Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 152: 152

'I am your younger sister...'

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Timothy abruptly sat up, as he was breathing hard as if he just came from a marathon.


He muttered, in his dream Nathalie was still the young child he remembered, she was smiling at him and saying that she was his younger sister as if scolding him.

It took him a while before he realised that he was in his bed and all lights were off.

'Where's Amber?' he thought before checking the time.

It was already, 2 in the morning. He had been asleep for four hours now.

He stood up to make himself some coffee for he felt like the whole world is shaking, it had been so long since he last drank to the point of passing out.

And almost every time he did in the past, it was always Nathalie whom he would remember.

"How is that girl I wonder?" he muttered as he sighed.

The whole place was clean, there were no bottles and he was in his bed, 'Then how did she carry me to bed?'



"Come in," he called.

He pinched the space between his brows, he was having such a strong headache due to how much he drank last night.

Somehow he ended up being pulled by Amber and it seems that she herself was not even drank.

'When she drank more than I did, just what kind of sickness did she go through? But why is it that I feel so lame for passing out just like that?'

"Sir, can you please stop talking to yourself now?" Alissa knocked on the table as she said this.

'Does talking to oneself runs in the blood?' she added in her mind.

"Sorry about that I was zoning out, is there any problem?" he asked after giving the space between his brows another pinch.

"Amber felt bad for making you drank last night and thought that you might have some hangover because of it so she cooked this for you," she replied putting the container in front of him.

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"That's so lame," he laughed upon saying this.

"Not really, you were able to clear her mind despite what happened, what's lame about that?" Alissa asked in return.

Timothy looked at her before he smiled, "Thank you and also tell her thank you and sorry for passing out on her."

Alissa nodded before excusing herself.

"Wait, may I ask, do you know how she brought me to my room?" he remembered and asked.

"She called for me and we brought you to your room. Being a tall man with right body built, I must say you are quite heavy yourself," she replied without holding back before leaving the room.

His ears turned red as he grabbed his hair, 'Two ladies carried a grown up man because he got drank, how stupid.'


"Hayley, I-"

"Amber!!" Hayley stood up in shock.

"Never mind, I'll need all your designs by 1 o'clock. It's ten, I hope you're about to finish it already," Amber said turning serious.

Amber sighed, "I gave you 24 hours. And that 24 hours ends at 1 pm today. Isn't that what you promised as well?"

"But I thought it would be by the end of the day," Hayley replied.

"Hayley, you can speak through an earpiece while doing your work. You don't have to keep spinning on your chair while on the phone. I understand that it was a long distance one but do please understand, we are at work," Amber explained patiently.

"That is..." Hayley didn't know what to say as she look down at her phone.

Indeed she was on the phone when Amber came in.

"1 o'clock Hayley, I hope I'll see your complete designs by then," Amber said as she turned around.

"Your table?" she asked upon noticing her words.

"Hmmm," Amber nodded with a smile.

"I got aunt Jacqueline to rest for a while."

"Can't I-"

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"Hayley, 1 o'clock."

Knowing what she wanted to say, Amber interrupted her.

"Stingy," Hayley pouted.

Amber just chuckled and left the office.

"What happened? Are you being reprimanded?" the one on the phone asked.

"Yeah something like that," Hayley replied.

"Why? Just because you're on the phone?" he once again said.

"Mark, you do know that I am at work. So it was just for her to reprimand me," Hayley laughed upon hearing what he said.

"Are you that busy?" he asked with concern.

"Not really, But I do need to finish some stuff. I'll call you again. I love you," she replied with a smile.

"I love you too, take care over there," was his reply.

Hayley hang up and started focusing on her designs.

Amber sighed, she had been standing just outside the office, leaning on the wall, listening to Hayley.

"Falling in love is nice and all but I hope you wouldn't lose sight of everything else as your love grows deeper," she muttered before heading to her own office.

As she sat behind her desk, her face turned grave.

'The sells became stagnant and now it is slowly dropping. But because it is still quite famous, it was not that obvious. With aunt Jacqueline being so busy, he might have noticed it but it wouldn't be so easy to address.'

Her mind started working as she look at the sales report in her computer.

She then dialed on the phone.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Please tell all the managers of every department that a meeting will be held at 2 in the afternoon," she instructed.

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Since she was mostly reported as Ashton's fiance, her involvement in SNN haven't spread here yet.

The employees respect her as Jake France god granddaughter, despite being only in his fifties.

"I understand ma'am."


"I made it, didn't I?" Hayley happily said when she passed the designs five minutes before 1.

"You have indeed," Amber replied as she look at each one of them.

"So can I take a break now?" Hayley asked while beaming.

"You haven't had your lunch yet?" Amber asked in shock.

"I ate while doing it but I mean... you know... just like aunt Jacqueline?" she asked with uncertainty.

Amber smiled, "You have another deadline in three weeks, if you can finish that before the deadline then I'll give you a break."

"That's too long," she complained.

"You already accepted that job, I suppose if you want to complain you can just complain to yourself?" Amber asked in return.

"Then can I cancel it? Since I was the one who accepted it?" Hayley once again beamed as she asked.

Amber just looked at her.

"I mean... you see... our anniversary is coming up so... I want to surprise him, with what we ordered in Rose Gold Jewelries," Hayley shyly said.

Amber started tapping her finger on the table.

"Hayley, three weeks," was Amber's reply.


"Please, let's finish this set of deadline then you can have your fun," Amber interrupted her.

"Geez you really are so workaholic," Hayley complained while pouting.

"Well, I apologise that your friend is such a workaholic," Amber chuckled.

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"Fine then, I'll finish it before then. You promised..."

"Yes, I promise," Amber said with a smile.

Hayley waved her goodbye and left the office.

Amber's smile disappeared as she click on another tab in her computer, it was news about another designer in another country.

'I wish this is just my imagination or my eyes are just playing with me,' she thought as she turned the chair to look outside the window.


Everyone was uneasy, they didn't know where to look.

"Please be at ease, I think you already know about my scar. A mask is better than a scar, so just relax," Amber smiled at them.

"What will we be talking about, ma'am?" one asked.

"Let's go straight to the main topic. I want you to send me all the files regarding the sales of every fashion designer we have here. As for the singers, actors and actresses, even the musicians, send me the ratings of every shows they were in. Every project no matter how small."

Amber leaned forward, her elbow resting on the table, "Give me dates they were out until they were no longer showing. Everything."

"Why so sudden, ma'am?" one couldn't help but ask.

"I just want to check a few things, please help me out with this. Is two weeks enough?" she asked politely.

Everyone could only agree since she asked politely without throwing her weight around.

They spoke regarding some more things before the meeting ended.

"Oh and uhmmm... miss Davies and mister Evans, is it possible for you to stay?" she asked.

Though confused, Loren Davies and Will Evans remained, they were the managers of fashion designing department and sales department respectively.

"I want to know your honest thoughts. Miss Davies, here's the new set of Hayley Coleman's designs, please do check them and tell me what you think."

She handed her the designs before looking at Will Evans.

"Mister Evans, I have noticed a few things for the past few months regarding our sales. Can you tell me if you have? No matter how small, just speak your mind."

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