Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 107: 107

She suddenly felt nostalgic upon hearing that nickname from his mouth.

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She can still vaguely remember that there was only one person in her childhood who gave her that nickname.

Most of them would call her Nat or Naty.


She voiced out before chuckling, "I never thought I would ever hear that again, despite your childhood face being vague in my memory, the way you called me was still in my head."

She thought about it before saying once again, "Fine, they can just go and try to guess where that came from."

Not unless those people would see her face, they wouldn't be able to connect that nickname to Nathalie Price since she was called that way only a few times.

"And what do you want to say?" Ashton finally returned to her question.

"That's right, let's go and visit Carl."


He maneuvered the car and make a turn towards the cemetery.

It was two days ago that Jacob was finally put to jail. He had lost a lot of weight and his looks dropped tremendously.

After parking, the two of them walked slowly to their destination.

It was already night and the wind was too cold but they looked quite fine walking in the middle of a cemetery.

"When I first came here, I was feeling really down. Never thought that the next time I would meet him, there would already be a wall between us and that I wouldn't get the chance to speak to him again."

She sighed as she continued, "But now that the one who took his life has suffered quite a lot, that gloomy feeling have lessened quite a lot."

"Me too, that's why thank you."

As he said this he looked at her, to which Amber smiled in return before looking back.

"Don't worry, we will get to the bottom of this and make sure that everyone involved will pay for everything that they have done, to me, to Ashton and to you."

"Together we will rise and make sure that you will truly get the justice you deserve," Ashton added as he placed his arm around her shoulders.

After that, the two of them returned home.

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The night's peaceful end became a bloody one the next day.


Just as their group stepped inside the base of the last gang for the night.

Blake was shot, it was just a good thing that he was constantly moving around.

If not the shot may have been in his chest.

The ten men instantly surrounded them and pulled Blake into cover.

"You distract them, I'll go to the sniper," Ashton commanded.

He stealthily left the group and went to the direction where the sniper was.

His movements were silent and swift. Jumping up on some wooden boxes and hanging on poles to land behind the sniper.

The sniper who was focusing on who to shoot next, felt a cold metal behind his head.

"We didn't plan on killing anyone, but you just have to go and dig your own grave."

And the next thing was the sound of a gunshot.

Upon retutning to the group, they have immobilized every member.

"Please spare us," was the plea of the leader.

Without replying, the whole gang was annihilated overnight.

This was left to those who they brought. The three of them left the scene in order to help Blake.

Those under them left a note, "We kill if you kill."

They plan on defeating these gangs but not to the extent of killing.

But if one of them were to be placed in danger then they wouldn't care if they kill.

This is the underworld after all.

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"What have happened?" Amber asked upon opening the door.

Ashton and his group went out the night after the wedding to continue their gang hunting.

And now, two in the morning, Ashton came home with the other three but Blake was bleeding furiously.

"The last group had a sniper, we neglected that part and Blake was shot. Give Xander a call," Ashton replied as he tossed her his phone.

She caught it just as the three men brought Blake upstairs, in Ashton's room.

It took her three calls before Xander finally picked up.

Among their group, he was the only doctor and since what Ashton and the others are doing are kept a secret, they can't bring Blake to the hospital.

He was still a renowned young master in the country after all.

"What is the problem, it is-"


Her calm demeanor disappeared, just how many people have she lost? How much blood have been shed?

Xander who was disoriented, awoke instantly from her shock causing him to actually fall off his bed.

"Hey chill lady, I'll come as fast as I can."

He was shock from her shout but he can hear the panic in her voice.

To him, he barely know her and being shouted at by such a person he should get mad especially since she was younger. But he felt worried upon hearing her panic.

For some odd reason he actually felt that way.

Ashton who was helping the other two, heard her shout.

"Keep applying pressure, I'll check on her."

The other two nodded.

He asked her to make a call, but he didn't expect for her to actually shout. She seemed even more worried than them.

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Upon coming down, he saw her pacing back and forth near the door and her face was completely pale.

She also kept repeating the same words, "He'll be fine, he'll be fine, he'll be fine."

He silently reprimanded himself for neglecting this detail.

He pulled her into a tight hug, "Of course he'll be fine. I'm sorry."

Amber, whose eyes were unfocused, was first shocked before she realized that her body was trembling.

"Oh," she uttered as she felt him caress her hair.

Slowly her breathing calmed down and her body stopped trembling.

Ashton heaved a sigh of relief before pulling away and cupping her face, "I'm sorry for bringing him here, I neglected your reaction."

She blinked a few times before shaking her head, "No, I suppose it was also a trauma of mine that I didn't know. You are not at fault."

Just then the door bell rang, Ashton let her go and opened the door.

Upon entry, Xander looked at Amber before furrowing his brows.

"Go get this lady a cup of water will you and join her down here, she looks shaken."

He easily saw how shaken Amber was, despite her calming down quite a lot.

"Got it, upstairs the door is open," Ashton replied.

Xander didn't wait and walked up with his things.

Ashton and Amber remained downstairs for a few minutes before Devon came rushing down.

"We need blood transfusion, he lost quite a lot of blood."

Both he and Ashton's look turned grave, Blake has the rarest blood type. He was an AB negative and if they were to go to the hospital, what reason would they give.

"He is an AB-, among us Xander is the only one who has more access to hospitals," Ashton replied.

But both of them knew that Xander is also being watched closely whenever he makes operations outside. Taking blood is even more difficult especially since it was the rarest.

"I am AB-."

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Just as they fall into a delimma, Amber butted in. Resolve was visible in her eyes.

Ashton nodded his head and took hold of her hand. The three of them went up together.

Upon coming in, the scene almost made Amber lose all her strength.

If it was a stranger or an enemy, she had no qualms no matter how much blood were shed but the one on the bed was a person close to her.

"I told you not to let her come," Xander saw her reaction and instantly flared up.

"It's fine, I have the same blood type as him."

Amber held Ashton's hand tighter as she said.

All of them could only sigh before Xander prepared the blood transfusion, they carried the sofa to the bedside allowing her to lay down.

Her face turned pale all over again but she fought against it.

Seeing this, Ashton squatted beside her and made her look at him instead. He caressed her hair as he smiled at her.

The most gentle smile he had given her.

Amber smiled back and remained staring at him, she didn't want to look anywhere else as she would surely lose all her strength and might collapse.

She didn't know how long it took but by the time she heard that it was enough, she lost consciousness.

Ashton carried her to her room as Xander finished taking care of Blake before checking on her.

After putting her into an IV drip, the four men went downstairs.

"That was hectic, why did you all end up in such situation?" Xander asked as he changed out of his bloodied clothes.

"We didn't realize that the last group has a sniper within them."

The three of them sat down tiredly.

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