Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 162: 162

Alissa no longer knows what to do, Hayley was still crying and it's been two hours now.

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She kept saying that she couldn't believe herself for actually lashing out at Amber and not trusting her judgment.

She was so guilty she didn't know how to show herself in front of her in the future.

"There, there, isn't this a good thing already? You can think while she's away, then you can also focus not to make mistakes. The next time you meet, you will be able to at least look her in the eye."

Alissa commented, Hayley is already drank and is crying like a child. She really didn't know what else to do.

"But still… but still…"

And without finishing her words she started crying out loud once again.

'I hope I am not disturbing him at all,' she thought glancing at her door.

She jumped when the doorbell suddenly rang, after calming herself down she stood up and checked who it was. She was expecting her manager for the food she ordered.

But her eyes grew wide upon seeing on the screen that it was Timothy.

She opened her door, "I'm so sorry. We must be disturbing you, but you see-"

"Here you go," he handed her a paper bag.

In it were containers and surely they were containers of food.

She looked at him in shock, how did he know that she needs food right now?

"Don't look at me like that, you messaged me," he said, raising his phone in front of her.

FROM: Alissa Coleman \u003e\u003e\u003e Can you order food for two? \u003c\u003c\u003c

She covered her mouth with her hand before checking her own phone.

She was supposed to message her manager, Tina.

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But instead she actually sent it to Timothy who was above Tina's name.

"Oh my, I… Uhmm..." she didn't know what to say as her face turned completely red.

"I can tell that it was sent to the wrong number but hearing the way your cousin cry, I thought that your hand must be full that you didn't notice your mistake."

Timothy shrugged as he started explaining.

"At the same time, I have cooked quite a lot so there you go."

"Thank you so much, I..."

"Stop being flustered. I just hope your cousin would stop crying before I sleep," he said before turning around entering his own place.

Alissa blinked a few times looking down at her phone and sighing again before she too entered her place.

Not noticing that the time she sent the message was thirty minutes ago.

If he really did cook too much, he would have given it to her not more than ten minutes after receiving the message.


"I know that you must have cried a lot already. Just follow your cousin's advice, focus on designing and help the both of you prosper more in the entertainment world," Mark commented upon listening to Hayley.

Hayley sighed, it was already the next day but she stayed in Alissa's place.

She was having a massive headache and she just wanted to rest not wanting to see anyone from the company yet.

"At the same time I already have some ideas on my comeback, Thank you Mark, for hearing me out," she then added.

"If I don't who will? If both of you prosper then that will be of greater help to your friend. Just rest for the day and don't do anything more stupid like drinking while still having a hangover," he instructed like an adult disciplining a child.

Hayley laughed before she bid him goodbye and returning to sleep.

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"Will yo be going out for lunch?" Alissa went to Timothy's office just in time for lunch.

He was already preparing to leave, "I am, do you have any concerns?"

"I… uhmmm… I cooked lunch this time. Will you be willing to join me?" she asked with uncertainty.

Timothy chuckled, she really didn't want owing anyone with anything, even the smallest things.

She had treated him on the day he reprimanded Josh in respecting her. And now she brought lunch because he brought them dinner last night.

"Don't laugh at me, you already know I can't sit still knowing I owe someone," she frowned.

Timothy couldn't hold it in and laughed, "Fine, I'll give your cooking a try."

Alissa heaved a sigh of relief and started unpacking the lunch she made.

Timothy didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she didn't pack lunch, she packed a feast.

"Eat up," Alissa handed him a spoon and fork and said with a smile.

Timothy looked at everything, "Hmmm, I'm amazed, you made quite a lot but there's not a single seafood dish."

"Oh, why would I make that when I am eating it with you, aren't you allergic to seafoo-"

She abruptly stopped.

When she was planning on making one she gave Amber a call, she actually disrupted her sleep but Amber happily told her everything instead of getting mad.

"You know about my allergy?" Timothy asked.

"Ah… well.. yes I asked Ashton when I planned to make lunch today," she replied.

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Timothy nodded without giving any comment.

"Shall we eat then?"

Alissa nodded and the two of them ate, chatting from time to time.

"Thank you for letting me have lunch with you. I will be going now," Alissa said before leaving the office.

Timothy turned serious right after the door closed.

'Not one of them knew of my allergy in seafood, what they knew was that I despise it. At the same time almost everything she cooked were things I'd eat. And not one were dishes or ingredients I actually don't like.'

He propped his head on his hand as he kept thinking, 'How was she able to be so detailed in my preference in food? Normally if one makes a feast for someone for the first time, they would include at least one or two of what the other didn't like.'

'Did she know Xander? That would be impossible for this is the first time we met and she already said that other than Star Country, this is the only place she was.'

'Xander, on the other hand, haven't been into this country yet. So how can she be so detailed?'

He sighed and walked to the window, watching the cars down below. Then he made a call.

"What is it?" was the answer on the other side of the phone.

"You just woke up? Isn't today your birthday? Could it be you two..." he commented.

"Since when did you become like this? We are on the way to my family's home, what is it that you want?" Ashton replied as he stopped for the traffic light was red.

Timothy turned serious, "When did you find out that I am allergic to seafood? You only knew that I hated them, because of my fear."

Amber who can hear him looked abruptly at Ashton, seeing this reaction he somehow already has an idea.

"Your reason is too lame, who would buy it?" Ashton replied.

"The others did," was his retort.

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"Well the others did, but I didn't," was Ashton's reply.

"Then did you also tell miss Coleman about the things I didn't like to eat and what I wanted? Quite observant aren't we?" he then said.

Amber face palm herself, she had completely forgotten about it. She became too excited a while ago that she blurted everything out without thinking.

"Amber is an observant person, how many times have we dined together? How many times have you came and eat in our place before going to Kuiper country?" Ashton answered.

Timothy thought back, he indeed had some bias every time they order and he would leave in the plate the things he didn't like.

"Isn't she a bit too observant?" he asked.

"If she isn't, she wouldn't be able to turn the Capa around upon arriving there. She wouldn't be able to make SNN to what it is now. It became a habit of hers already," Ashton covered it up perfectly.

Timothy could only accept for it was indeed the truth, she was able to do so many things because of the way she observes things.

"Fine, anyway happy birthday," he relented.

But his gut feeling tells him that there's so much more behind this fact.


"I completely forgot," Amber sighed after Ashton ended the call.

"You got too excited," was his reply.

"He was my brother after all," was all she could give as her reply.

Ashton could only shake his head upon hearing her answer but a smile was visible in his lips.

She didn't notice it but she actually started treating them as her brothers more than before where she was scared to even just speak with them.

Especially after seeing that they were at odds with the Price, it seems she became determined to take them away from that place.

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