thankfully I didnt make a loss. Next time onwards, Ill make sure that I dont increase the price too much.


The trio reached the exit of the village. The exit was a narrow entrance and everywhere around was a big stone wall. This was made to protect the village from the monsters that may come out of the forest.

The three were about to exit the gate when they were stopped by two guards in metal armour.

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Halt. You cant enter the forest.




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