Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 257: 257 Midnight Snack

Emilia looked at her phone with her brows knitted as she saw Sels straightforward and blunt response. She then texted:

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Emilia: Really?

Sel is typing

Sel: Yes.

Emilia: Understandable :SadCatThumbsUp:


Sel: Madam, those emojis work on a different messaging app. We have changed from that to this long ago.

Emilia: :SadBear_CircleTheGround:


Sel: Anyway, anything else youd like to ask?

Emilia: Yes. Please postpone everything from this month to next month. :Hehehe:

Sel is typing

Sel: Madam, you shouldnt do this

Emilia: Just do it Sel. I have some other work. :)))))

Sel is typing

Sel: Is it more important than your current ones?

Emilia: I dont know :shruggie:


Sel is typing

Sel: Ill do something about it.

Sel: Anything else?

Emilia: Thats nice.( )

Emilia: And no, nothing more is needed. Ill see you later then. Byebye :wave:

Sel: Bye

Emilia put her phone back in her ring and then put on a pondering expression once again. After a few seconds, she looked at Lith and said,

Whyd you ask?.

Lith raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked at her with a dumbfounded gaze. She took so much time and so much thinking to ask him this? What was up with this lady?

Lith however, didnt voice out his thoughts and said, I need your help.

Emilia nodded. She could roughly guess what it was that Lith needed help on but she waited for him to say it himself.

Lith continued, I feel that Ill make a breakthrough to Rank 3 within a month, but for that, I would need to meditate everyday. As for the help that I need from you, its the same as what you did today.

So are you free for a month? Can you help me out, Miss Emilia?

Lith felt it was worth a shot to ask Emilia for help. If she denied, there were no problems either way since he had backup options too. He could always go home and his mother or sister would happily help me out for the same.

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But, Lith tried his best to not rely on them too much and take advantage of his family. If he kept doing it, what would be the difference between him and a young master of a rich family?

Somewhere during the tour of Espat, looking through Minzois Memorial or helping Muron, Lith felt that it was amazing to adventure outside. There was just so much to do and it seemed so fun too.

Being in the academy, Lith felt he was being caged. It wasnt fun at all. He was with a bunch of teens who werent above Rank 5 and it was a sad sight for him. There was no challenge for him, no fun at all. He wanted to go through the ups and downs of life and for that, he would have to adventure outside.

So during the Espat tour, just like any shounen protagonist, Lith also made up his mind to get stronger.

But, but, his goal wasnt to dominate the world or to rule over everyone or to build a big empire for himself, his goal was simply to have fun, adventure and explore this world. Having a goal would help him adventure better, that was the only reason he made up his mind to have one such.

Of course, he wasnt going to aimlessly try to be strong or had any vague idea about it. When someone says they want to be strong, a question would pop-up which would be, how strong is strong?

Lith obviously didnt know about the answer to this question so he just chose a few targets whom he would try to surpass. They were the benchmarks he would hope to cross in future.

First would be Lucy, then probably Arya, and then finally, his mother, Lilith.

Lith just assumed that his mother was the strongest, then after her it was Arya, followed by Lucy and made his goals accordingly.

But, there was a long way to go to surpass any of the three. It would take a lot of time and effort to do so. That being the case, he was in no rush and he would make one breakthrough after another in a relaxed manner and not rush it. He would adventure and have fun while doing so.

Back to the current situation, Lith looked at Emilia with a smile and waited for her answer.

Emilia thought about things for a bit and said nodding, Ill be here for you then. But only for a month, okay? Not a day more. And theres also another condition.

What condition? Lith asked, a bit confused as to how this sudden thing came up.

With a small smile on her face, Emilia said gently, cooking sessions, to have cooking sessions like we had today, everyday for a month. Thats my only condition. Can you do it?

Lith smiled and nodded. Sure. Its not a big deal anyway.

Emilia felt happy when she heard it but she didnt express it or have a change of expression on her face. She simply nodded and said getting up, its done then. Ill see you tomorrow.

Lith nodded. Have a good night.

You too. Emilia said and left.

After she did so, Lith slumped on the couch he was sitting on and slept immediately. He was too tired and exhausted after cultivating so hard and was in deep sleep in no time.

Next day.

Lith woke up and felt refreshed. He yawned and got up from the couch to stretch. But before he did so, he heard a gentle voice.

Good morning. Did you sleep well?

He turned his head towards the source and saw Emilia sitting on a chair a few meters away from him on the side. He smiled and said,

Good morning, Miss Emilia. Yes, I slept well.

Emilia nodded and asked, so, when are you going to start?

Lith stretched and said, after I freshen up and have breakfast.

