Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 196: 196

Snake jumped up from his chair, his eyes bulging out of its socket.

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"No wonder the police is having difficulties in apprehending you. The ones holding the children are your accomplices while you are the one trying to misdirect them."

A cartoon character appeared on his screen copying what Amber was doing.

And currently she was nodding.

"Clever indeed but not clever enough," she continued and the cartoon opened its mouth in the same way.

"You- this is impossible."

He finally spoke, shaking his head in disagreement.

"Impossible? Of course not. I am the Pianist after all."

She even leaned back on the sofa as if she truly was speaking with him in person.

Snake who still couldn't accept what was going on tried to call his companions.

"Oh before I forget, are you sure you still wish to stay there? Have you no idea that it was only half of those who went for a rescue, truly went all the way?"

She kept speaking in a mocking manner as Ashton sat beside her.

Being partly a big enough person in the underworld, he was able to monopolize quite a lot of his men to check all the possible places for the real hideout.

And since it was about secret passages, the underworld is better than those in the police force or even those who was under the Wright empire.

She leaned her head on his shoulder as she watched Snake on her laptop.

"This is unfair, you must have asked for someone else's help," he still complained.

"Why? Did we agree on something? Haven't I found you and viola, the police have found you as well."

She said this the moment, the chief and Luke and the others entered the office.

It was the encoding part of the main police force in Celestial Country.

"Officer Brad Williams, you are under arrest for kidnapping..."

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The chief, who was fuming mad, was stopping himself from going in and hitting this person.

He was among the police force but he actually did such hideous thing.

He even went ahead and mocked him, his superior by going for his son.

"You got it all wrong," Brad said still trying to deny everything.

Luke raised his hand phone where they heard everything, "Still trying to act?"

He received a different message from Amber upon leaving the headquarters.

It was the Pianist telling them to let half of them go and half of them return to their office.

Amber also connected their audio to his phone for them to hear everything that they talked about.

"You cheater!!" he roared facing the animation in his screen.

"Thank you so much, what a wonderful compliment," she replied.

It was then that something else caught her eyes.

It was another CCTV shot from a few hours ago, in downtown of the city where royals don't usually go.


"We can talk about my compensation some other time," she interrupted Luke before dropping the call.

Luke could only stare at his phone before the chief.

Not long after their children were brought to them.

Both were asleep and just woke up, so they weren't frightened by what had happened.

"Sir, the two children were left to the closest police station by some men," the officer who brought them in informed.

"Some men?" Luke asked.

"They don't look like personal guards of some sort, the one in duty said."

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"You may leave," the chief, after some thought, said.

When there was only the two of them left.

"Do you think that he has his own faction?" Luke asked.

"I don't know but what about you? Do you think that he isn't truly on the bad side?" the chief asked in return.

The two of them had no other choice a while ago. They couldn't trace where the children were taken.

Their only choice was to contact the Pianist whom they haven't heard from for a while.

"I also don't have no idea."

Both were skeptical and thankful. If the Pianist were on their side then that would be fine but if not, then the next time they speak, what compensation would he ask?


"Let's go to the office," Amber stood up and said as she stared at the screen of her laptop.

Ashton who saw what she had just seen, stood up and followed her out.

It didn't take long before the two of them arrived at the office. Without any stop they went straight to the top most floor which was the green house.

Amber typed away the moment she sat down and multiple shots were displayed in all of her screens.

Some were on the same place at different times, some were constantly changing as she was searching for something.

Ashton just watched from behind her, his eyes watching closely all the shots she had paused.

"I'll go and send some people," he then said.

Amber nodded knowing what he had seen on these shots as well.

'If this is what I think it is, then we really need to make a move. He must have not noticed this,' she thought as she zoomed in in one shot.

It was Xander whom she had found today and she found a discovery that he must have been hiding all this time.

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"This is the first time I've seen you having that look for a long time," she then said looking at the image of Xander.

Ashton came close after his call.

"Is it good?" she asked.

"Hmmm," he nodded.

"They will focus, right?" she confirmed.

"I have sent Kent and the others, they would surely focus in doing it," he assured her.

She nodded before looking back at the screen.

"He never had something he wants and somehow I can tell that this time, it is what he truly wants."

Ashton placed his hand on her shoulder giving it a grip.

She looked up at him and smiled, this is a very wonderful coincidence.


"Why must you be my partner?" Gee Anne, who was now part of the main company, complained.

Just as Ashton and Amber came down to visit Jake France, they were welcomed by the scene of Gee Anne and Mathew in the hallway.

"Do you think I have another choice? Give my ears a break, your voice is the only one I can currently tolerate," Mathew said in return.

"Then don't come in this company," Gee Anne retorted.

"I was kicked out of our company and was told to train here, Jake France gave his approval, stop being too picky in this."

"I am being picky? Aren't you the one being picky right now? There are more than fifty of singers in here, why must it be me?"

"That's why I told you I would only stay here if it is you, I can't tolerate your personality but at least my ear would be able to rest from all those ugly voices."

Amber and Ashton finally decided to approach them after this.

"What is going on here?" she asked.

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Gee Anne knew of his arrival but was still taken a back seeing him really there.

"I see that you really have debuted," Ashton replied.

"Says the one who didn't even try to help me out," she complained.

"As if I could help you back then," he answered.

"Well, I should just be thankful that she asked you for help, if not then surely you wouldn't move. So much for being a cousin," she still continued.

"This person is just too terrible that I sometimes wonder how you two became friends," she said pointing at Mathew.

He, on the other hand, slapped her hand away.

It was not strong but enough to shoo it away from his face.

Gee Anne just rolled her eyes.

"And why are you so mad?" Ashton asked.

"It is because of this person, of course," she replied pointing at Mathew once again.

He could only slap it away for the second time, but he was already glaring at her for always pointing at him.

"In the past it was him, the present it was still him?" Ashton still replied.

Compared to those who are not close to him, he would always answer those who are family to him. No matter how they act.

"That's just the person he is, why are you friends?" she asked once again.

And if looks could kill, she would have been dead already by the way Mathew glares at her.

Amber stared at her. She was currently the complete contrast of the timid person she met at first. She was now too outgoing that she would push through with her opinions.

"Oh, I can tell that you are too shock of this change but don't worry this is actually the real me," Gee Anne seeing her eyes, explained.

Amber smiled upon hearing this, "Then that is a good thing. But what is going on with the two of you?"

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