Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 79: 79 Entrance Test (4)

Go to the door on your left.

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The boy nodded and left. The old man then thought

It seems I need to bring this to the Principals notice. We have had many cases of such individuals who had innate special abilities, some became great figures and some even massacred a whole bunch of people. It is a double edged sword and we need to be careful about it. If we nurture the children well at the early age, it will benifit not only the child but also the rest of the world. A child with such potential is surely special.

Though he thought that, he had subconsciously, like all the other examiners compared this boy to the silver haired boy from before. He actually thought highly of the silver haired boy as he didnt use any special ability and it was his own comprehension ability which made him pass the test. The silver haired boys comprehension ability was on par with that of an elite and he was sure to reach greater heights but,

This black haired boy used some ability and got the correct answer in a test which was for the measurement of ones comprehension ability. He didnt comprehend one single thing. He had actually failed this test. Thus he was asked to go to the door on his left instead of right. Though that was the case, him failing this test was a special case and that needed to be brought to light. The exams were fair.


Enter the dimensional gate. Youll need to survive there for 35 days to pass. Though the more you stay, the more is your score. The highest you can score is 100 which means youll be there for a 100 days. After a 100 days youll be directly teleported outside. If you feel it is unbearable for you to survive, tear the slip and youll be teleported out and the number of days you survive would be your score.

The black haired boy nodded and entered the gate.

After his eyes faced an intense flash of light,he found himself in the middle of a desert with high temperature.

After choosing a direction to go in, he started walking in the direction warily. Not even a few seconds passed and he heard a faint sound.


Before even realising what happened, his body maneuvered itself into performing a quick and effective dodge and landed a few metres away from his previous position. He realised that his unique ability [Danger Detection] had been activated and he thus quickly used another of his unique ability [10s Super Reflex] to dodge the attack of what seemed to be a snake like beast.

After dodging it, he quickly cast a wind spell and ran away from where he was as soon as possible. He used the rank 1 spell Move and he moved the air surrounding him and made it carry himself along with it quickly. It cost him a little bit of spiritual power but not too much as he was a rank 2 and using a rank 1 spell was easy.

After getting away from the snake and to a certain distance, he looked at the place he ran away from. He could see a silhouette of a giant snake. It seemed to be coming closer but the speed was not too high. He breathed a sigh of relief and went around looking for shelter. He had to survive 100 days here and it definitely wasnt easy.


Royal Castle, Nightingale.

Lith was talking to his mother and big sister while sleeping on their laps. While keeping the talk going on, he started fondling his mothers big breasts. Lilith looked at him with a smile but didnt say anything and let him do as he pleased. Lucy didnt mind it either and their talk continued.

After fondling Liliths tits for a while, Lith removed her boobs out of her dress and as he did that, they started jiggling as they no longer had a bra supporting them. Lith looked at the scene with a smile and then started sucking on one of Liliths nipple and played with the other.

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Lith sucked milk out of Liliths big breasts and also was listening to the conversation. Lilith caressed Liths hair while breastfeeding him. Lucy continued to talk with Lilith. Lith started getting a boner after a while and he looked at his big sister and said with a smile

Big sis, I havent had a release in 100 days, you know? *wink*

Lucy looked at him with a neutral face and saw his smile. She didnt reply to him and started removing his pants. After his pants were down, she pulled his underwear down and his shaft stood in front of her eyes, high and mighty. It was twitching and also seemed to be very hard, indicating he really didnt have any release.

Lucy got on her knees and bent down and took Liths cock in her mouth. She started lubricating it fully. She licked his shaft from the tip all the way to the bottom. After getting everything coated in her saliva and making it well lubricated, she started bobbing her head up and down.

Lilith looked at this scene with an amused expression.

Ara, seems like my teasing has made sweetie bolderfufufu

Lilith looked at Lucy and said with a teasing look

Sweetie, share some with mama too, okay? I also want to taste the 100 days old thick semen of my baby.

Lucys face flushed a little but she didnt reply to her and continued with her work. Lilith chuckled at it and said

Dear, make sure to relax your throat and dont try to hurt yourself by deepthroating him okay? Its a very big size for your small mouth.

