Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 135: 135

"Oh, I'm sorry I guess I went overboard again, saying all these stuffs in front of you," Amber realised that she went too far and apologised immediately.

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"No don't be, I asked after all. I just find it peculiar to meet a person like you," Cathrine commented.

"I understand that my personality was bad among others but if it was for someone important to me, I will never hold back," Amber replied with a smile.

"So you will be staying by his side from no on?" Cathrine asked another question.

"There are so many things to be done that I have to leave this place a lot of times, in the near future I still need to live away from him," Amber didn't hid it.

She didn't know why but she couldn't find it in her to hide anything about this stuff from this old lady.

"You will still leave him? Despite all the things you have said?" a sudden feeling of anger bubbled up inside Cathrine after hearing that Amber will still live somewhere else other than beside Ashton.

Amber thought that the anger she heard from Cathrine's voice was due to her declarations only to say that she will still leave.

So she sadly shook her head, "Both of us are still growing and we both knew that in order to properly protect each other and the family we will build in the future, this separation was inevitable."

Cathrine was stomped for words, she didn't know what to ask.

Despite this, Amber continued speaking, "But one thing is for sure, with just a call, if ever he needs me I will fly to him. No matter what time or date it may be. Even if I am in the middle of a meeting or important work, I will drop everything to rush to him."

She looked towards the mirror looking at her reflection in the mirror, staring straight in her own eyes.

"For as he had promised me that I won't lose more, I also promised him that he will never lose someone important to him again."

With red eyes, she looked back at Cathrine, "So even if his grandmother hates me, as long as he still needs me I will never leave his side. This life of mine was saved by him, if he was not there back then? I don't think I would have survived and still stay strong."

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"If I didn't see his love for his younger sister, if I didn't see how kindhearted he was behind his cold demeanour, if I didn't then maybe I wouldn't have entered this engagement and chose to see more of who he truly is."

"Other than one purpose another was my very own curiosity, just who is the person hiding behind those cold eyes? What story do they hide? Despite my very own grief I was drawn to the person I was facing back then..."

Amber blinked as she kept speaking before a sudden smile appeared in her lips.

"I'm sorry ma'am, are you alright now? There is someone I really wanna see right now," she suddenly said.

Amber no longer waited and rushed out of the restroom.

Upon reaching the hall she couldn't see Ashton so she checked her phone to see a text from him that he will be waiting for her outside where they parked the car.

She didn't bother with all the looks and those who wanted to speak with her, she rushed out of the venue and run towards the location.

She thought she just suddenly woke up and she was already in love with him.

She thought she only fell for him during their stay here in Celestial country but now that she actually thought back with all the questions asked to her, she realised that she had been falling for him slowly since way back.

The moment she saw him leaning in the car watching the night sky she removed her heels and run as fast as she can to him.

Ashton who felt someone approaching looked down and despite being shock he was able to catch her when she threw herself to him.

"Let's get married," Amber happily looked up at him and said.

Ashton was stunned before he furrowed his brows, "What happened? Why the sudden eagerness?"

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"I just suddenly realised how deeply I have fallen for you and how much I wanted to be with you from now until the end," she replied happily.

"Have you?" Ashton chuckled as he fixed her hair that became a mess because of how she run.

"I have," she beamed.

"It was a curiosity at first, I can see that something was hidden behind your cold eyes back then when we just met and pushed through with the contract, half was because of my revenge and half was because of my curiosity."

Ashton just looked down at her as he listened to everything she says.

"But you have pulled me out of my grief, despite the fight and all, it was you who have really helped me a lot. You supported me, you know when I needed a shoulder to lean on or when I am sick and needed someone to take care of me."

"Everything was done by you, when I am still feeling like I was alone it was you who allowed me to stay in your office and accompanied me. No matter how peculiar I was you remained patient with me, I never thought about it back then but now thinking back, I was leaning on you entirely during the first year of my parents death."

Ashton tucked behind her ears a few strands of her hair.

"Why is it that it was you who always confess such things to me?" he chuckled and asked.

"Because that's just how peculiar I am," she didn't back down and replied still her eyes were shinning.

Ashton remained staring at her, it would be a lie if his heart didn't flatter with her words.

He felt loved at the same time fell in love even more with her, the way how she straightforwardly face everything, especially regarding her emotions.

If it was someone else they would be shy instead and would confess in a low voice or shy manner, but Amber didn't shy away, just like normal, she faced it head on.

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Ashton sighed before he pulled her into a hug, "I would love to get married to you right this instant but I want for your brothers to be there as well."

Amber pulled away and looked at him with a shock look.

"Do you think I would really let you choose between your identities? You are Amber Wood but at the same time you are Nathalie Price, one and the same, with just different names," he explained.


"No, Amber, your parents told you to live but they didn't tell you to stop living as Nathalie Price, you don't have to throw that name for that was what your parents truly gave you. Plus you haven't spoken with your brothers yet, how can you tell that they truly hate you?" Ashton didn't wait for her to speak and kept speaking.

In reality when Amber went to the restroom, Timothy and Xander called him out here before they returned inside.


"Why did you play that song/" Timothy asked with a serious look.

If Ashton were shock, he didn't show it.

"What of it?" he asked instead.

"You know why we are asking about it, why that song? Why Sonata Pathetique?" Timothy insisted.

"You do know that song when it is connected to the three of us," Xander was the one who asked this time.

Ashton scoffed, "Is this how much you hated your younger sister? That anything connected to her, you didn't want to see or hear?"

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"Sonata Pathetique was the only song the two of us had played in the past and since you suddenly heard me play it with another person, you question me of why we played it?" Ashton was also getting tired of this.

Amber had been blaming herself for her brothers at the same time her brothers seemed to be blaming her as well.

"Do you really plan on hating her all your life? Hating Nathalie?" he once again asked.

Different emotions run through their eyes upon hearing that name, the name of the person they cared so much. The second most important girl in their life.

Ashton seeing this didn't speak and remained looking at them waiting for whatever it is they want to say after hearing her name.

"Don't assume," was what Timothy told him.

"Suit yourself just don't lash out on me for things connected to her," Ashton shrugged it off.

'It was her who chose that piece, maybe she had forgotten that we played it in front of our family,' he added in his mind.

"Sorry, we should return," having received no answer, Timothy sighed.

"I'll wait for Th- Amber here, both of us were already planning on going home anyway."

He almost called her Thalie in front of her brothers.

Timothy and Xander nodded before they dejectedly went back inside.

'Don't assume. What am I not supposed to assume?' he thought as he watched their retreating backs.

(End Of Flashback)

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