Vampiric Blood

Chapter 40

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"It's rather easy. All you have to do is pay attention to the signboard. There will usually be a sigil showing the alignment of the store for vampires; it would be a teardrop shape. Stores that have the teardrop serve vampires, and they will acquire blood through more legitimate means before selling them to others. Of course, having access to such a large amount of blood and not being raided by cops was a massive show of the strength and the background these stores had.

"Alright, what kind of currency to the stores use or do they take cash?"

Jason pulled out a couple of bills and waved them around jokingly. Honestly, Jason was hoping that there was some cool vampire currency like in movies or novels.

"They do take cash, but for some of the more "unique" pieces they sell will require you to trade items for them." Ashley was quite knowledgeable about the stores as she frequently visited them for materials and spellbooks.

"Interesting well, take me to the closest store." Jason walked to his room and changed quickly to go out.

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Michael and Ashley quickly thought together to decide which was the closest store. After deciding which one they quickly led Jason out of his home and out on to the street where they quickly walked down the road. The store they intended to go to was relatively close as they walked two blocks. There was a small coffee shop within an alley, the Rogue coffee shop. On the signboard, there was a black raven and underneath a little teardrop.

"See master there's that small teardrop, but of course usually there are coincidences so of course there's a necessary universal code to test if the shop is legit. One of the methods to do so is to ask if the owner is someone who enjoys the dark if they say yes, ask to meet the owner, and usually, then you can confirm more directly if you were in the correct store." Explained Michael. After all, in this world, there were coincidences, and it would be awkward if his master went into a store that had no affiliation but had a teardrop demanding blood.

The group of three quickly entered the coffee shop, and as soon as they opened the door, Jason's eyes widened in shock.


Standing right behind the counter pouring someone's coffee into a reusable cup was none other than Hailey, who had run to go to work only hours before...

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Ashley and Michael didn't notice the look of shock on their master's face as they were quickly scanning the shop hoping to see someone who could take them to the real store underneath all this.

Jason was standing there shocked and slowly Hailey finished pouring this guys coffee and looked up as she did her face replicated Jason's as her eyes widened a bit in shock. She quickly looked down and continued working ignoring Jason unless he spoke to her.

(Can't really talk to her straight up with these two twins next to me best to keep moving along)

Ashley walked up to Hailey and asked if their owner enjoyed the dark and sure enough he/she did. Hearing about someone asking about the dark the owner quickly appeared as he knew those were his "special" customers

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"Hello my name is Charlie and I am the owner of Rogue." Charlie came up to them and quickly introduced himself with his hand outstretched for a handshake.

Michael reached his hand out to intercept Charlie's hand that was going towards Jason. Seeing Michael being so defensive made Charlie rather interested in Jason. But he decided not to prod too hard in case he got himself involved in something over his head. Afterall you don't run a store like this and survive if you keep poking your nose into every customer's business.

"Nice to meet you, Charlie. I'm Jason my companions here informed me that you sold blood and I was looking forward to purchasing a large amount of it." Jason stood there with the twins flanking him like a bigshot as he laid out his needs.

"No problem Jason now do you prefer a blood type or would you simply like us to supply you with a mix. Of course, a specific blood type would cost you more and any other conditions would similarly increase the price." Charlie explained it out quickly to Jason.

"I would prefer B+ blood and from females below 30. If it's possible I will take 40 gallons of that today." Jason remembered the sweet taste of B+ blood with a bit of a smirk. Considering that each person had about 2 gallons of blood in them 40 gallons of blood would mean at least 20 people being drained dry.

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"Of course we can offer you 40 gallons we can offer you even more if you wished." Charlie was smiling at this fat whale that walked into his store today. He wasn't lying that he could offer Jason more than 40 gallons of blood but that was a rare order. Most creatures only needed about a gallon a week if they weren't fighters and did not use their powers much. Of course, there was a huge spike in consumption if they were looking to get stronger or if they were seriously injured.

"How much would 40 gallons be?" Jason was rather curious at what the value of human blood was afterall he had never purchased anything like this and had no metric. The closest thing was when Jason bought weed but you couldn't exactly compare buying an ounce of weed and 40 gallons of blood.
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"That would be a 160,000 dollars for 40 gallons after all you did have some difficult requirements." Charlie looked Jason's face trying to see if there was any trace of shock or discomfort at paying out so much money.

160,000 was a rather sizeable amount of money but it was within reason. It's not easy to get human blood with no attention being drawn to them. Jason being a young master could easily pay that when he was in his room getting changed he stuffed a couple of bundles of cash into his waistband. There were always bundles of cash in his floor-safe courtesy of the butler by his mother's side. Sometimes he hated how everywhere he went there were traces of his mother but sometimes it was useful like when there was always fresh groceries and cash.

"Of course no worries you will get it as soon as I get the blood." Jason was rather cautious with this transaction. While Michael might trust these stores but it was Jason's first time and he didn't care about the cash but he didn't enjoy being treated as an idiot and swindled.

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