Hearing about food, Emilias eyes lit up slightly. There will be a cooking session now! Amazing! Such were her thoughts. But like before, she maintained her composure and didnt have a change of expression on her face. Alright. Ill wait till then.

Lith stretched and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. After he was done, he went to the kitchen to cook a simple and healthy breakfast.

Emilia followed him there and like before, Lith instructed her to bring ingredients and took out the utensils and placed them in their respective places. After he was done, he gave Emilia her apron and wore his own.

Any guesses on what Ill be making for breakfast, Miss Emilia? Lith asked with a smile while pointing towards the ingredients.

Emilia shook her head. She had no idea.

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Lith nodded and said, Ill be making french toast. Its an everyday food in the Vampire Continent. Many love it. Theres also scrambled eggs, pancakes, and hash browns. For drinks, itll be hot coffee.

Emilia took note of what could be made with the ingredients present in front of her and nodded in understanding.

Lith made Emilia shred the potatoes while he sifted all purpose flour into a bowl.

Any guesses as to why I am putting the flour through a sieve? Lith asked while sifting.

Emilia thought for a bit and said while shredding the potatoes, to have uniform particles of the flour?

Lith nodded and said, thats correct. It is done so that there wont be lumps formed and uneven pieces while eating. It also would help ensure that the batter is cooked well all together.

Emilia smiled hearing it. At least she got something right today.

Lith then continued instructing her, telling her various different things, and finally was ready to prepare the last dish for breakfast, the scrambled eggs.

He had Emilia on his side this time and was standing right in front of the stove.

Lith opened the cabinet below him and took out a pot from it. He got up and shut the cabinet with his leg while flipping the pot in a fancy manner and putting it on the stove while simultaneously turning the stove on.

His body was capable of doing such fancy movements and if he could do so, then why not try it?

Lith felt happy when he succeeded in doing it. He then put some butter in the pot and spread it in it. While doing so, he looked at Emilia and joked,

Ill try my best to make creamy scrambled eggs and not overcooked torn omelette.

Emilia didnt get the joke and wondered what was overcooked torn omelette.

So the best way to make creamy scrambled eggs is to cook them slightly on heat and then slightly off heat and add a little milk into the egg. Firstly, well prepare the egg mixture. Lith said.

He walked towards the center isle and took some eggs in his hands and said, while the butter is getting heated up, in a bowl, add eggs, put some milk, and then whisk it slightly so that they get combined well. Cracking eggs directly into the pot is also an option but this is a much better and refined way.

Thank god I used to watch a lot of cooking shows in my free time and that one cooks video who kept cursing people by calling them a donut, idiot sandwich, and whatnot. My cooking has improved because of him, I am thankful for that man. Lith thought with a smile on his face as he whisked the eggs.

He then went towards the pot and cooked the scrambled eggs.

I havent seasoned it yet, Ill do so now when it is almost finished cooking. The seasoning will be a simple salt and pepper one. Lith said while sprinkling some salt and freshly grounded pepper on top of the eggs.

He mixed the eggs again and cooked them. He spooned a bit from it and brought it near his mouth. He blew on it to cool it down and tasted it to check whether everything was proper or not.

It was not, there was something missing. He spooned some more eggs and raised the spoon towards Emilias face and said,

Have a taste and guess whats the problem.

Emilia didnt shy away from Liths offer and put the spoon in her mouth. After having the eggs in her mouth, she let go of the spoon immediately.

From the last incident, she had become conscious of this action and always ensured that she left the spoon immediately after having food.

Emilia tasted the eggs and after thinking for a bit, she said, theres less salt?

Lith smiled and said happily, bingo! Thats the right answer. Youre learning things very quickly, Miss Emilia. Hi-five!

Lith raised his hands to hi-fived Emilia and Emilia too went along with it and hi-fived.

Emilia was in a good mood when she heard Lith praise her. But in a few seconds, she felt slightly weird as she became conscious about it.

Why am I feeling happy by getting praised by him? Hes so much younger than me. Shouldnt things be the other way round? Emilia thought to herself as she looked at Lith add some salt in the eggs and cook again.

A Rank 2 vampire made a Seraphim, an Emperor Rank angel happy, how weird was this thing? Emilia had these thoughts.

But soon her thought process was broken when Lith said that breakfast was finished cooking and it was time to eat.

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Breakfast was served on the table and the two started having it.

Mhm, just like yesterday, I really have gotten good at cooking it seems. Good job me, haha. Lith thought while eating a hash brown.

Emilia cut into her stack of pancakes and had a bite of it. The soft and fluffy pancakes felt a bit dry at first but then they got mixed with the maple syrup and butter and things balanced out.


