Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 131: 131

Both their smiles were obviously fake, despite not knowing Amber's story, Leslie knew that Amber wants to take revenge against the Price empire.

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This is one thing that Amber finally told her upon her arrival here, the truth behind everything.

Amber told her that if she wants to back out, she can do it now.

But Leslie have built trust towards Amber for the past six years that the two of them struggled together.

The trust that Amber wouldn't allow her to be placed in danger.

"Acting even more mysterious I see," Glenn commented.

He then looked at Brian, "I have heard that you separated yourself from the Cooper empire and chose to work at SNN instead."

"It was the best choice for me," Brian replied with mirth playing in his eyes.

"For me it is best if you have stayed and helped your family prosper even more," Madison butted in.

"Hmmmm, I'd rather search for what I truly love rather than what my family wants for me. I'd rather not regret anything," Amber cut in as well.

Seeing that Madison was about to speak again, Amber continued, "But that doesn't mean that I will throw my family away, it's just I will make them understand that this is what I want and this is how I want to live my life."

Glenn furrowed his brows.

"Someone of humble birth such as you, shouldn't butt in within the talks of those who are way above you," he then said.

"I may be of humble birth but that doesn't mean that I am way below you. Who knows, I may be even higher than you," Amber didn't back down but instead faced him seriously.

"You? Just because you are working with SNN doesn't mean you are already of high quality," Glenn didn't step back as well..

"Quality? I'm not a product for you to buy but if I am indeed one, then you won't be able to buy me, I'm too precious to just be bought by someone like you," Amber even smiled as she answered him back.

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Brian and Leslie almost turned agape upon hearing her answer back.

They knew she was something else but they didn't expect that she was this bold.

On the other hand, Madison's eyes moved to Ashton and she can see the doting look he had as he watch Amber.

For some odd reason she really didn't like it.

"Please miss Wood, you also need to respect your seniors, the way you speak now, we can just send you to prison if we want to," she finally spoke up.

"Prison? With my speaking? Aren't you too petty for that? And respect? I can give as much respect as needed if the other person knew how to respect others as well," she answered back not wanting to back down.

"Are you saying that I don't deserve your respect?" Glenn squinted his eyes.

Both of them felt immense pressure coming from her, she who was of humble birth has such strong presence which baffled them even more.

How can she exude such presence? How can she apply pressure to them?

To him? Glenn Price?

The top most young master?


"The hosts are being called to the stage, you should go and do your jobs already, don't you think so mister Price?" Ashton finally spoke since the two of them approached them.

"I say, please try and take a hold of your fiance, she can't use her humble mouth to rant at those like us just because of her engagement to you," Glenn glared at Ashton as he spoke of this.

"Don't you think that that is her charm?" Ashton replied mocking him.

"Glenn let's go, they need us in the stage already," Madison pulled unto his arm as he still wanted to talk back.

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She didn't like it, the way Ashton supported Amber.

She glanced at Amber and to her surprise she was looking at her, Amber's eyes shows pity and mock.

'Why can I see pity in her eyes? And why was there mock? What is she mocking me about?' Madison thought before the two of them went their way.

"How did you fall for that person Ash?" Amber asked as they watch the other two walk their way up the stage.

"Saw something again?" Ashton asked in return.

"She's jealous," she answered instantly before looking at him.

"She's jealous of me because of you but she is already married, quite fickle isn't she?" Amber mocked.

Ashton shook his head as he placed an arm around her waist, marking his ownership.

He can after all see all of the eyes looking at Amber right now, despite wearing a mask and people gossiping about her scar, there are still more men than necessary who stares at her.

"I never expected that you are that bold," they then heard a voice from the side.

"Looking handsome, aren't we mister Timothy, mister Xander," Amber smiled as she looked at them.

Both are wearing black suit that enhanced their features.

"Don't praise me too much, your fiance might get jealous," Xander replied jokingly.

But in reality at the beginning both of them were astounded, no, to be more precise all of them, Brian, Mathew, Harvey, Xander and Timothy, looked at her with shock.

They never thought that she was this beautiful and her presence was even more pronounced.

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It is inevitable that she received quite a lot of attention together with her mask.

"Will you?" Amber asked Ashton.

Ashton just raised an eyebrow, to which Amber chuckled.

He was after all saying in his eyes, 'They are your brothers why would I be jealous?'

"Guys, you do know you are right in front of us, why are you speaking only to yourselves?" Brian complained.

"How did you get through this?" he then looked at Leslie, who was silently standing beside them.

"I just stopped bothering," Leslie replied.

Xander placed a hand on Brian's shoulder, "You should follow your girlfriend's advice, stop bothering with it."

"Hey, hey don't go jumping to conclusions. She is my date for she is my boss, this is miss Leslie Lane by the way, the face of SNN Beginnings," Brian retorted as he slap Xander's hand away.

But these actions caught other people's attention.

"I never thought that the young masters are quite close," one president spoke who was close by.

"Hmmm, isn't this a place where we interact with one another? So speaking with one another is quite normal," Xander turned serious and replied.

"Well, what the others could see was that you seemed to be of a different level of relationship," another man replied.

'Such mentality,' Amber thought as she look at them full of mock.

And when these gentlemen looked towards her, they were stunned for it felt like she has the right to mock them.

She was like a queen looking down at her subjects.

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"Miss, aren't you disrespectful? Are you mocking us?" the first to speak, confronted her.

Amber didn't reply as she just smirked.

This caused these gentlemen to have their blood boiling.

"You may have big companies but are you sure you would want to go against the Wright Empire? I may have caused quite a lot of trouble but we still are big," Ashton was the one who stepped forward and spoke to the man.

These two were actually among those who had been looking at her with disrespect.

"Oh, talking big now are we, young master Wright?" another spoke.

"Please do remember, our main companies are hotels and schools, it is quite fine for me to talk big especially since your children are under our school, I wonder where you would be able to find such fine school?" Ashton replied without much emotion.

The two men glanced at one another before they harrumphed and finally left them alone.

"Disgusting old men," Amber said with a roll of her eyes.

"This is why I hate wearing this kinds of clothes, maybe I would just wear a suit the next time? What do you think?" she continued as she look at Leslie.

"It's because you are that much beautiful, anyone barely looked at us the commoners," Leslie replied with a laugh.

"Yeah right, if you, the president of SNN, are a commoner then what am I in their eyes? Beggar?" she answered.

"Maybe you should really make her wear a suit the next time?" Blake commented as he and the other two approach them.

Ashton didn't comment, it's not like she loves wearing these kinds of clothes so he didn't need to worry that she might attract unnecessary pests.

"Are we starting to gather now? I just spoke about it a while ago, no longer scared of others watching you?" Amber seeing that it was only Mathew and Harvey who are missing in the group asked.

"This is a gala anyway, just as what Ash said, we are here to interact," Timothy shrugged.

"Spoke about it?" Xander asked being curious of her words.

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