Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 181: 181

It was late at night while Ashton was finishing some more documents, when he received a call from an unknown number.

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He stared at it but didn't answer instantly, he left it ringing as he kept doing his work.

It was during the fifth call when he finally answered.

"Took you long enough," the voice on the other side said with irritation.

"Then you shouldn't have called if you don't have the patience," he replied as he leaned back on his chair.

He heard an irritated click of tongue on the other side, "Don't act too high and mighty you don't know when you will fall again."

"I can manage since I have already in the past, how about you?" Ashton asked with a scoff.

"Don't think you could do something to me, you couldn't back then, you also wouldn't be able to in the future," with confidence, Glenn said as he drinks from his wine glass.

"Don't worry I won't come for you," Ashton replied with a deep meaning.

It won't be him but Amber instead. He knew Carl wouldn't mind if it is Amber who would take Glenn down.

This is also something for her, in order for her to live her life the way she wanted.

For half of it have already revolved around taking revenge. He wanted her to spend the second half just enjoying her life, resting and taking vacations.

"Coward," it is Glenn's turn to scoff.

Ashton didn't reply, he didn't need to do so for this is not cowardice, he was only letting his queen take the rein while he stood beside her and behind her, supporting her.

"I have heard you met Madison today," Glenn finally went to the reason he called.

Once again Ashton didn't reply. What will he say about that?

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Nothing. For it is not important.

"Stay away from her Ashton, I am warning you. The little reputation you started building will be brought back to the mud if you don't."

"I think you have seen the news and have asked your guards, I didn't bother her, she was the one who didn't want us to just walk past each other," he replied devoid of emotion.

"Whether it was her or not, stay away from her," Glenn repeated.

"If that's all you're going to say then we don't need this conversation."

Ashton hanged up after that.

The call was truly pointless but he knew Glenn was trying to pry whether he still has feelings for her or not.

His choice of not saying anything was for the best.

Glenn wouldn't be able to say that he still wants Madison back but he also wouldn't be certain that he had let her go.

Glenn, on the other hand, threw the glass after hearing the end of call tone.

"How dare he hang up on me?!?" he seethed.

"I have heard of what happened early this day," Harry came in and said upon seeing Glenn's appearance.

"That woman, I told her not to appear before Ashton yet she still disobeyed me," Glenn replied in gritted teeth.

"I know, isn't that why I am still here?" Glenn said as he tightened the tie of the robe he was wearing, leaving the study room.

Harry didn't bother stopping him. This was the relationship between them, father and son, gains and losses.

No to be more precise, the whole Price Empire, as long as you are useful then you can stay, if not then you are better off gone.

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Timothy and Xander were the only difference for they were still there because of the late head of the empire, Patrick Price.

They must not be killed or disposed off.

Patrick had someone among the major shareholders watch over them.

If they were killed then something would happen to the empire, something no one knows.

Patrick before dying was laughing when the bodies of Nathan, Sarah and Nathalie were brought back.

"Come, come, come."

Were his words then not long before he died.

"That old man, he was already dead why still make trouble for us?" Glenn complained remembering this fact, adding to his irritation, as he walked towards another room in the house.

It was a bit secluded.

A maid was sent to give him a drink, not long after cries of pleading were heard.

It was three hours later that he came out tying up his robe.

"Dispose of it," was his command before returning to his room with Madison, where she had been in deep sleep.

His irritation was not yet quelled as he looks at her so he went straight to the bathroom and got changed, ready to leave.


Amber who was staying at the green house for the past days was typing away on her keyboard.

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She kept shaking her head as files after files were presented in front of her.

'Why must you keep walking down that road, all of us are trying to show you that something was not right yet here you are being stubborn about being blindly in love.'

'Is this a retribution? For doing all of these? One way or another, someone close to me would end up going against me?'

Her mind was at work but part of it was still feeling sad that she and Hayley have really reached this point.

It was not a road of no return but it may take a while before they could return to that time where they just met.

She stared at the printed papers before she helplessly leaned back on her chair.

For this to remain in Hayley's mind, she needs to really be harsh this time, really really harsh.

She may be out there to get revenge but that doesn't mean she can throw her bonds so easily.

That is why she could be hurt so bad as well, because the bond she creates was a treasure.

She pulled out her phone and gave Elloise a call.

"Are you asking for my permission again?" Elloise said when she answered the phone.

"I guess," Amber replied with helplessness.

"She is my daughter and it pains me to see her get hurt but clearly she needs this wake up call, she won't even speak properly with me when I try to ask her, so go ahead Amber."

She chuckled, "And for the nth time, don't hold back. Hit her hard please, I will accept her with open arms once she gets hurt so much she just wanted to come back home."

"I got it, then I really won't hold back this time," Amber replied with a laugh.

"I can hear that your voice no longer had that uncertainty, instead you just called to inform me," Elloise commented.

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"Yes, I will grow up now. Just as I have said to Alissa, it is time for us to just think about ourselves and our goals and just stop thinking about paying favors," Amber replied.

"That's good, I'm happy that Alissa is going to do what she wants now," Elloise said with a happy smile.

It was not only Amber who noticed that Alissa was still uncertain all these time, Elloise who has close relationship with her have noticed it as well.

It was only Hayley, who always have a one-track mind who really didn't see it. But maybe right now, she was just evading this fact.

"You parents would surely be happy at how much you have grown. You didn't grow up to just get hurt but to fight back as well. You became so strong that every parent could be at ease knowing that you can take care of yourself just fine."

"But remember that we will always be here, you can come back… no… you can come home when you get tired. Or you just want to have a breather. The doors are always open for you."

"Do your best Amber, revenge may really not be a good thing but I will give you my full support. For I have seen every single thing that you have done and they weren't only about revenge but helping others as well."

Amber slowly smiled as she listened to Elloise, warmth spreading in her chest as she felt the care Elloise have for her.

"I'm really lucky, you are the one who came to my rescue back then. This is the only thing I won't treat as a favor but a treasure instead."

"Something I will always remember and will use as my motivation. Thank you aunt Elloise," Amber sincerely said.

She heard a sniff on the other side of the call, "Geez, don't give me a sudden attack will you? Very well take care. Bye."

Elloise was moved.

She only had Hayley and back then she still has a dream of having more daughters.

She can then chat with them on different things, how wonderful would that be.

But now, with Alissa and Amber, she felt so lucky that she became a part of their lives.

And even happier that they are there to help Hayley grow up.

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