Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 145: 145

"Distracted? Are you telling me she fell in love?" she asked.

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Jake nodded.

"Who was it?"

"What, are you going to stop her?" he asked upon hearing the seriousness in her voice.

"Why would I do that when aunt Elloise was not stopping her at all?" she asked in return.

"I think you should ask Alissa instead, they seem to know him from the past," he commented.

Amber nodded as she started thinking.

"What is it?" he asked upon seeing her serious look.

"That's… there's something that's bugging me as well. You do know right? My intuition is quite on point. My intuition is telling me that the man… just that something."

Jake suddenly felt worried upon hearing this.

"Don't look like the world is about to end, not always are my intuitions right. I am also hoping that this was just a transition," she comforted him.

"By the way, where will you be staying?" he asked upon noticing the time.

"I���m staying with Alissa, she asked me since she was barely home she said," she answered as she picked up the envelope.

"Very well, I'll bring you there."


"Are you really gonna make me sleep out here tonight?" Amber asked as she kept pressing the doorbell.

Upon arriving at the building, she bid Jake goodbye before coming up.

She just didn't expect that Alissa would actually be this mad.

'I feel like a husband who came home too late that my wife wouldn't even let me in,' she thought.

"Honey!!" she finally called out.

Alissa only has one neighbor around here in this floor.


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She called out once again.


Seeing as she still didn't want to open, Amber started shouting honey none stop.


Amber jumped when two people opened their doors and shouted at the same time.

She was not shock at Alissa, instead was shock at the one behind her.

"You live here?!?" she asked.

"Why can't I be here? The company is closest here," he replied as he massaged his temple.

"Wow, such coincidence," she muttered.

"Goodnight then, my honey opened her door for me now," she then said as she pushed Alissa aside before getting in herself.

Timothy shook his head in exasperation before getting in his own unit.

On the other side…


"I want to drink, I haven't really drank in my whole life," before Alissa could say anything, Amber interrupted her.

She was stunned before she gave Ashton a message.

TO: Ashton Wright \u003e\u003e\u003e Have you ever drank with Amber? She wants to drink now, should I stop her? \u003c\u003c\u003c

Ashton who just finished a lengthy meeting replied back.

He sighed after sending it before sitting down on his chair and closed his eyes.

'That one surely is quite a handful, two messages just as she arrived,' he thought.

'But she may not...'


Amber and Alissa were both sitting on the carpeted floor, five empty bottles in front of them.

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Alissa was watching Amber, who drank almost all of it, while she play with her empty glass. Her head was propped on her hand that was on top of the table.

"Are you drank?" Alissa asked.

Amber looked at her, "Am I? Will you be able to tell?"

Alissa could tell that she was disappointed. That she couldn't get drank at all.


"Just that, there are multiple times that I just want to stop feeling anything. And just blurt everything out."

She fill up her glass before dawning it in one go.

"In the end, lives are at stake when I do so. Even my life, I could also just runaway but I will never be at peace," she kept going.

She looked towards the closed door, whose opposite was Timothy's.

"Does fate think that just because I am happy being able to interact closely with him I am already fine?" she then asked.

"To even let him live close by. Such wretched life," she added as she fill her glass and drank more.

"Do you want me to look for a different place for you?" Alissa didn't stop her but instead allowed her to keep drinking.

"Then I would be running away, I would face it head on. An eye for an eye. I want to at least spend time with them, then fate wants me to keep seeing them."

Alissa remembered, that was her favorite phrase, 'An Eye For An Eye.'

"Will you be fine then?" she asked in concern.

"I will be but other than that, do tell me who is Hayley's lover?" Amber finally changed the subject since she couldn't get drank anyway.

Alissa was first stunned before she sighed.

"I really didn't know him but I did meet him back then, he was among Hayley's high school friends, Mark Dwayne."

"You sighed," was Amber's comment.

"Oh, weren't you asking about him because there is something?"

"Hmmmm, what did you notice?" Amber asked.

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"In reality, I don't know. I just felt like something was wrong about her, right now."

Amber nodded, "Well, let's just observe for now. Shall we sleep? So many things have happened for the day. And haven't truly rested after the flight."


"Just sleep, your voice sounded tired. You could have just called me tomorrow or just sent me a text," Ashton told her upon hearing her tired voice.

She gave him a call after cleaning up.

"I just want to hear your voice, maybe I should have recorded it? At least I won't be disturbing you," she replied as she lay down in bed.

"And what do you want me to say to you?" he asked as he removed his necktie and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Nothing in particular…. Just say… something…"

Ashton knew she was about to fall asleep with the way she spoke.

"Just sleep now Thalie, you need all the rest to keep going."

He can hear her breathing and knew that she had truly fallen asleep.

His face turned serious as he placed the call through an earpiece. Before changing into a different casual attire intending to go out.

After arriving to the place he wants to go to.

"Why can't I call you?" Blake complained.

The three of them are already together.

"I'm currently on a different call, I can't have another," he replied.

"This is our last one before you guys go to the other countries. Make sure you all will return alive, I don't want to be killed because one of you didn't return with everything intact," he warned.

"Back at you, our whole clan would be killed if just a finger of yours is gone," Aldger raised his hands as he said this.

"Let's go then," he commanded.

The current place they're in was a hotel, it may seem like it was a normal one but because of the things that Amber got, they found one of those hidden gangs.

And one of them is residing in this hotel.

This time they didn't sneak in but instead they entered through the front door and upon reaching the highest floor, Blake just kicked open the door.

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"What are you doing here?!?"

Everyone inside looked at them in shock.

"Haven't heard of us yet?" Blake asked as he raised his gun.


"You haven't spoken with the other gangs? Or were you not watching news? There was one group that had been cleaning up the other gangs around here," he continued after their questioned looks.


When their eyes landed on Ashton, they were even more shock.

They have heard of such group and they heard of Ashton Wright and his friends.

But these friends were staying quiet in their homes because of what happened with the Barbers, yet why are they here?

How come that they were the group trying to take over the underworld?

"Those weapons," the boss commented upon remembering hearing one of the defeated gangs that the attackers have modified guns.

"So you have heard, still not believing it?" Aldger played with his gun as he answered this time.

"Why? You were already young masters of such prominent families why still try to go to the underworld?" the boss asked in confusion.

"Why? Isn't that simple? The underworld is the only place that could accept our amazingness," Blake replied.

"Want a shoot out? Or a peaceful one?" Ashton finally stepped in.

"Why not take us under you instead?" the boss thought for a bit before he suggested.

"What are you planning?" Blake asked upon hearing his suggestion.

"Nothing, this was truly a surprise. I just want to know and see how far your little group will go," the boss said in a laid back manner.

"There's something about that group that baffled me a lot."

Ashton suddenly heard a different voice in his ear.

"Hmm," he replied.

"He was among those hidden but he was not among those who hides in the dark and do something evil. Among the things that they got involved with were plainly gang fights," Amber continued.

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