Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 156: 156

Upon opening her eyes, Amber was stunned to see a sleeping Ashton beside her.

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All she could remember was that she cried her eyes out with Alissa and Jake France before falling asleep.

She looked on the side and saw a basin of water with the towel hanging on the side.

'He must have taken care of me all night,' she thought as she watches his sleeping face.

The first time they slept together in one bed was when he got injured and she was so scared ending up with a nightmare of him in a pool of blood and a recollection of her parent's death.

'If I can remember correctly, he barely had any sleep for he ended up watching over me. Hmmm… surely he barely slept last night as well.'

She decided not to move for he might wake up and remained lying on her side watching him closely.

'That mole under his right eye is truly too charming,' she smiled as she looked at it closely.

"Are you planning on making a drawing of me?" she was startled when he suddenly spoke.

"Huh? What do you mean?" she asked as Ashton opened his eyes.

"You have been staring at me for a while now, haven't you?"

"Well, I didn't want to move for it might wake you up so I thought I'll just watch you sleep," Amber replied.

Before reaching out and touching the dark circles under his eyes, "You barely slept last night so I thought I must not wake you up."

Ashton chuckled before holding her hand, "You staring, will still wake me up. Such blazing look, do you want to eat me or something?"

"In your dreams, I just felt bad for the first time and now, both times that we slept in one bed you didn't get much sleep."

Ashton took a deep breath before standing up, "The moment that I have a good night's sleep would be the time you barely slept and is all tired."

After saying this, he walked to the bathroom.

Amber was first baffled, 'When is that time? Why would I be tired… as… well.'

After her thought her whole face turned bright red, "PERVERT!!"


"Where are we going?" she asked.

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After eating their breakfast, Ashton had her get ready to go out.

"Just out, we will be playing," he replied.

"Playing?" she asked.

"In Alissa's term that is, we'll just go and relax for the day," he answered before holding her hand.

Amber fell silent.

"We all wanted you to relax for now, you haven't truly rested in a long whil. Just have fun and let your worries go even just for a bit."

He gave her hand a squeeze upon saying this, to which Amber squeezed in return and gave him a happy smile.

"Let's go play then," she happily said.


"Have you heard of Amber falling sick?" Elloise asked Hayley.

"I have," she replied as she focused on her phone.

"And? You didn't check on her?" Elloise once again asked.

Just then she received a call form Mark.

After ten minutes of speaking with him, Elloise received a call from Alissa.

"Is Hayley there, auntie? I couldn't contact her, I just want to invite her to have some fun today. Amber is all good so we just want to relax for the day," Alissa asked.

"That's good to hear. Wait a minute I'll just go and ask her. Hayley, Alissa wants to ask if you want to have some fun today, with Amber."

"See I told you mom she'll be fine, anyway I can't today. It's our video date," she giddily said before running to her room.

Elloise sighed as she shook her head.

"She can't, she seems to have a date with Mark through video call," Ellois then said to Alissa.

"Oh, well that's too bad. Next time then," Alissa said with disappointment before hanging up.

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Her face turned sad before shaking her head and heading out.

To her surprise, Timothy was waiting outside.

"What is it? We have no work today right?" she asked.

"We have none, I'm just joining you," he replied before walking ahead.

"Was it Amber who asked you to come?" she asked as she followed him.

"It was Ashton," he replied with a sigh.

It seems that he was pulled into this against his free will.

But Alissa felt like Ashton called him for Amber, so she just smiled and no longer commented.


"Isn't this a bit too… cliché?" Timothy asked as he looked at the place they were in.

"But isn't it that most fun is in here?" Amber grinned at him.

"Let's go," Alissa added as she and Amber walked in ahead of them.

Timothy looked at Ashton who only shrugged, "We came out to let her have fun, so we follow what she wants to do."

'Why must we have to be here? Of all places…' he added in his mind, as he couldn't help but sigh.

The place they're at?

Yes, it was the amusement park.

"And where do you want to go first?" Alissa asked Amber.

"Of course the most thrilling," she happily replied.

"The roller coaster?"

Amber looked back, before she shook her head.

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"No, the hunted house," she answered before heading that way.

Ashton glanced at Timothy and chuckled.

He has a straight face on but the color of his face has drained.

Only their group knows of this, not even Nathalie and their parents.

That Xander and Timothy had these fears, different fears due to a single incident.

But somehow, it seems that Amber knew about it.

Timothy silently heaved a sigh of relief.

He actually didn't notice it, the fact that Amber glanced at him before answering, he was so focused on staring at the roller coaster and dreading the fact that he might ride it.

"Why aren't we riding the roller coaster?" Alissa asked for it seems like Amber was not the type of person to find hunted houses the most thrilling.

"Someone might suddenly collapse if we were to ride those things. I just want to try this place that is why I suggested it, they said that it was definitely fun in amusement parks. We can just ride that, the two of us, if we got the chance to leave the two of them behind," Amber replied in a whisper.

Alissa nodded, "Could you be talking about Timothy?"

"Do you think Ashton would be like that?" she asked in return.

"Yeah right, as if I know what scares that man. But seriously that's a surprise to think Timothy was that kind of person," Alissa commented in a whisper.

"There are past fears that is very much difficult to get over with, especially if it includes your life and the life of someone important to you," she replied with a sad smile.

Somehow Alissa felt like Amber was not here to only enjoy her day but there was another reason behind it.

She looked at Ashton and wanted to ask if it was just his decision to invite Timothy over or if Amber had asked for him as well.

"I asked him to call for Timothy," somehow Amber was able to tell what she was thinking and answered instead.

"You are supposed to have fun," she couldn't help but complain.

She first thought that he was invited so that Amber could spend more time with him, in the end, there was actually a different reason.

He was pulled into joining them because his younger sister was trying to watch over him.

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"Don't worry I will be having fun, just that with this, I can hit two birds with one stone, right?" Amber replied with a smile.

"Busybody," Alissa complained while Amber giggled.

Timothy just looked at the two of them in confusion, wondering why they were whispering to each other.

Ashton, on the other hand, knew of it so he was just following them.

Not long after they were already inside the hunted house.

"WAAAAHHH!!" someone screamed right beside them.

"Hmm the blood is too much, you look like you were drenched with red paint. Try to lessen it, then you will be scarier," Amber even tapped the person's shoulder as she said this.

The ghost actor turned agape.

When another suddenly grabbed Alissa's leg, she looked down and saw a person looking up at her.

She had no emotion and her face was white with a huge part of the skin removed, giving off a gory vibe. A light was placed on her neck level to give highlight to her damaged face even more.

 "I say, that time you scared Hayley's cousin in the mall was even scarier than this. It looks more real," Alissa looked at Amber and commented.

"Ah, I do remember that, even you guys were shock by my look, that was when I still look like a doll," Amber snapped her finger as she remembered.

The ghost actor could only slowly release her grip for the person she's trying to scare was already having their conversation ignoring her.

The next thing they encountered was a cut head that suddenly dropped right in front of them.

"The make up artists in our company should learn from here, see how realistic this look," Amber commented as she touches the head.

"You're right, then the ghost characters would be more realistically made," Alissa nodded as she too touches the head.

The one on the side that made the head drop didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he slowly looked at the two man with this two ladies. As if asking them to pull this two out if they were just there to think of ideas.

Ashton and Timothy looked at each other before each of them pulled the other two out of the hunted house.

"Hey were not yet done, why are you pulling us?" Amber instantly complained.

"That's right, this is a good place to have more ideas," Alissa added.

The other two didn't speak and just pulled them out of the building and as they do, no one tried to scare them.

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