Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 118: 118

After the call ended, Ashton once again looked down at the sleeping woman in his arms.

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He thought for a bit and if he remembers clearly there should also be a blanket included in what she had brought here.

So he placed her first on the sofa that was big enough for two people to sleep on their sides, before searching around the office.

After searching for about five minutes, he finally found it.

Using her jacket as her pillow, he covered her with the blanket, after ensuring that she is comfortable in her sleep, he returned to her table and checked out the computer.

He was not at all surprised to see that she has a folder regarding Joseph Fox, she must have investigated him deeply.

Inside a folder was another folder and in it were mp4 files.

He frowned for the thumbnails show what was the content.

Joseph Fox indeed had quite a rendezvous in this building and it seems that it was not only within his office.

But for Amber to get all these only means that she had hacked through his computer.

'He was saving the videos?' he couldn't help but think before closing the folder.

He took Amber's phone and, knowing her password, made a call.

"Hello, Amber? Is there another problem? I have just read your email and am currently thinking of a solution. We have to find a replacement ASAP."

The other side didn't wait for him to speak as she started speaking. An obvious hint of worry was visible in her voice.

'She really could attract both good and bad people,' he once again thought.

"This is Ashton, the student council president," he decided to butt in.

Leslie stood abruptly upon hearing his voice.

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"Mi- Mister President!!"

"Calm down, I just want to call you and inform you that she almost got herself into a problem. Do you really not intend on coming here?"

Amber have told him that she couldn't separate Leslie with her family and her home that is why she was not commanding her to take over the company in Celestial Country.

Despite his voice having a monotonous tone, Leslie knew that he must have been very worried about Amber since he himself gave her a call.

Leslie smiled, she also knew Amber wouldn't ask her this for Amber was too kind.

'That girl, upon growing up there will come a time where you have to live on your own, leaving your hometown and family. But that doesn't mean that you will never visit them again.'

"I shall book the earliest flight to be there mister president. Handing over wouldn't take that long after all."

They have a competent vice president over here, so handing over the position as the general manger in this branch would be easy enough. Plus, the trust they built was already more than enough for her and Amber to entrust this to the vice president.

"I understand, please don't worry, I shall personally make a call to allow her leave."

She then chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I found it funny that the owner had to go and ask for a leave when she can just be absent all she wants."

"I also found that amusing."

"Very well then mister president, have a good rest."

Leslie had a smile after hanging up, she also never thought she'd actually get the chance to speak with Ashton Wright if she never met Amber in the first place.

She was in complete shock after finding out about it, that the person they had been interacting with was actually the young master of a royal family.

It was only two years later after their departure did she found out about it.

And Amber even laughed at her.

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After some thought she gave another call to the company in Celestial Country for Amber's leave.

Before calling for a meeting for the handing over, she needs to finish this fast in order to help the true president.

After a while when almost every employee already left, Ashton decided it is time for them to leave as well. He can't have her sleep in this place after all.

Upon coming out of the elevator, he was being looked at by those who are still in the building, to which he ignored as he carried her out to where he parked his car.

"Well I suppose you have more explaining to do once you get to work," he said as he buckled up her seatbelt.


Amber was woken up that night.

"You should eat," he said as he placed a bowl near her.

But before she could complain, he already helped her in a sitting position, placing a pillow behind her.

"Won't you get tired of this someday?" she couldn't help but ask as she watch him do what he was doing seriously.

"Tired of what?"

"This? How many times will I be immobile and couldn't do anything, you would end up having to run around just to help me out. The future is unknown, who knows that the two times might return to five times or even more. Won't you get tir-."

She couldn't finish her monologue as he suddenly flicked his finger on her forehead.

First stunned before she looked at him in confusion.

He, on the other hand, stared straight in her eyes.

"If you really love someone, no matter how difficult life would become, you wouldn't give up. Of course there would be moments where you felt tired but you wouldn't give up on that person."

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He cupped both her cheeks, "Do you understand? Just as how you kept going with all your preparations, no matter how tired you are. I won't stop taking care of you and will never give you up just because of this 24-hour sickness."

Amber was made to realize this fact when she saw how tired Ashton when he rushed to her a while ago.

Will he get tired of it someday?

Will he leave because it will be too much?

She somehow couldn't help but think that she could also be a burden because of this.

She suddenly felt another flicker in her forehead, "Stop thinking about unnecessary stuffs and eat, you have too many insecurities. Just trust me will you?"

He started feeding her the soup he created without any more words, to which she silently eats as well.

"That's right, Leslie will be coming tomorrow, she'll settle down then she will accompany you in the office the day after tomorrow," he told her after feeding her the whole bowl.

"You called her?"

"I wouldn't risk your safety with the hands of another pervert."

Amber sighed, "Well I wouldn't want to hire another one like him as well. Plus, I can already see with how mad he was a while ago that he will surely call for the other higher ups, to fire me."

"You can think about that when the day comes, but I have a suggestion."

"What is it?" she asked her eyes moving to look at him.

"Brian Cooper."

"That is if he will agree," Amber instantly understood what he meant when he said the name.

That they can hire Brian Cooper instead.

"I'll speak with him and see if he really wants to stay in their company as a shadow, or make a change and have his own name," Ashton replied.

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"What are you calling again? Do you need another computer?" Brian asked the moment he answered the call.

"If I remember correctly, aren't you getting tired of always being a shadow in your company?" Ashton went straight to the point.

Brian sat up straight from his study room after hearing this.

Indeed, he has a position being a cousin but the position could be neglected and he was not enjoying it at all.

"Do you have any suggestion then? Why do you have to ask when all I do was complain whenever we have a get together," his voice turned serious as well.

"How about SNN?"

Brian was first stunned and didn't know what to say, they were just talking about it a few days ago, about Amber entering SNN.

Why was he suddenly being recruited?

"What are you implying?"

"Just that, the day after tomorrow, a general manager would be fired and they are currently looking for a replacement," Ashton's reply was nonchalant but Brian felt like his world started shaking.

"Are you being serious right now?" he couldn't help but to start feeling happy.

A royal family is a privilege but also a shackle, if you don't do good in the society, you would be ostracized and currently he is starting to feel that way.

Not yet among those outside their family but inside? He can already feel it.

He was not fond of hardware and some software, he was more inclined in the gaming side.

But Cooper Empire was not focused on that at all, rather it was among the miniscule of their products.

That is the difference with SNN, almost all the products launched by Cooper Empire when it comes to games, during the last few years, were all a collaboration with SNN.

Within? They rarely have any products to launch.

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