Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 185: 185


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Amber who called Ashton after leaving the event was shocked by the sound of a gun firing on the other side of the call.

"Shhh I'm fine, what is it?" Ash said after hiding in one spot.

His movements were swift when he runs to another side while firing his gun, killing the enemy.

Their battles are no longer letting others surrender by simply defeating them.

It was now a life or death situation for on the upper part of the pyramid of the underworld, no one would surrender to you to save his or her life.

Amber heaved a sigh of relief, "Why must you always let me listen to a gun shot when I am speaking to you through the phone?"

"I'm sorry, that won't happen again. What is the problem?" Ashton asked again.

"No, it's nothing. Focus on what you are doing first, I will call you again some other time."

She didn't wait for his reply as she hanged up, not wanting to disturb him any longer.


"What is your problem now?" Ashton asked when a gun was pointed at the back of his head.

"I say, aren't you too unfocused on this battle?" Michael asked without putting down his hand.

"I wouldn't have allowed you to approach me if I didn't now it was you."

Ashton tuned around and fired his gun, killing another enemy that appeared behind Michael.

Michael smirked, he knew of course that an enemy was behind him but he's amaze, Ashton was able to detect him too.

"Just trying you out," Michael finally said, putting down his gun.

The moment he did, both of them turned to the side, firing both their guns, injuring another two enemies who was silently approaching them.

Another shouted in pain on the other side.

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"Your sniper is quite good," Michael complimented.

"He has a good teacher," was all Ashton said before turning to go on another side.

Michael just shrugged and checked the enemy killed by Kent.

He whistles after seeing that it was a clean shot at the side of the head.

He looked to where the shot came from and gave a thumb up.

Kent who was still looking through his lens was stunned but shrugged it off.

Michael is quite the same as Amber, eccentric in this kind of battle where their lives could be at stake.

Michael, on the other hand, started whistling as he walked to another direction.

In this path, not long after he met the leader who was still sneaking around.

"Yo," he called to which the man whose back was facing him jumped and turned pointing his gun at him.

He pulled the trigger but Michael was able to dodge it just fine.

"Don't be too hot now," he mused dusting off his jacket.

The man squinted his eyes, the man in front of him looks familiar but he has no idea just where he saw him.

The man raised his hand to pull the trigger again but Michael was fast enough and before the other could pull the trigger, he was already able to shot through the opening of the gun of the enemy making it explode right in front of him.

He shouted in pain and realization hit him, there was only one man who could do this flawlessly.

Making his bullet enter the opening of the other gun, despite the movements.

There is only one and that is…

"You… are…"


"It seems that, that move is quite famous. I can't use that for now," Michael muttered before turning on the mic of his earpiece.

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"I have killed the leader now, are we done here?" he asked.

"I understand, we're done," was all Ashton said.

He didn't mind that it was someone else who killed the leader. His mind is somewhere else right now.

Amber's voice has a different tone on it.

After separating with the others, he gave Timothy a call.

"What happened today?" he asked right after Timothy answered the call.

"What do you mean?" Timothy was baffled.

It sounded like Ashton was ready to hit anyone.

"Did something happen within Capa today?" he changed his question.

Timothy thought back and realized that Amber indeed disappear before the event even finished.

Jake France just told them that she has an urgent matter to take care of.

"I'll call you back, I'll ask someone else," was what he said before dropping the call and calling another person.


Timothy frowned.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Amber and Hayley… *sniffs* … they fought a while ago and she had to fire Hayley for breaching the contract…"

Alissa couldn't stop herself from crying, when she found out about their fight, both of them are already gone. It was Jake France who explained to her what happened.

Hayley actually left a pin on the last dress and that she had been designing other clothes for someone else.

"She must have believed him that it was for personal use but Amber knew better and that is how the two of them fought. I don't know the details of what happened when they were alone but I saw a mark on Amber's face before she left."

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Was what Jake France told her, she tried calling them but to no avail.

Hayley's phone was destroyed while Amber's was just ringing.

"Where are you right now?" Timothy asked putting on his earpiece while typing away on his phone, sending Ashton a message.

"In front of Lie, I don't know where to go, I couldn't find them, I wanted to ask you for help but I don't know if you are busy."

"I'm coming down, wait for me there," after that he took his coat and rushed down.

Ashton, on the other side, called for their private helicopter.

After doing so, he went home to get some clothes and gave his grandfather a call.

"I'm asking for a week break," he said.

"Not that I mind for you haven��t truly taken a break in a while but what's with the rush?" Gideon replied.

"I'm going to Kuiper country for a bit."

"I understand, go then," Gideon no longer asked for anything else.

Ashton would only show this side whenever Amber is the one involved.


"I don't know where they are, what should I do?" Alissa was panicking when Timothy saw her in front of the building.

"Calm down, leave Amber for now. She will definitely be fine, let's see where Hayley went," Timothy held her by the shoulder and guided her to his car.

Alissa is still sobbing, she didn't know that this would happen, she didn't know they would reach this point.

"It will definitely be fine, you know Amber she loves watching over people. Surely she did all these for Hayley as well," Timothy gave her his handkerchief as he helped her with her seat belt.

Alissa nodded as she wiped her tears dry, this is not the time for her to cry.


Her apartment was completely dark, the bed was empty, the bathroom was unlit.

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The only light was coming from the corner of the room, from the phone flashlight that was projecting the image of her family in the wall beside her.

She was staring blankly ahead as she leans her head on the wall where the image was projected.

Her hood was on and her legs were folded she was hugging her knees as her blanket covers them.

The door opened but she was too blank to even notice.

Upon seeing the state of the room, Ashton sighed.

He knew she was not okay, she won't be okay for she treated their family as her own.

She didn't want to dictate Hayley's life but he knew she wouldn't reprimand her if she didn't know anything.

He closed the door and left his luggage by the door before walking to where she is.

"Thalie," he called out gently after squatting down.

He cupped her face and made her look at him.

Amber who finally snapped out of her daze looked at him before her head registered that he was indeed there.

She bit her lower lip as her face scrunched up before she wrapped her arms around his neck and tears flowed freely from her eyes.

Ashton could only sit down on the floor as she straddle him, he was carrying her like a child.

He hugged her back and patted her back while caressing her hair.

Amber cried louder upon feeling that he was indeed here.

She knew she has Alissa and Jake but Ashton was still different, was way different.

She could show him any side and he won't dodge anything either.

Just as she had accepted all his flaws, he accepted hers.

"Am I really bad?" she asked in between her sobs.

"We all have our bad traits but that does not define you as a whole. No one will survive in this world if they are completely good without faults," was how he replied.

Amber cried even more.

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