Emilia once again let out an ecstatic wail when she felt the sugary goodness on her palate which of course wasnt gone unnoticed by Lith.

Lith was happy that his cooking made her feel like that and just like yesterday, he didnt disturb her and had his food in silence.

After they were done with food, Lith sat down in the middle of the living room and started cultivating.

Emilia inscribed the needed circles around the room and sat on the couch to observe Lith.

Lith began cultivating and only stopped when he felt that he was done for the day.

It was night time and just a few hours were left before bedtime.

Lith freshened up and got to cooking dinner and like before Emilia followed and made dinner with him.

After they were finished cooking and eating, Lith walked Emilia out of his floor and towards the staircase. Just as they said their byes and she was about to leave, Lith said hurriedly,

Miss Emilia, wait a minute.

Hmm? Emilia turned and hummed.

Lith smiled and said, you know, its not just breakfast, lunch, and dinner that is made and eaten. Theres snacks that are eaten in between these meals and as far as I know myself, Ill probably wake up in the middle of the night to have a midnight snack. You interested in cooking that and eating?

Emilias eyes lit up as she heard this. Was she interested? Of course she was! That shouldnt be a question.

Emilia, who from yesterday got interested in cooking, today became a foodie, and also a cooking enthusiast.

She smiled slightly and said nodding her head, yes.

She then walked downstairs and said to Lith with a small smile, Ill be in your living room and work then. Whenever you wake up, just let me know and well go cook again.

Lith nodded. It sounded a good plan.

They both went towards his room again and Lith slept in the bedroom while Emilia took out her laptop from her ring and worked on a few things.

At three in the morning, Lith woke up when he felt the urge too pee. He was a vampire but only a mortal one right now. Going to pee and other stuff had to be done until one passed Rank 6 in cultivation.

Lith went to the toilet to pee and when he came out of the bathroom, he saw the time. It was 3 am.

He realized that he had said about having midnight snacks to Emilia. But he was too sleepy to cook anything.

Still, he mustered up some energy and walked out of the bedroom and towards Emilia in the living room.

He saw her sitting in gray sweatpants and a white hoodie, wearing her gold rim glasses and working on her laptop.

Lith walked towards Emilia and held her hand. He pulled her with him and said yawning and in his sleepy voice, lesh go make shnack.

Emilia was surprised with Liths actions but realized that he was asleep. She giggled slightly when she noticed this and was slightly happy knowing that he didnt forget about the things he had said to her even in such a sleepy state.

They reached the kitchen and Lith looked for oats in the kitchen. He soon found them and placed them on the center isle in front of Emilia.

He said in his half asleep voice, oatmeal.

Oatmeal? Emilia asked gently.

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Yesh. Add oats to bowl. Add peanut butter, honey, nuts, and hot water. Mix and cover with a lid. Few minutes pass, mix again and when water gone and oat become porridge, add berries, honey, banana and strawberry. Little salt too. Oatmeal shnack ready zzz Lith slumped on the center isle after he was almost done explaining.

Emilia giggled slightly again when she noticed this but a few seconds later, she knitted her brows and thought to herself, does this mean I have to cook now? Will I not mess it up if I do so? I havent cooked before at all

But right after a few more seconds, she became determined to make food and thought again, its okay. Ill be able to do it! Cmon Emilia, youre a powerful Seraphim, this thing should be easy to do and should mean nothing to you! You can do it!

Emilia waved her hand and an apron came out of the wardrobe. She wore it and became determined to make the oatmeal.

I can do it! She thought and hyped herself up.

Emilia did as she was instructed and after finishing up making two bowls, she was about to wake up Lith to have him eat it but stopped herself from doing so.

Oh no, I forgot to taste it to check if somethings missing or not. She thought and immediately tasted a little from both bowls.

Emilia knitted her brows as she ate the oatmeal and thought, thankfully I tasted it. It feels a bit bland and I should add a bit more honey.

Emilia did so and tasted again and this time she smiled happily when the taste was good.

She woke up Lith to make him have it.

Lith was still half asleep when he woke up, so Emilia had to resort to holding his hand and walking with him towards the living room.

They sat on the couch and Emilia handed him his bowl that was floating beside her and took her own bowl in her hands.

Lith spooned big heaps of oatmeal and ate them quickly while Emilia was eating hers slowly.

It was her first time cooking something, she wont just eat it in one go, would she?

Lith finished eating and put the bowl on the table. He got back to the couch and slumped on it, accidentally placing his head on Emilias lap. He fell asleep almost instantly after.

Emilia was surprised with his actions but she didnt wake him up or blame him. He was half asleep, it wasnt his fault.

She simply smiled and said in a gentle and soft tone while patting his head,

Sleep well.





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