Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 165: 165

It was the weekend but Alissa had to wake up at four in the morning for they have an outdoor event.

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This was a hellish week for her, her events were at night and she still has her duties in the morning.

Amber told her to just choose but she didn't want to, she was enjoying her duties and the events were also part of her duties already.

She felt lethargic but knew she must just still be sleepy, so with a dose of coffee and a healthy breakfast she went out just in time for Timothy to also come out.

Alissa looked at him in confusion after checking her time that was still at 5:30, "Good morning, something to do in the office?"

Obviously the president wouldn't come to outside events, all he needs to do is to watch over the company.

But Timothy was wearing his casual attire.

"No, I'm going to the event with everyone. This is quite big so I need to supervise it myself," he replied.

Alissa just nodded.

Timothy frowned as he looked at her face.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked.

"Let's go there in one car," was his reply before taking her backpack from her.

She was unable to react when he did so and she could only follow him.

People in the company already knew that the two of them were acquainted so being seen together was no longer a new thing.

"This is heavy, just what did you bring for a one day event?" he asked as they went down the elevator.

"Water and a few necessities," she answered.

Since he already took it from her then she'd let him carry it the way he pleases. The two of them had interacted so much that somehow she was comfortable around him already.

"We have water on the event proper, why still carry one?" he asked.

"It's better to be ready than not at all," was her retort.

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"Seriously, you don't seem well," he finally said.

"Do I?" she ask as she placed a hand on her forehead.

"I don't think so," she then said afterwards.

Timothy clicked his tongue.

"Did you just click your tongue?" Alissa asked him after hearing this.

"You two really are friends, both wouldn't accept the fact that they were already tired. Your face look pale, why don't you sit out on this event?" he commented.

"No, can do. I was also looking forward to this," she answered as they get in the car.

"If you collapse or anything, you will be suspended for seven days," he glanced at her and warned.

"Call," she answered.

Timothy could only shake his head before heading out. He intentionally slowed down for after sitting just for three minutes, Alissa already fell asleep.

After reaching the company, he parked in front where the others were already done loading the equipment in the truck.

"Is everyone here?" he asked, it was already 6:30 when they arrive.

Mister White was one of the cameramen.

The drive to the venue was three hours minimum and the event would be at night. If they leave even later they would be short in time.

"She was just new and is already being late," one couldn't help but complain.

"Miss Coleman is with me and we arrived late because of traffic," Timothy replied.

The one who spoke turned silent after that, he didn't know he was badmouthing the person who came at the same time with the president.

"Very well, let's go. I'll handle the other camera," Timothy then decided.

Some of the seniors knew that Timothy can handle the camera just fine, he could even get better shots than most of them.

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So with them agreeing to leave the others have no more comment. For it was also true that they couldn't wait any longer.

Some were wondering why miss Coleman didn't step out at all but no one dared to ask for the president himself didn't even say anything.

At the same time they have the same questions in their minds, just how close were these two?



Alissa woke up when she heard her name being called a few times.

When she realized where they were she abruptly sat up straight.

"How did we end up here?" she asked.

"I told you, you're tired," he commented before going down.

Alissa followed and saw that the team also just got down from the bus.

"I will go there now, thank you so much for the ride," she bowed at him.

She didn't want to ask, she knew she must have fallen asleep the moment they left and she slept all through out.

'Then what happened on the meet up in front of the company?'

"Hey, aren't you lucky?" Anna and the others instantly teased her.

Alissa just looked at them.

"You were able to ride in the president's car, what's more you actually didn't have to come down in front of the company, he just said you were with him," they added upon seeing her look.

Alissa's face turned completely red upon hearing this.

He didn't wake her up and just informed them that she was there.

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"I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to, I was…"

"Don't worry, don't worry. We knew how hardworking you are. You must have fallen asleep didn't you?" they brushed it off.

It was a good thing that majority that were on duty were those who respected her and saw her hard work instead of her relationship with the president.

"Still that was disrespectful of me," she sighed.

"Then make up with it by treating us to coffee," was all they said before everyone started doing their work.

It was a few minutes later that she realized something.

"The president will do the camera?" she asked Anna.

"Well, they said that when the company was just starting, he was actually helping out as a camera man. So he was actually better than the others regarding this," Anna replied as she fixed another laptop for the prompter.

Some of the staff was watching him as well, his movement was swift and very much familiar to what he was doing.

Some started admiring him, despite wearing a cap, his face could still be seen and his serious look charmed most of the women in the production staff.

As she watch him do his work, her eyes suddenly turned blurry. 

She pinched the space between her eyebrows and shook her head lightly.

'Am I still sleepy?' she thought as she kept doing her job.

The moment she shook her head, Timothy actually looked at her.

He had been watching her for a while now. He can see that her movements weren't the same as before.

Seeing her movement he decided to approach her.

Meanwhile, Alissa who was fixing the wires on the monitor and the switcher swayed and her sight flickered.

She felt like the whole world was spinning around her.

She tried to hold unto the table but her hand slip before she started falling to the ground.

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Josh who was close by rushed to her but she was caught by someone else.

"I told you, you are not feeling well," Timothy sighed before carrying her.

"Sir," Josh said.

"I'll bring her to the medic, you do your job."

He looked down at what Alissa was doing before he once again spoke up, "It seems she finished her set up before collapsing, she is done for the day."

Those around them nodded in agreement.

"You should really give up already," Anna said to Josh as they watch Timothy walked away with Alissa in his arms.

"I will never be a match to him, I was a hateful person, asking her how many have she entertained," he then confessed.

Anna looked at him before patting him on the shoulder, "You really did go overboard, we have been telling you to stop. You just won't. Is it because she's a model?"

"Not entirely but at first yes. Then I watch her work hard trying to catch up as fast as possible. Somehow I became attracted to her seriously."

"But you can no longer take back everything you said to her," Anna finished before giving him one last pat and walked away while shaking her head.

Josh sighed and gave Timothy's back one last look before he returned to what he was doing.

The chemistry between these two were good but everyone can see that currently both weren't thinking about romance.

They were friends who can speak to each other normally, nothing more than that.

"Do you think they'll get there in the near future?" one asked Anna.

"I think they would plus it would be a waste if they don't, they were of perfect match after all," she replied while doing their job.

"But I respect Alissa even more. I saw how many events she went to within this week. They were late night shows but she didn't even show any kind of tiredness during work," another commented.

"I am just wondering, they let her work here but why did they give her so much events? Are they not thinking about her well being?"

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