Vampiric Blood

Chapter 10

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When Ashley saw the pain that her brother was going through she utterly regretted coming to investigate this new vampire. After experiencing that wave of pressure that he emitted when he was undergoing the change she should have left instead curiosity got the better of her and now she might die for it. You could say that curiosity killed the vampire.

"Please I'm begging you I will do anything please let him go" Begged Ashley as she tugged on Jasons pant leg

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"He's the only one I have left! Please let him go! Please forgive us!" She continued to beg

Jason responded by throwing Michael into the wall. HARD. He left a nice human shaped dent in the drywall there making Michael cough up a mouthful of blood.

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Jason crouched down to be face to face with Ashley still sprawled out on the ground.

" Why do you think you're worthy for me to spare you." And with that one question, it silenced Ashleys quivering voice. It set her mind a jumble. She never imagined being asked such a question. She had begged but she never thought that there might actually be a chance for Michael to be spared. After all, Vampires are creatures of bloodshed and for a being of such strength to be challenged by the likes of them, it was the stronger Vamps every right to punish them.

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"Please spare us if you do we will be your slaves we will carry out your bidding!"

"After all for a being as great as you I'm sure there are plenty of tiny errands we can run for you so you don't have to trouble yourself please spare us." And with that Ashley kneeled down on the ground and begged once again to be spared and taken in as slaves.

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(Hmmm I might not need them but it might be good for this brat to learn how to govern some subordinates) The bloodlust that had overtaken Jason's mind seemed to be able to have its own thoughts as it contemplated sparing them for its master. Just as it came to a decision the tendrils of red power formed 2 seals in the air it was a sigil representing its master and with a flash, it was sent into the foreheads of the sibling duo.

" I will spare you trash to serve him as servants but if you ever even think about betrayal the sigil will tear your souls apart" and with a clench of his fist a wave of pain flooded into the duos brain as they cried out in pain.

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