Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 290: 290 Cheap food is crap

Mayzin was stupefied hearing Liliths demand.

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Lilith on the other hand giggled and said, one should always be careful with what theyre agreeing with.

Mayzin clicked her tongue and said, I am not going to do that. Hes just a newborn, I am not going.

Oh? So, youre saying you wouldve gone if he wasnt young? Lilith twisted Mayzins answer and asked.

Mayzin glared at Lilith and said, no matter what you say, I am not going.

Lilith chuckled. Of course she wont go. She was a prideful dragon, it wasnt easy to make her do things.

So is the mighty and domineering Dragon Empress not going to keep her word? Lilith provoked Mayzin and said playfully.

Mayzin rolled her eyes. Just what was Lilith upto? Why did she want to hook her up with her son?

Mayzin thought about things for a bit and realized that it wouldnt really hurt to go on a date. She was free and also, going on a date was basically just meeting him and nothing more. There wont be any problems in doing that.

She looked at Lilith and said, Ill go, but on one condition.

Lilith raised her eyebrows in surprise. She got convinced this easily?

Lilith was surprised but nonetheless didnt show it on her face much and asked, what is it?

Mayzin smiled and said, you wont put me in such situations again in future. Such situations as in making me do things I dont want to.

Lilith nodded her head. It was fair..

Alright. I agree to that, but this is valid only till you go and date him. And youll have to go on a date within the next 100 years. Do you agree?

Mayzin pondered whether it was a good deal or not. A hundred years was too short. She thought she might extend the time period by a few ten thousand years but now it was shortened to just a hundred.

But something was better than nothing. She nodded her head and said, alright, we have a deal.

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Next morning.

Lenz City suburbs.

Lith woke up, feeling refreshed. He went to freshen up and ordered food for himself. It was a cheap English breakfast.

Lith has had that many times in the castle as well as in the academy. It was nothing new to him.

He sat on the small dining table present at the corner of his room and just as he had the first bite of the sausage, he spit it out.

Yuck. It tastes disgusting. Lith exclaimed. It tastes rotten and is also very chewy and greasy.

He had some water and gargled. He spit it out at his side but the water didnt splash down on the ground, instead it floated in mid air and Lith willed the elements to move the water to the sink in the bathroom.

He then tried the beans and it was once again disgusting and repeated the gargling process.

Lith looked at the food in front of him and contemplated whether to eat it or not.

It couldnt be helped, Lith was royalty. Ever since he started having food, he was fed food by the best cooks in the whole world. Even in the academy, the cooks present were top class ones as the academy didnt want their students to be sick and malnourished because of food. It was a top academy, food was given priority as it directly impacted the growth of the students.

But now, Lith had suddenly ordered cheap food for the very first time and had it. It was bound to taste crap. His palate wasnt suitable for such foods but there was also the fact that he ordered food too cheap.

He thought that he shouldnt waste money on food and ended up ordering food from the cheapest place near him. But now that tasted crap and he knew that if he ate that, he was bound to get sick in the long run.

Sigh it seems I cant compromise on food. Alright, just for food, Ill use moms card. Hmm or maybe

Lith suddenly got an idea. He took his phone out and called a certain person.


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Darkwing Country, Vampire Continent.

The Dracula Castle, Milano.

Lucy was getting a shoulder massage by Freya, the blonde-haired, green-eyed King Rank maid.


Freyas phone rang and she stopped her massage and said, Sorry, Your Majesty. Its a call on my phone.

Its okay. Lucy didnt mind.

Freya took her phone out from her ring and noticing the caller, she was slightly surprised. However, she picked it up and said,

Greetings, Your Highness. How may I be of service?

Hmm? Lucy turned to look at Freya.

Why is little brother calling her? She wondered.

Put the call on speaker, Freya. Lucy said.

Freya nodded and did as she was asked. As she did so, Liths voice rang out saying,

Greetings. Freya, can you help me out a bit?

Lith used to call Freya as Miss and with a bit of respect, but she and the other servants asked Lith to not call them like that. They appreciated him for this but they preferred getting called by their names only.

The maids and butlers felt close to Lith when he called them with their names. They felt as if they were his friends and close ones. But when he called them with respect and formally, it just didnt click well with them and thus they asked him that. Freya being no exception to this.

Yes, Your Highness. Is that even a question? Please tell me what to do, Ill try my best to be of service. Freya said calmly.

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Lucy wondered what help it was that Lith needed. Out of curiosity, she interrupted their talk and said,

What help do you need, little brother? You couldve called me if you wanted, you know? I am not really busy.

Oh? Big sis youre there? Is Freya with you? Lith was surprised hearing Lucys voice and asked.

Indeed. Shes with me. Helping me out with this tour. Lucy said with a smile.

Ahh, so shes busy. Well then, Ill call someone else. I wont disturb you two. Lith said in understanding.

Wait, wait, wait. Youre not really disturbing us. What do you need, tell me. Lucy said hurriedly.

Ah well its a bit awkward to tell. But long story short, I ordered food and it was very bad. So I called Freya to ask if it was possible to get food from home and bring it to me. Lith said it in a way to cover up his cheapskate-ness.

Oh. So you just wanted some home food? Lucy asked a rhetorical question.

Yes. Lith answered it anyway.

Lucy didnt answer Lith after and just looked at Freya, gesturing to her to answer Lith.

Freya cleared her throat and said, It will be done, Your Highness. Not a problem at all. But you would need to allow us to track you.

No problem. Lith agreed without hesitation.

Freya nodded and then said, Your Highness, just message the word food to the castles number whenever you need it and theyll deliver it to you within five minutes.

Okay. Thank you, Freya. Good bye, big sis. Love you. Lith said.

Love you too. Lucy said with a smile.

Lith hung up and the call ended. Freya put her phone back in her ring and Lucy got back to her normal position.

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Freya got back to massaging her shoulder and thought,

It seems His Highness misses home food. Alright, Ill do my best to get him what he wants. Anything for His Highness.





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