Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 62: 62 You Did What?!

The ladies chatted happily for a few hours. It was basically Lucifer talking about how the authors butchered her favourite character in anime or some characters were just like a bitch, Agalea talking about a little politics in her Elven Empire and Alea and Lilith talking about her kids.

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Mayzin was only listening as she was asleep the whole time and didnt have anything to talk about. She listened quietly while sipping on tea and was trying to catch up with her friends latest developments.

After a while, Lucifer got up from her seat said smiling

We have talked enough already. Look at Mayzin, she seems bored to death. Lets have sex now!

Mayzin, Agalea and Lilith looked at each other and sighed. Lucifer never changed. This had become a common occurrence now and they had gotten used to it.

Lilith looked at Lucifer and said smiling

I am out. Ill not be having sex with you guys from now on.

What?! Why?! Lucifer was shocked.

Yeah, what happened Lilith? Mayzin asked from the side.

Agalea didnt say anything and only waited for Lilith to answer.

Oh well, you know, I am saving these intimate moments for my babies. Lilith said with a smile.

It took a few seconds for the three ladies to process what Lilith had just said and it was Agalea who said in a shocked tone

Lilith, you, you will, you will do it with your kids?

Obviously. I have done it before and I feel these intimate moments bring me much closer to them. So Ill be saving these up only for them. Lilith said with a smile.

YOU DID WHAT?!! Lucifer shouted from the side.

I had sex with my kids before. What? Is there something wrong? Lilith said with the same smile.

The three ladies felt a little headache after listening to Lilith. It took them a few minutes to process everything they heard about. They soon made some points in their mind after listening to Lilith.

They calmed down and it was Lucifer who spoke

You! Did you just lose your virginity? No thats not my concern. My concern is, did you take the virginity of your son too? Isnt he very small right now?

Yes, I gave my virginity to him and he took mine. It was a beautiful moment. Does age really matter? Lilith said with a smile.

Lilith, what the fuck? Since when did you become such a shameless bitch? Doing it with such a small kid and that too with your own son? Lucifer questioned worriedly.

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Ah Lucifer, you dont really understand. Calm down, do you think I would do anything against my own babies wishes? Lilith said while maintaining the same smile.

Not only Lucifer but Mayzin and Agalea too thought about it. Yes, it did make sense to them. Lilith was a good mother and she wouldnt do anything as such if it harmed the interests of her children.

Agalea looked at Lilith and said with some concern

Are you really okay with committing to this taboo? Are you really not worried?

What worries are there? The world hates incest, correct? Burn the world then. My babies likes being so close and intimate with their mama and theres nothing wrong with it. It has only brought us more closer as a family. Agalea, you should try it too with Alea some day and check for yourself if what I am saying is right or wrong.

I know Alea is a shy girl like Lucy, so you can cook up some excuse like telling her you are worried about her physical health and you want to check her. You can then have a small fingering or cunnilingus session with her *wink* If she hates your touches, stop it then and there and tell her that you are only checking her health and then after a few minutes, back off. If she doesnt, heh, you know the rest on what to do.

Lilith smiled and gave some advices to Agalea on the way explaining things.

Lucifer quickly dashed towards Agalea and hugged her. She stuffed her head in her big bosoms and said to Lilith

Hey, dont corrupt my innocent Agalea like that, shameless bitch.

Lilith chuckled and said to Agalea

Agalea, if you want to be more closer to Alea, you should take my advice and follow my instructions. Your only family in this world is your daughter and she definitely only has you. You may be close to her but you arent really too close. Its really very necessary for you to improve your relationship with her. Life gets very lonely without family, you know?

Agalea thought about it for a while. Lilith never really gave any useless advice and it wouldnt hurt to try it, she thought to herself. She made up her mind to test it out. She was still stuffed in Lucifers bosoms.

Lucifer looked at Agalea who was thinking about something, she wanted to stop Agalea from doing such a thing but on second thought, she didnt. She knew it was important to stay close as family and if they werent, it only felt lonely. Thus, she didnt stop Agaleas train of thought.

Agalea got out and looked at Lilith and said with a smile

Ill try it out. Ill let you know if it works or not.

Goodluck. Lilith replied with a smile.

Hey, me too. Tell me too. Lucifer said hurriedly.

Yeah, me too. The silent Mayzin spoke too this time.

Sure. Ill do a conference call, be sure to pick it up. Agalea said with a smile.

Dont worry, I wont be sleeping for a long time now. Ill stay awake as I need to do some work and also to look at Liths adventures. Liliths kids are all extraordinary and I still remember how much regret I felt when I only got news of Lucys adventures and was not able to watch her as I was sleeping. This time, I ll watch Lith. Mayzin said with a smile.

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They all had a never ending lifespan and thus they never missed out on any entertainment they could get.

Alright, so nobodys having sex now or something? Lilith you really are a big bitch. You do know how to spoil fun, humph! Lucifer snorted.

Lilith giggled and so did the other ladies. Agalea got up and said

Alright, Ill be leaving now. I have some work.

Are you sure its work and not to have sex with the poor Alea? Lucifer chimed in.

Agalea chuckled and said Its both.

The other three too chuckled. Mayzin too got up and said

I have some work too. I need to catch up on the thirteen years that I slept. Ill be leaving too.

Tsk. And here I thought I could atleast have my way with you, Mayzin. Lucifer said with an annoyed look.

