Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 174: 174

"Stop thinking, this is for her or this is for him. Let us stop such stupid mentality and spread our own wings. No matter how others would react by our decision as long as you deem it to be what you really wanted then do it."

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"Both of us, let's not have more regrets, that on our deathbed we would think that I should have or I shouldn't have. That would be too late and we'd realize that we really didn't live our lives."

"Fate can throw anything in our way," she stood straight and looked at Timothy.

He was taken aback as he looked back at her.

"Fate can throw anything in our way, hell we can even wait for it with open arms but that doesn't mean we'll accept it the way it is. We still have a choice to improve it or let it do as it pleases."

"All of us can still do something about it, we shouldn't just think that it was inevitable and all. Let's stop thinking about those who we care about and start thinking about ourselves as well."

This time, Alissa and Timothy knew that she was now speaking about the three of them and maybe even Xander.

Alissa have told her after all, Xander's visit and what she heard from their conversation and Amber knew that both were holding back because of one another.

"We can care for them as much as we want but that doesn't mean we must neglect our very own lives. Let's grow up now and stop all these stupid nonsense about caring too much."

She was trembling as she spoke of this, she was slapped by reality once again. If they care too much for others nothing would change and sometimes it would even worsen things.

"Can you send her home?" she then asked as she look at Timothy.

Timothy wanted to object but looking at her eyes, he knew that she was no longer in the right state of mind.

She too was greatly affected and that she just wanted to be alone for now.

She cares but she too can get tired and now she truly is tired about caring and being pushed aside.

"I understand," he finally relented.

Despite being older he had the urge to follow whatever it is that she wanted, something that confuses him even more.

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"One more thing, I will no longer hold back, whether you stay or not. I won't show any more mercy."

Timothy knew what she was talking about, it was about her revenge.

She haven't truly made a move not because the preparations aren't finish yet but because she herself is still holding back.

Amber actually found out one thing, Mark was being sponsored by a Price.

'Since you crossed my bottom line so much. Then don't blame me if I don't hold back. You are just like them, you really are a pawn of the same set of chess pieces as those people. You only knew how to manipulate others.'

Crying was not an option, she may have been hurt but most of all she is frustrated at these kinds of people.

Alissa still wanted to speak but seeing the gloomy atmosphere surrounding Amber, she knew she must leave her alone for now.

After the two of them left, she tiredly sat down on the couch.

She pulled out her phone, the one where Isaac had been calling.

"If I make the first quarter event a success, would you finally let those shareholders sell their shares to me?" her tone was serious and cold.

Isaac can definitely hear the changes in her voice.

"Oh, your plan didn't go the way you wanted it?" he asked.

"It went just as I have thought it would but that doesn't mean I am happy with it. It is just something to be done."

"Very well, if you are able to turn this scandal around and even make your show a success. I won't stop anyone from selling their shares to you," Isaac agreed, it has been enjoyable for him.

Compared to his family, this one relied on her very own skills to keep climbing up not relying on her families at all.

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"I have recorded your words, you must not turn your back to it," she replied before hanging up.

"Really this young woman is the only one who loves hanging up on me," he shook his head but it was still visible.

His lips turned up into a slight ark.


"Amber where are you? The office is a mess, Hayley was not here and I have heard that Alissa was crying when Timothy escorted her out of the building," Jake was panicking as he called her.

"This is something that would surely happen so please calm down. As for your question, I am at Capa cafe."

"Stay there and I will be there in a bit."

She placed her phone back to the table and looked outside the window. In contrast with the sun shinning brightly outside, her emotions were gloomy.

Upon arrival, Jake searched for her and seeing her looking up in the sky outside the window, he knew that she must be feeling really down.

So he approached her after ordering a drink for himself.

"Have you thought about your next plan?" he instead asked.

Amber slowly looked back at him and gave him a small smile.

"Yup, I will rely entirely on the first quarter event so do me a favor and adjust your workload," she replied as she sipped from her own coffee.

"My workload?" Jake asked.

"You are her teacher, you are the only one who can alter her designs," she replied as she look at him seriously.

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"Alter her designs?"

"Alter her designs."

"Then wouldn't that be no longer her design?" Jake couldn't comprehend what was going on in her mind.

"When she was starting, you are the one altering them. We can just tell that she is currently in a slump, which is quite true for some of her fans have noticed the changes in her designs as well."

Jake fell into deep thought, Amber was right. Leaf back then was a bit of a collaboration between him and Hayley.

"I already said this aunt Jacqueline, we can no longer be lenient. The company is at risk and you know what this company is for."

Jake could only nod his head.

The only reason he was acquainted with Hayley and Alissa was because of Amber.

And it seems that, Amber finally reached her limit towards Hayley. She finally decided that enough is enough.

"You called for me?" just then Gee Anne came and spoke to her.

"Please have a sit miss Pines," Amber gestured for her to sit down on the empty chair.

Jake was baffled why would she call for Gee Anne.

"I am giving you a choice now, you have the talent and drive but the company can no longer wait for you to be ready. Whatever it is that scares you, tell me now. Or you can just say goodbye to Capa altogether."

Both Jake and Gee Anne were completely stupefied by her sudden decision, she didn't even try to speak with Jake before speaking with Gee Anne.

But he has no say as well, he can see that she was definitely no longer the lenient one.

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He was not mad at her decision as well, Gee Anne had been here for a while now and most of her batch mates either debuted already or have returned to their training centers for they still lack something.

He knew that the one he's facing now is the full pledge president Amber already.

Gee Anne didn't how to react, the thing she had been dreading was already here, she needs to make a choice.

She loves singing and she loves performing but a certain event made her scared of really debuting.

"Will you tell me now, what is it that scares you?" Amber once again asked.



"Get that friend of yours over here this instant."

Ashton who just answered the phone could only push away the phone from his ear.

"What is the problem this time, why are you so mad?" he asked.

Though he too found this unusual, she rarely shows this kind of anger.

"Does he think he is so good? All he knew is to eat and eat, why must he interfere with talented people?!?"

Ashton furrowed his brows.

"Something's bothering you, what is it?"

"Nothing, I just want your friend to come here and get your cousin to perform again. He may come from Hughes Empire but that doesn't mean that he can already tell who has talent and none!!"

"Calm down Amber. Mathew may not be the heir but he can discern talent more than the heir."

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