Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 189: 189

"For now, just focus on your last events then you can be free from all those people down there. Though you may still have to be patient with their pestering for about a month or so," Amber finally said to Alissa.

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"To be exact I only have around a month of packed events before I'd be really free," Alissa replied with a sigh.

Amber chuckled, "You decided to retire when you have signed quite a lot of events, don't sigh on us now."

Amber glanced on the side where the three men were talking. They stood up and went to have their own conversation.

"So tell me, what do you really feel?" she then asked Alissa.

"What I feel?"Alissa asked in confusion.

"About my brother," Amber asked moving closer to Alissa.


Alissa instantly turned red.

Amber laughed, if this was in the past, she would just say nothing or something like that but now, obviously, she already has feelings for him.

"Stop, teasing me already. You can see it very clearly," Alissa replied with a roll of her eyes but her face was still red.

"Well, you see, if it were you I would love to leave my brother to you. You really are someone I could completely trust," Amber said honestly.

Alissa didn't know where to look but one thing's for sure, she can't look at Amber.

Amber laughed seeing her reaction, "Just treat me the same as before."

"Easy for you to say," Alissa replied with a sip of her coffee.

"It is easy, you just realize that you have forgotten that I was his sister right?" Amber said.

Alissa sighed but she didn't reply not knowing what to say about such situation.

"Well, most of my life I was not with them, so basically I was not a sister to them," Amber said seeing the complicated look in Alissa's face.

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"You keep saying that," Alissa replied.

"No, I am not saying it to pity myself but I am saying it to tell you that I am as unfamiliar with him as you are. Maybe I knew a bit of his quirks, like his food preference and allergies. But for the present Timothy, we are on the same boat," Amber replied without a sign of sadness.

"I think, the person you knew from back then is still the same as the person we are with today," Alissa replied.

Amber smiled, "But being honest. I would really love you for my brother."

"What did we here, your brother? You have a brother Amber?" Mathew's voice butted in their conversation.

The two of them were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice the other three approaching.

"No, I was saying that if I have a brother I would love him to be with Alissa," Amber replied without batting an eyelid.

She was of course shock that they actually heard but she was able to compose herself and reply with a smile.

"Why would you say that?" Mathew asked in curiosity.

"Are you interested?" Amber asked teasingly.

Amber smiled, "Hmmm, let's see. As you already know she is a hard worker, a good-looking one as well. Being a model must be a plus."

Amber started speaking about Alissa's good points.

"Ho, you're almost there, I'm almost persuaded to pursue her," Mathew said with a smile.


Just as Amber was about to continue, Mathew was suddenly hit in the head.

"What was with that?" he asked Timothy who hit him while rubbing the back of his head.

"You look like a hooligan trying to buy some illegal items," Timothy replied.

"Just be honest, you don't want me to know her good points," Mathew retorted.

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"Even if it is someone else I wouldn't want them to be with you, the way you act, I would surely speak with miss Pines."

As they bicker, Amber looked sharply at Ashton.

'You didn't give me a signal that you are coming back.'

Seeing this Ashton shrugged, 'It's not like I know what you guys are talking about.'

Amber puffed her cheeks.

"Tell me Amber..."

She looked back upon hearing Timothy call for her.

Of course the three of them noticed the way this two once again conversed on their own without opening their mouths but decided to ignore it for it was already normal.

"If this one is you brother, would you let him pursue your friend here?" he asked.

Amber looked at Mathew who was moving his brows up and down and then smiled widely at her.


Mathew's smile dropped upon hearing her blatant rejection.

"Can't you at least think about it even if it is just for a bit?" he complained.


Another straightforward answer.

"Then why did you have to tell me all her good traits?" he asked in gritted teeth.

"To make you jealous of course, that no matter what you do, you won't be able to get her," Amber replied with an evil smile.

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"You- Waaahh, I never thought you could be such a person," he answered.

Amber just tilted her head to the side.

Mathew who was completely lost for words decided to just sit quietly while angrily munching down on his pastry.

But he was not the only speechless one Alissa was as well.

She was the subject right?

Why were they talking about her being pursued right in front of her?

Without even asking for her opinion?

Amber looked at her and smiled before winking, she rolled her eyes in return.

She would be lying if she said that her heart didn't flatter after Timothy stopped Mathew from asking about her but it was so vague that she didn't know whether to have hope or not.

"But if it is you, I would willingly deliver my friend in your doorstep."

To add more oil to the fire, Amber suddenly spoke up again, this time talking to Timothy. Mathew glared at her as he started murdering the pastry in front of him.

Timothy who just sipped from his coffee, choked.

"Are you shock? Aren't I just giving examples?" Amber asked innocently.

"It was random, that's all. The topic ended yet you suddenly said something so random," Timothy replied while wiping his mouth.

"A topic won't end until we change it, so basically we are still on the same topic," she answered matter-of-factly.

"Your mind is truly one of a kind," Timothy said almost the same thing as Mathew.

Amber grinned at him, the light in her eyes brightened.

Another image of a young girl flashed through his mind upon seeing this grin. He was stunned but he shook it off.

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'It had become quite frequent that I keep seeing Nathalie's smile when she was young. Somehow Amber truly resembled a little part of her,' he thought as their topic finally changed into a normal day to day one.

He thought of it as little, yet he didn't try to think that for almost twenty years, not once have he ever seen that same smile.

It was only right after meeting Amber and getting to know her.

As the five of them spoke as if there was no problem right outside their doorsteps, Jake was looking at them not far from where they were.

He can see the genuine happiness Amber would always have as she interacted with her brothers.

'Should I try and make a move Sarah? I really feel bad for your daughter, she had to face more than what she already faced but wouldn't it be better for her to have her brothers other than Ashton to watch over her as well?'

'Should I neglect her wishes of still keeping quiet about it and just tell them or give them a hint that Amber was truly their beloved younger sister?'

Jake started thinking about it after what happened to Amber and Hayley.

'Should I test if they truly still care for her as Nathalie or not?'

Despite thinking about all of these, he was still skeptical.

What if Amber would get hurt even more once she found out that they actually really hated her?

And the current relationship she built with them would crumble because of this decision of his?

Jake couldn't help but sigh as he asked for a drink on the counter on the second floor. He didn't try to approach them and speak with them, as he was contented in watching from afar.

He furrowed his brows when he heard the door of the front door open. The reporters were ethical enough to stay outside.

And because of them, they currently have no customers.

So it was quite weird that the front door would open.

He finished his drink before going down himself to check who was their customer.

"I have heard that miss Amber Wood was also part of this company, may I know where she might be?" he heard a lady's voice as he went down the stairs.

"Why would you be looking for her?" Jake asked as he tries to remember just where he has seen this lady before.

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