'Contract?' both Hayley and Alissa had the same thought upon hearing the young child's words. They glanced at each other before looking at Amber and the girl.

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"This is really not a good place for such a serious discussion, why don't we go up in my room, brat," without waiting for Ashley to reply, Amber stood up and went her way towards the elevator.

Having no other choice, Ashley followed after her, leaving behind a confused Hayley and Alissa.

"She seemed to know her, right?" Hayley asked Alissa after watching the two of them enter the elevator.

"I think so," Alissa replied as she slowly nodded her head.

And at the same time they tilted their heads on the side.



Ashton was in the middle of a meeting with Devon, Blake and Aldger. Though these four were still just eighteen years in age. They have already established a company without the knowledge of some people. Well of course Gideon Wright knew about it. He just left his grandson alone, for him to explore the world on his own.

"Its the doll though, it might be urgent," Blake seeing that he didn't dare pick it up, glanced at the phone and saw the words, Narcissist Doll.

When Ashton looked at the two of them even at Aldger who was on the other side of the screen, all he could see were curious looks, with a sigh he picked it up.

FROM: Narcissist Doll \u003e\u003e\u003e Your sister came to me, I don't know if she has no guards or whatsoever but don't you think that roaming around just because this is a small country is a bad thing. Anyway I could only bring her up to my room, do please take her away. \u003c\u003c\u003c

Ashton massaged his temple as he stood up, now the other three were confused.

"I need to fetch Ashley," he said as he went to the door.

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"Are you bringing her here?" Devon and Blake stood up after him.

"She went to Amber," with that he left the office.

The two of them looked at each other before following after him, Aldger was left dumbfounded as he watch them leave helplessly.


After sitting down, Ashley stared at Amber across her, still trying to produce a mature aura.

"Like I had said-"


Before she could repeat her words, Amber rejected instantly. Her eyes no longer as playful as a while ago but instead it was so calm that Ashley couldn't even read her. This caused her to subconsciously clenched her hands into a fist.

'Why am I seeng brother in her?'

She shook her head and acted tough, she once again opened her mouth but was shocked when in an instant, Amber's face was right in front of her, and Amber's soft fingers were in her little neck.

Ashley's eyes grew wide and a thought instantly came to her mind after seeing Amber's cold eyes, 'She's going to kill me.'

"I don't know if you're still thinking or what not. Coming into a stranger's place all by yourself without any kind of self protection. With enough pressure, I can kill you right here and right now."

Ashley trembled as she felt the hand in her neck tightened slightly.

"Y- You can't kill me, I- I have bodyguards all over this place," Ashley still tried to act tough.

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But she almost wanted to cry after Amber smiled coldly in front of her.

"Ah, you really came here unprepared, you didn't even know who I am. Do you really think I wouldn't know that you are alone right now?"

"Still you can't kill me, if you do my family would surely hunt you down and torture you not giving you a peaceful death."

Amber came closer, her face just a few centimeters away from Ashley's.

"Look at my eyes, do you think with these eyes, I am someone who's scared of anything? Pain? Death? Come what may, I shall accept everything with open arms."

Ashley trembled even more, for the first time in a long time, she is feeling scared for her life. She had always been heavily guarded and so she felt so much secure. With this mindset she came to this country and due to rage for her brother, she came to this woman.


Ashton's voice boomed inside the penthouse after they enter the place, the sight of Amber strangling his sister caused his anger to reach the maximum instantly.

"B- Brother!!" Ashley whimpered as she look at her brother.

Even Blake and Devon could only stare at the scene from the door.

Upon arriving here, they went straight to the top and saw the door was opened, after entering this is what welcomed them.

"Get close and surely I will snap her neck in that instant."

Amber's voice was cold, her eyes were cold, her stature exudes ruthlessness. Even Ashton stopped stepping forward, this was an unconscious reaction from him. Despite him being good at martial arts and could easily defeat Amber, he still stopped.

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Amber sneers as big droplets of tears flow down from Ashley's eyes, "Are you crying now? Where's that mature strong girl who came marching right in front of my doorstep go to now?"



Ashton was interrupted by Amber's angered voice.

"Vicious woman," Ashley didn't know where she got her courage when she said this two words.

Amber smiled, "Yes I am vicious. But I am not as vicious as those people. What you did was not courage but instead stupidity. You willingly followed me up here and allowed yourself to be left alone with someone as untrustworthy as I am."

She slowly let Ashley go and stood up, towering over her, "Remember that fear, so that in the future you wouldn't do such a stupid thing again."

Amber stepped aside, Ashley warily look at her before running towards Ashton. Ashton instantly carried her in his arms and Ashley cried like a normal child.

"Do you think with what you've done the contract would still push through?" he coldly ask Amber.

Amber lean on the wall behind her with a laugh, "Go on and stop it. I don't care. What I need from you is protection, what you need from me is cure. Without your protection I can still think of many ways to get back at them. Without me, go on and search more for the cure and keep watching her continuously suffer from pain."

Ashton narrowed his eyes.

"Don't bother thinking about torture, cause no matter what you do my mouth will never open."

Ashley was still crying a little loudly as the two of them stare at each other. Blake and Devon made themselves invisible as they stood on the side. Trying their best not to interfere with these two.

"Remember this, what happened today is because of the fact that you spoiled her too much. You're not protecting her by just giving her bodyguards that will be there for her 24 hours. You have to make that child understand the severity of her name. Or else the next time she acts this way, her life would be forfeited. Show yourselves out, I am not in the mood to entertain any more guests."

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Without looking at any of them she went straight to her room and slammed the door. Blake and Devon even jumped in fright after hearing the sound. They then slowly looked at Ashton who was still standing there in a daze.

A whistle brought everyone back to reality.

After leaving the office a while ago, Aldger had video called Blake in his phone and was there with them with the whole event. He saw everything through the camera, even how Amber scared Ashley.

"What did I just see?" he said as he still couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

"Ashton, shall we leave?" Blake asked warily looking at Ashton's side profile.

He faced them and handed Ashley who was already unconscious to Devon, "Bring her back to Fire Empire Hotel. And wait for me there."

Without asking anything they left the room and slowly closed the door. Ashton then raised his phone that had been on his hand all this time. Just as it reached his ear he was welcomed with a hearty laugh.

"I'm somehow liking that young lady even more," Gideon said.

The video of what was happening was actually being feed to them.

To be honest, the only ones who were at ease all through out were Kyle and Gideon. Liana was also on edge. Ashton have called them before arriving here, what Ashley did was truly not a good decision. For her to go straight to a stranger's place was truly not good, especially because of her background.

"Grandfather," Ashton called seriously.

"That young lady is indeed right. This shall be a good lesson for Ashley, though it pains me that she was so scared, this is still a good punishment for what she did. Come on now, I need to speak with the young lady."

With a sigh, Ashton walked towards the bedroom and knocked. But it didn't escape his eyes how a dress that was tattered were placed in the corner between the towering window and the wall.

It was in an enclosed glass cabinet and a manequin was wearing it. It was the dress Amber was wearing on the day of the accident, she had long transferred it in her living room from her cabinet since she stayed there longer than in the bedroom.

She never wanted for even a day to finish without seeing the dress and at the top was a simple five word sentence, which caused Ashton's brows to furrow, 'An eye for an eye.'

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