Vampiric Blood

Chapter 14

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Jason moved over and sat down between Hannah and Nikayla and started to flirt with them.

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"Jason, Can I just ask you wearing makeup? why do you look so much better than normal?" questioned Stephen. It was only when things settled and everyone was chatting that he noticed that his best friend had changed into a superstar all of a sudden with bright golden eyes and his chiselled face.

" Hey, asshole are you trying to say I look ugly normally."Jason made a joke trying to divert the attention away from the topic after all he had no real explanation for why did he suddenly look so much better.

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"No, I'm just saying you look sharper all of a sudden. With everything just leaping out at you when people look at your face." Replied Stephen

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" What do you think Tony?" Stephen turned over to get Tony's opinion. but as they looked over all they could see was that their best friend Tony was tongue deep in Becca's mouth with his hands wandering all over and reaching up into her skirt.
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"Well, obviously he's a bit occupied right now." Joked Jason seeing how his friend was still making out with the girl and going even further while everyone was still watching. It was obvious he didn't care about having an audience. But Tonys overt display of lust with Becca made Nikayla and Hannah blush due to how open the pair were.

Seeing Tony and his lust made Jason a bit eager as well. So he leaned over and whispered into the ears of the two beautiful ladies next to him. Heating their bodies up with the dirty words that were pouring out of Jason's mouth. Jasons hands slowly started to creep onto their thighs slowly as he was whispering. His hands snaking around their necks pulling them closer to him as he gave Hannah a kiss. She reciprocated with a kiss her tongue snaking out to his lips to pry them open.

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