Hey! Why are you giving me instructions about it like this is nothing but a trivial matter. how are you not embarrassed even a little, mama? Lucy thought to herself and looked at Lilith. She didnt reply to her again but followed her instructions.

Lilith chuckled at her behaviour and continued ruffling Liths hair while he sucked her milk.

Mhm, big sis, I am almost there. Are you sure youll be okay?

Lith said after getting himself a blowjob for around ten minutes. Lucy after hearing it was starting to have second thoughts.

Will I really be able to swallow it all?

Lucy thought to herself and she was now chickening out a little. She looked at her mother to get a little confidence but Lilith only gave her a smirk and made her feel even more nervous. Lucy made up her mind. She took Liths shaft out of her mouth and wiped her mouth with her sleeves.

She then got up and pushed her mother aside from where she was sitting and put Liths head on her lap and took out her tits for him to suck milk from. She still had milk coming out from them.

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Lilith chuckled looking at her daughter chickening out. She didnt call her out for it as it was only natural that she would be a little afraid to do so. Lucy wasnt experienced like her and she knew this. She went over towards Liths crotch area and got down to giving him a blowjob and continuing from where Lucy left off.

Lith didnt mind much about anything. He sucked milk from his sisters big breasts and let his mother do her thing. He too knew Lucy was inexperienced and he didnt tease her for that.

Lilith, with her skillful tongue, started twirling it around Liths tip and bobbed her head up and down quickly. She made a suction force act on Liths dick via her mouth and Lith felt so much pleasure that he almost climaxed.

Lith looked at his mother and said

Hey, mama. Slow down a bit will you.

Lilith looked at Lith with her eyes while continuing the blowjob. She didnt reply to him and only smirked while sucking him off.

She then took his shaft all the way in her mouth and deepthroated him. She also made sure to keep using her tongue and making a suction force to make him feel more pleasure.

Lith couldnt handle it anymore. He held his big sisters waist tightly and thrusted his hips upwards and hid his face in her big sisters embrace and released a muffled groan.


Lith shot his seeds in his mothers mouth and Lilith expertly swallowed it. He came much longer than he has ever before and waves of semen kept gushing out of his dick in Liliths mouth.

Lilith, like an expert, first took the semen in her mouth and her cheeks puffed up. She then swallowed it as more semen kept coming in her mouth and maintained that puffed up cheeks look. She finally, swallowed almost enough to not have her cheeks look puffy. She removed her mouth from his shaft and went towards her daughter.

Lucy looked at her mother swallowing like an expert. She didnt know wether she should be proud or embarrassed about it. She looked at her mother coming towards her and she knew why she was coming here. Her face flushed hard. She wanted to run away to not feel embarrassed but Lith was currently hugging her tightly and was panting heavily in her embrace. She sighed and accepted her fate.

Lilith came to Lucy and lifted her chin and gave her a kiss. She poured Liths seeds in her mouth and let her have a taste of it. Lucy accepted it, albeit a bit shyly. She savoured the taste as it was a very good one for her. It tasted the same as her mothers love juices but it was much more stronger than her mother. Her mothers juices had a mild and sweet rosy flavour and her little brother had a strong and wild rosy flavour.

Lilith broke the kiss and savoured the taste of her own son while her daughter did that too. They both closed their eyes and felt the taste. After half a minute or so, they both gulped at the same time.

Lilith and Lucy both casted a cleaning spell in their mouth and Lilith casted one on her sons shaft too. They knew Lith wouldnt kiss them after they gave him a blowjob or had his seeds in their mouth. They didnt know why he hated to do that as he was okay to taste their juices but not his own selfs seeds. Nevertheless, they didnt ask him but simply followed along with his wishes.

If he didnt like kissing them while they had his seeds, they would clean it. If he hated to have a taste of his own self, then so be it. They loved him and going along with his wishes like such wasnt too much for them. It was just a small thing for both.

Lith recovered from the heavenly feeling he just felt a few minutes ago. It was too good. He hadnt had anyone or anything touch his little brother in a 100 days and now it all erupted in one go and the expert techniques of his mother were too much for him to handle and so, he felt so much more pleasure than he had ever felt before during that one moment.

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He got up and went towards his mother. He said with a smile

Thankyou, mom. It felt amazing.

