Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 263: Chapter 263 - Astral Plane

Lith and Emilia discussed a few things for a while and during this time, Lith realized that his ascension took a long time.

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It had been around a day and a half since he started his breakthrough and there were also a lot of anomalies that occurred. Lith was surprised knowing all of these things and he assumed that they occurred due to him entering that strange gray world.

As for what Lith knew about this world, it was nothing. He had read many books and been on many forums but there was not a single mention of this world. Lith decided to ask about it to Emilia but she also shook her head and said that she didnt know.

It felt a bit strange to Lith. He talked a bit more to her and knowing that she really didnt know anything, he decided to talk to his mother about it. If she didnt know anything either, then there was no one in the world who would know better. His mother was a Supreme Rank and a ruler of an entire race and continent. She would definitely know a lot of things.

Lith and Emilia talked for a bit more and it was finally time to bid farewell. They had spent a whole month together, tried a lot of recipes, had a lot of fun, and most importantly, they got pretty close to each other. They were good friends at this point.

So, its farewell time? Lith asked with a slightly sad smile.

Just like Emilia, he too enjoyed her company. It was fun corrupti teasing this innocent and holy being. At first it was a bit awkward since Emilia didnt get jokes at all and was very serious, but as time passed, and all thanks to cooking, she became much more open in front of Lith and it was easy to have fun with her.

Previously, she was maintaining her professional attitude in front of Lith since she was his teacher as well as the principal, but as time passed, all formalities were dropped.

Emilia let out a small chuckle as she heard Lith say that and said while patting his head, why are you putting up such an expression, its not like I am going away forever, am I?

Lith sighed and said to her, we wont be able to spend so much time together again.

Emilia nodded and said, thats true. I cannot be with you at all times. But I have learnt a lot in this past one month and I feel like theres much more to learn. So, when I get free time, Ill definitely spend it here.

Lith nodded and said, I understand.

Ill see you later then. Emilia waved her hand and said while leaving.

Bye-bye. Lith said to her.

After Emilia left, Lith sat down on the sofa and looked at the condition of his room. There were some small craters here and there but everything else was undamaged.

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Miss Emilia was exaggerating or what? She said there were a lot of explosions but I dont see any damage here. Hmm probably, she controlled the explosions and didnt let it damage things much.

After looking around a bit more, he took out his phone and dialled his mothers number. The call got connected almost instantly and Lith heard his mothers gentle and melodious voice.

They greeted each other and checked up on each others health. They then talked about Liths ascension and Lith asked her a few questions. He then came to the main topic for what he had called her and asked,

Mom, you know, when I was ascending, I entered a strange world or strange state something, I dont know what it was. But apparently, everything there was gray and I was in a meditative position, completely immobile. Do you know anything about it?

I do. Lilith said simply.

You do? Wow. Lith exclaimed.

Want me to explain it?

Yes, yes, please. Lith said hurriedly.

Lilith chuckled and said, Fufufu I wont. On phone that is. I am coming over right now.

Eh? Alright. That works too.

Lilith hung up after Lith said that and Lith waited quietly to see her.


At the base of a tall mountain.

Lilith and Mayzin were sitting close to a round table.

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Lilith put down her phone and said while looking at Mayzin, Ill be back after a few hours.

Mayzin nodded and said, take your time. And say hi to him on my behalf.

Hearing this, Lilith smiled and asked, falling for him already?

Mayzin stared at Lilith for a few seconds and tried to comprehend how Lilith came to such a conclusion. She then shook her head as it would be a waste of time to try and understand Liliths brain.

Mayzin looked at Lilith and said, theres no such thing and stop shipping me with him. Ill never fall for someone so young.

Lilith chuckled hearing it and said, well see about that. Dont forget the bet.

Finishing saying that, Lilith vanished from her spot without waiting for Mayzins reply.


Liths dorm, Abalax Sky Island.

Space fluctuated a few meters away from Lith and Lilith arrived in his dorm.

She took a step forward and directly came in front of him and hugged him.

Mama missed you, baby. Lilith said and kissed Lith on top of his head.

Liths face was stuffed in her big bosom and had he not experienced this many times before, he would be suffocating currently.

He looked up to see her in the eyes and said, mom, its only been a week since we last saw each other.

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Lilith shook her head and said, no. Its been a month or two. You only met me when you needed to drink blood every week. You didnt hangout with mama much.

Lith hugged Lilith back and said, fine. Hug as long as you want then.

Lilith felt happy when Lith said that and continued to hug him.

A few minutes passed and noticing that his mother was showing no signs of leaving him, Lith sighed and thought to himself,

The flow of time is really very different for a mortal and an immortal.

Lith patted Liliths pat back and said to her softly, mom, its been a few minutes already. If you stay in such a position, we wont be able to talk.

Hearing this, Lilith bent her body down and touched her face with Liths from the side. She swayed side to side and said,

Five more minutes.

Okay. Lith agreed and let her do as she pleased.

Five minutes passed and Lilith let go of Lith without him needing to ask.

Lilith held Liths hand and walked towards the couch and sat there after reaching it.

She crossed her legs and facing him, she asked, what would you like to ask mama first?

The strange gray world. Lith answered immediately.

Lilith nodded her head and said, its called the Astral World. The material body cannot enter that place and that place is of a higher dimension than the one we are currently in. To reach there, one needs to have a very high comprehension and application skills.

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Not everyone has access to it. The Supreme Ranks being no exception to this. Out of the sixteen Supreme Ranks present currently, only six have access to it.

That place is very special, to know more, youll need to explore it. But right now what you should know is that you need to comprehend laws well and only then will you be able to explore that world. If you dont, youll stay immobile like before.

Lith was listening intently and when he heard the last part, he looked at his mother suspiciously and asked, mom, you were there in that world, werent you? You saved me from those two deadly weapons, right?

Lilith chuckled and said, Fufufu I dont know. You can keep guessing.

Lith knitted his brows and repeated again, it was you, wasnt it?

Lilith chuckled and said shrugging, ,who knows?

Stop playing with me, mom. Please tell if it was you or not? Lith said hurriedly.

Lilith grabbed Liths hand and pulled him again in her embrace. She held him by the waist and said,

Coming back to the topic of the Astral Worlds. Theres only one plane in this place and the worlds are arranged in different places in this plane. Just like space and time, this plane exists everywhere and people from various different places have access to it.

The ones present in this place are the geniuses among geniuses and the fight for survival is very tough and difficult in this place. The plane has many territories and many rulers. Theres lots of benefits available there and naturally, theres monopoly over many things by various clans and families.

Lith pondered over what Lilith had just said and after a few seconds, he asked, do you have a monopoly over there in something as well.

Lilith smiled hearing it and like before, said with a shrug,

who knows?

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