Mayzin chuckled and said

You can come to my place anytime, you know?

Mayzin and Agalea hugged Lilith and Lucifer and then left together for the teleportation circle.

Lucifer got up and went to Lilith and slept by her side while keeping her head on her lap. She said

Ahh, I wanted to do it, you know Lilith? Its been so long. Doing it alone doesnt feel the same way as doing it with others.

Lilith chuckled and caressed Lucifers hair. She said

You can go to Mayzin or Agalea after a few months and do it with them. Oh right, if Agalea succeeds then you cant with her.

Tsk. Its all your fault.

Fufufuof course it is. I like looking at you suffer. Lilith teased.

Lucifer got up and said in annoyed look

Alright I am leaving too. I have to pleasure myself and I clearly cant do it with you. Sigh, I hope you stop your foolish thinking and come back to us and do it like we used to.

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Lilith chuckled and didnt say anything. She got up and hugged Lucifer. Lucifer hugged back and said

See you later.

See you soon.

In a dark alley, Lupin country.

An old man was sitting in a lotus position. He opened his eyes and muttered

So that youngsters unique ability was nothing but casting mere fire spells from his left hand without a chant. No wonder he died so pathetically.

The old man then started drawing certain symbols on the ground and he muttered some ancient words. A magic circle was formed and the old man started pouring his spiritual energy into it.

The magic circle lit up and it got up from the ground. It emitted a silver glow and it started rotating. Soon, it split into many more magic circles and they were of various colours. The magic circles started rotating and revolving around the silver magic circle and the old man was as calm as a still lake while this was happening as if he was used to this. He had almost drained all of his spiritual energy. Finally, after a few minutes, he said


The magic circles which were rotating and revolving, vanished into thin air and went to who knows where. The old man closed his eyes and started observing like before.

He looked around and found an elegant looking bedroom. There was a very good looking boy but his complexion looked sickly pale who was sleeping in the room. There was no one else in the room except for him.

Soon, the boys complexion started returning to a healthy red shade and he opened his eyes and looked around. He said in a confused way where am I? He then grunted in pain and collapsed on the bed again. His painful look went away and soon his face was that of surprise, shock, a little horror and then finally it became a determined face. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror and said with a determined face

Dont worry my predecessor, I ll get you justice and the world shall have humanity reign supreme from all the torture of these other races.

His figure blurred a little and became clear again. He stripped himself naked and looked at his body. His body looked fit but had accumulated a little bit of fat maybe due to not working out for a long time. He checked his body and he closed his eyes and felt something about him. He then opened his eyes and there was a silver glint in his blue eyes and he said

Abalax World Academy, youll be my first stepping stone.

The old man opened his eyes and his view had returned to the dark alley in which he was in.

He started casting a spell and making a magic circle with his hands. His grey eyes start turning golden and he sees something. After only a few seconds he stops and smiles. He then chuckled and muttered to himself once again

Interesting. His unique ability sure is powerful. Now, what sort of chaos will you create, hero?


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One month passed.

In this past one month, Lith had spent all his time with Lucy. They toured the country of Nightingale together, had various delicacies, watched movies, cuddled and most of all, had sex a lot many times.

Lucy had not gotten any alone time with Lith and Lith knew about it. This was why he took this vacation with her and tried to reciprocate all the love and care which Lucy had given to him in all these years. Though it wasnt much but he tried his best to show his love and care for her. Lucy too understood Liths feelings and she felt very happy because of Liths such behaviour. They had a lot of fun in their short one month vacation. It was time to go back home now.

Lucy and Lith were standing in the room of their inn. Rena was in Liths spatial ring. Lucy held Lith by his waist and she cast space jump and vanished from the spot. The room was now empty without any signs of life.


Royal castle, Nightingale.

Lith and Lucy teleported to the castle directly. As soon as Lith landed on ground again, he felt something squishy on his face and a new set of hands holding his waist. He smiled knowing who and what it was.

Mama missed you so much, you know? Lilith said to Lith and Lucy while hugging them and stuffing them in her bosoms.

Lucy was already holding Lith by his waist and now Lilith joined in and made a three way hug with them. She knew they would be coming home at any moment today and as soon as she felt a slight magical fluctuations in space, she knew at what spot they would land and also the exact time. Thus as soon as they came, she immediately hugged them.

Lith said smiling We missed you too, mom.

Lucy nodded her head indicating that she too agreed with Liths words.

Lilith let go and looked at Lith and Lucy again from head to toe. Lith had gotten just a little taller since a month ago. Only around a one or two centimetres tall. It was very negligible but Lilith noticed it. Lucy was still the same.

Liths forehead could now touch Liliths nipples easily but his mouth couldnt reach it. Lucys forehead was at Liliths eye level and she was pretty tall as a lady.

Lilith looked at Lith and smiled. His aura had changed a little. Although it was negligible, it was still visible to Lilith and she knew her baby had matured a little. She was right. Liths attitude and mindset had changed a little towards how he should be treating people and family, thus Lilith noticed such a change.

Come, tell mama what all things you did. Lilith said.

Lilith pulled their hands and sat on the bed. She sat cross legged and Lith was on one side of her leg and Lucy on the other. She caressed their hair and Lith and Lucy started telling her about the places they visited. She smiled and listened.

This continued for a while and Lucy and Lith slept together with Lilith. Nothing felt more comfortable than snuggling into their mothers embrace to them and thus they slept soundly.

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