Hey, it was me who did most of the job! Lucy said from the side and pouted.

Yes, yes, big sis, thanks to you too. He then went to her and kissed on her cheeks.

My mouth is clean, dont worry. Lucy said. She didnt realise it but she had started to get bolder like her mother and little brother subconsciously.

He went to his mother and gave her a kiss too. He didnt do it before because he thought they still had some remnants of his seeds and he didnt want to taste it but now that Lucy said she was clean then his mother too would be clean, he guessed and did it.

Lets go in the bedroom. I want to watch the new episodes of the anime that I left off.

Fufufu.only an hour and a half had passed in the real world and not 100 days. There are not any new episodes, you know? Lilith said while chuckling.

Ah, right. I forgot about it. Anyway, lets go and sleep then.

Lith took their hands and walked with them downstairs. He didnt even wait for them to tuck their big breasts in their dress or pull up his own pants. He forgot about it too and walked in the castle like an exhibitionist.

Lilith of course knew that he forgot and she simply casted an invisibility spell on them while they walked so the maids and servants dont notice them.

They reached the bedroom and removed what last clothing they had on them and slept on the bed.

Lith was in the middle with his back facing his mother. He was holding his big sister who was facing him. Lucy too held Lith and Lilith from the side wrapped her long arms around both of them.

They slept in such a nice and warm position together happily.



A black haired boy cursed while running away from a group of big centipedes who were crawling towards him at a crazy speed.

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The boy thought while running from them that these survival plains shouldnt be so difficult, should they? There were supposed to be low level creatures which could be dealt with by rank 1 or rank 2s. They shouldnt be so high level for such low ranks, should they? He had such thoughts while he cursed outwardly and ran with all his might.

It had only been 4 days and he had gotten attacked by many creatures. These centipedes were the highest ranks he had come across yet. He didnt know if his luck was shit or it was the academy that was unfair. Nevertheless, he couldnt give up as it would make him a laughing stock in front of his father and whole family to whom he said that he would surprise them with the exam results.

It had only been 4 days and he needed to preserve for 96 more days.

What the boy didnt know was that it was so challenging in this dimension because he had failed the comprehension test. Each test students fail, the next test would gradually get more difficult for them. It was a rule set by the academy.

The students would either preserve in these difficult tests and prove themselves or they would just keep on failing and give up. The academy needed high grade talents and not students who would give up in the face of difficulties. The difficult they set in a test wasnt too much for a 13 year old to handle but it wasnt too less either. If they passed in the difficult test, their upcoming tests would be much easier.

The examinees who failed in one test, got the next one as difficult, if they passed it, they would get normal tests from the next time onwards but if they failed, they would keep getting more and more difficult tests. This was the academy being fair in their testing and judging. The examinees just needed to redeem themselves in the difficult test and prove their worth to the academy.

The black haired boy had failed the comprehension test and he didnt know about it. This was the reason he was having so much trouble to survive over here.

HuffHufffucking finally! AhhhhI have finally shook them off my trail. What the fuck is the use of unique abilities when there is someone of such a high rank present.

It is nothing but a load of crap in front of absolute power! Ugh! I need to get stronger or I would die and I would die once again in this life without providing justice to everyone properly!

I need to be stronger and more powerful! Ah yes, I know how to do that. Ill think about it again after the test.

The black haired boy said to himself while panting. He later found for shelter and hid himself there.


A/N: To all who were asking about Yuri and other stuff in the novel. Let me tell you few things first. There would be Yuri among the ladies who are related to the mc but it isnt like lovers. Its just because they want to let themselves off and they havent found a partner yet. They dont want just any male inside them, if it is not the right one, which in this novel, would be mc.

In short, yuri would be present but it isnt done like lovers. The ladies are all straight and not bisexual or lesbians who are related to the mc and they only do it to let themselves off as they havent found the mc yet. Otherwise, this novel wouldve been in the LGBT+ category. I dont hate LGBT stuff but I dont like it either and so Ill only write about it when I feel like it.

Other times, ladies who are into anyone else except for mc wouldnt be given too much screen time. They would be given a little but not too much. Ill add warning beforehand.

There definitely would not be any form of yaoi, ntr, r*pe(though reverse r*pe and netori is a possibility) and thats pretty much it.

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