Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 142: 142

"Ooooh, that's nice. Is it also free?" Amber asked with a bright smile.

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Timothy looked at her not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Aren't you rich? What's with that question?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, even when you're rich a free will still be the best," she beamed at him.

Alissa looked at Amber with fondness, she seems to really be very happy right now, despite being hurt, she still look so happy.

Before she looked at the man, whose name she still have no idea.

'Though he seems familiar, where have I seen him before?' she thought.

As if on cue, Amber remembered, "By the way, I haven't introduced you to each other yet, have I?"

"Alice, the current third most famous runway model of Kuiper country," Timothy butted in.

"Geez, I'm not talking about her stage name. I am here to introduce you as the president of the company and her as a potential employee," Amber rolled her eyes at him.

Timothy just stared at her.

"Anyway, her name is Alissa Coleman, well as you have said, she is also known as Alice but that was her as a model. You should call her Alissa when she becomes your employee," Amber started.

"And Alissa, this is Timothy Price, a broadcasting company owner, the company you shall enter as an electronics engineer," she then said looking at Alissa.

Alissa stared at her in shock, "You'll let me have another work?"

"Why do you look so shock? If that is what you want why would I stop you?" Amber asked in confusion.

"Well, Hayley, she… she said I shouldn't get distracted," Alissa replied with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"I didn't say you should also get distracted, let me ask you this Alissa. Have you asked yourself, without thinking about Hayley or me, just yourself, your heart. What do you really want?"

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Alissa didn't answer as she could only stare at Amber.

"The first thing you want to study was hotel management for Snow Fall Hotel, you also want to be a model who can wear Hayley's design. When I started the entertainment company, you suddenly want to be an electronics engineer. So tell me, what is it that truly makes you happy?"

Amber said seriously, she had been intending to tell her this for a while now. And since they were already on the topic why not ask now.

At the same time, her employer would be able to judge her character with this somehow.

'Though I would kill this brother of mine if he bullies her,' she thought.

"I… A- Anyway, I'll answer that some other time why are we talking so serious now?" Alissa dodged the subject.

Amber sighed before she smiled.

"Fine, so you will have a one month probationary period. So tell me now, do you want to try your hand at it? You have graduated it anyway."

Alissa smiled before she nodded her head, "I want to."

"Oh, I look delicate? But I grew up doing a lot of work, do you think I won't be able to handle it?" Alissa asked in return.

Timothy squinted his eyes, "Very well, I will be entering tomorrow. You can come by then, but your identity..."

"Hey hey hey, she can still work just fine. It's not like she's those actors who are being followed by so many reporters. She may be among the top three but that was within the runway, not everyone really knows her for she barely comes out on magazines, except for special features," Amber butted in instantly.

But before Timothy could react she continued, "I am even amazed that you know of her."

"You- Seriously, I am four years older than you are, why are you talking so casual with me?" Timothy finally asked.

"Cause I feel like it?" Amber replied with an innocent look.

"Well since I feel like it, why not pay for our food today?" Timothy replied.

��Waaahhhh, just how much more petty could you get?" Amber replied as she looked at him unbelievably.

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As Alissa listened to the two of them, she first had a smile on her lips before realisation hit her.

"Wait, what's your name again?" she asked.

Timothy instantly furrowed his brows.

"I don't mean it in a bad way, I mean..."

She looked at Amber and Amber instantly knew what was going on.

It didn't instantly register on her the name Timothy Price, only now did it sink in.

"He is Timothy Price, your other boss," Amber replied with a smile and a different glint in her eyes.

Alissa's mouth turned half open before she slowly looked back at Timothy.

'Amber's eldest brother!!' she exclaimed in her mind.

"Why do you like that?" Timothy asked upon seeing her look.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just didn't expect to meet a royal descendant," Alissa instantly replied.

'It's a good thing that his identity was enough to make others shock,' she added in her mind as she silently heaved a sigh of relief.

Amber was watching Alissa and she couldn't help but chuckle. To which Alissa looked at her sharply.

'This girl, no wonder she was this happy. It was her brother who was with her.'

But instantly she felt sad for Amber, 'Though it is obvious that he still has no idea of who she is.'

"Let's leave that out shall we?" Timothy brushed off the topic of his blood.

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"Wait, wait, wait, Harvey, were you talking about Harvey Carter?" she asked once again upon remembering their conversations.

"What bout him?" he asked.

He was prepared for her to ask if they were friends, being Royals of rival empires.

"Nothing just that, it's amazing. There's no rivalry between you at all."

Contrary to his thoughts of her asking him, she actually complimented it.

"You don't find it weird? I mean our families may have different main businesses but we are all still considered rivals," Timothy became curious.

"Why? Are all rivals supposed to be enemies?" Alissa thought for a bit before asking.

"What?" Timothy was suddenly lost for words.

"I said are all rivals supposed to be enemies? I mean I look at Amber as my rival, she can do anything as long as she put her mind into it. I am challenging myself because of her, so should we be enemies then?" Alissa replied giving an example.

Timothy didn't know what to reply as he could only look at her before looking at Amber who was looking at Alissa fondly.

"You have grown up," she said.

"As for you, shouldn't you be the one explaining such things to us? You lived longer than us. Why question such simple things?" she then asked looking at Timothy.

"I have nothing more to say to the two of you," he raised his hand and answered just as their food arrived.

But as they dine, he couldn't help but to look at them, he can somehow feel the same type of aura coming from the two of them.

It was after they're done did Amber excused herself for the restroom.

"Can I ask you one thing?" Timothy opened his mouth.

Alissa nodded, "Please go ahead."

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"How can the both of you think in such a way? Making me feel like you were older than I am."

Alissa fell into deep thought before she looked up at him and replied.

"Maybe because, we really are quite alike, both lost their parents and somehow grew up supporting ones self?"

"I'm sorry to hear that," Timothy replied honestly.

"Please don't be, it was painful but we all need to keep living, we need to keep going forward."

"No wonder, you both grew up faster than those who still have their parents," he then commented.

"Well, my growth is not as fast as hers, Amber you see had no one other than herself when she lost her parents. I have my aunt and cousin who was kind hearted that I really didn't have it rough."

Alissa leaned forward, placing both arms on the table, "Did you know that she walked more than a day after the accident with her parents? That she was the one who had to bury them?"

Of course this was the first time he heard of it.

"A- Are you sure you are allowed to talk about this?" he couldn't help but to feel bad.

"Hmmmm, I don't know, I just felt like telling you. You both seemed to be well acquainted, that's why," Alissa replied with a smile.

'More like I want you to know of how your sister lived after the death of your parents,' she added in her mind.

"Anyway, after what she had experienced, she instantly had to stand back up and without us realising it, we actually found ourselves being drawn to her," Alissa had this happy at the same time sad smile as she spoke of it.

She can still remember that time when Amber stayed inside her room for a whole week and they can clearly see just how devastated she was, though they have no idea what she actually experienced before then.

"So I guess my example awhile ago was a bit not the right one, for I couldn't compare to her as my rival but instead she was my goal."

Her eyes brightened after saying this word.

"She had quite an impact on you, didn't she?"

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