Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 206: 206

Timothy's eyes grew wide upon seeing her stagger.

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"Were you wounded by their knives?" he asked.

"Oh, were you wounded by them as well?" she asked in return before aiming her gun at them.

"What is it this time?" Xander asked.

Amber clicked her tongue, "Don't hide your cuffed hands now, and move to the side. Our time is limited."

Xander was about to still ask when Timothy pushed him to the side while moving on another side as well.

Amber's movement were fast and she was able to instantly hit the chain of the cuffs, freeing the two of them.

"Get up now, we can't dilly dally now can we?" she asked before tossing each of them a gun.

Timothy picked it up, "Pick it up now, we have to leave."

Xander was still confused, it doesn't seem like Timothy was clueless about this person and why is it that he was going with her like normal?

"I'll answer all your questions once we are out, I have an idea of who this person is and we can trust her. Just follow for now, you have someone to return to right?"

Xander stared at him.

"My intuition is telling me that you have someone to return to, but I have no idea where or who. So right now, let's just leave," Timothy said seeing his look.

He picked up the gun himself and handed it to him, before glancing at Amber who remained standing there waiting for them.

There was no change on her expression.

'You knew of this as well?' he asked in his mind.

"Are you ready now? Let's go then," Amber said seeing Xander taking the gun from Timothy.

With her lead, the three of them left the room.

When they turn on the next corner, a group of five welcomed them.

Somehow the three of them at the same time raised their guns and shoot.

In this way, one can see that each of them were well verse in using the gun.

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Amber looked at them and her eyes twinkled, "Aren't you some expert?"

Xander furrowed his brows at this woman who saved them.

Timothy shook his head at the same time he felt sad, Amber was killing like it was nothing.

The way she carries herself now, the way she can still joke around, it was obvious she survived all this time by protecting herself very well.

"Where will we go now? The entrance are already being guarded that's for sure," Xander commented as they rushed from corner to corner.

"Who said were using the entrance?" she asked just as the three of them fired their guns towards the people in front of them.

"Then how will we go out?" he asked again.

Amber continued on her path while the two of them followed her, on the next turn she faced them, "When I said go, run towards the stairs and stay under it."

"Got it," Timothy said first when Xander was about to retort.

They have no time for all of these they can only follow her.

Amber looked at him before looking back at their path, she listened carefully.

Just as she heard the footsteps of those running towards them, "Go."

The stairs are opposite of where their pursuers are coming from.

Timothy and Xander run fast before Amber followed them.

"Get in," she said.

There was a tunnel under the staircase, it was more like a drainage but this part was lock, she had no idea just why there was such a thing but after observation there really was nothing in it. It was simply an abandoned path leading to the drainage.

Timothy went in followed by Xander, after wards she entered as well slowly closing it in the process.

After hearing their footsteps coming closer she played the audio on her phone, it was of footsteps running up the stairs.

She also placed a small speaker on the staircase but it was hidden enough to mislead their pursuers.

After hearing them running upwards she signalled Timothy to move forward.

As they crawl, turning and turning from left to right. Amber started feeling the effect of the poison on the knives.

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'But I guess it is more like a weakening medicine or something of the same type,' she thought as she did her best to remain focus.

One wrong turn and they would end up at a different place than the one she plans them to be.

It was another thirty minutes before they finally got to be out of the tunnel, which was actually leading to a river that is ten minutes away from the factory buildings where they were held captive.

Timothy was the first to come out followed by Xander, Timothy looked down and check on Amber the moment she came out he helped her up.

Amber took a deep breath before lying down on the ground, "I want a long warm bath now."

Xander looked at her ready to ask, Timothy stared at her.

Her eye and hair color would have been their true colors if nothing changed in her.

"Who are you?" Xander asked.

"Wonder woman," she still replied with eyes closed.

One leg was bent while one arm was covering her eyes.

Xander frowned, "I am asking you seriously."

"I am answering you seriously as well," she answered, she was no longer trying to move for her whole world was already spinning.


"Xander," Timothy stopped him upon noticing that Amber was no longer feeling well.

"Remove your mask already, you would be able to breath properly with that," he then said to her.

Xander stared at him after hearing the tone of his voice.

"Do you know her?" he asked.

Amber opened her eyes and looked up at Timothy as well.

Timothy looked straight in her eyes before answering, "Yes."

Her eyes shifted before realization dawned on her.

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She could only laugh bitterly, "I should have known. You two wouldn't elope or just take a trip after all."

She sighed, knowing that he knows, she has no idea just how to face them now though.

"Na- That is…"

Timothy didn't know what to call her, he didn't know how to address her.

They really are siblings, for both of them have the same feeling right now.

How are they suppose to speak?

Xander became even more confused at the way his brother had been acting, just who is this person?

But before he could ask more, a car came rushing to their side.

Both men became alert instantly, they held tight unto their guns. Timothy even stood in front of her, ready to kill anyone who would try to approach her.

"Stay down," she said weakly.

"That's them," she added.

On cue, Ashton opened the car door and came rushing out upon seeing her lying down on the ground.

He moved past the two of them and pulled her mask down.

He removed her cap together with her wig before handing them to Timothy.

"My contacts," she said to him.

She still has the energy to boss him around.

Ashton frowned before carrying her to the car while another car came after that.

"Ride that one, we can all talk once we leave this place," he said before placing Amber in the car.

Timothy could only pull Xander to the other car where they were stunned to see that Liana and Kyle were inside it as well.

"Come on, you guys are safe now," Kyle told them.

Upon knowing from Ashton that Timothy and Xander were held captive by the Price and that Amber went ahead and saved them on her own.

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They decided to follow Ashton to Apophis country, where he and Amber were to meet.

"Th- Thank you," Timothy said with uncertainty.

After their parents left them, they returned to greeting the couple like that of just an acquaintance and not as someone they spent time with.

Liana shook her head with a warm smile, "You should be thanking her not us."

"How did you know who that one was?" Xander was in a complete chaotic mind right now.

Everything was too weird for him, why does it feel like he was an outsider towards all of these.

"You will have to prepare yourself," Timothy looked at him and said in a serious manner.

Kyle and Liana looked at one another before looking at Timothy.

"I… already knew," he said upon seeing their look.

"Tim? Seriously what is going on?" Xander asked as he started feeling irritated.

He was indeed saved from that… whatever you can call that.

But now he was being an outcast by whatever it is that these people are talking about.

"And her?" Liana couldn't help but ask, she was referring about Amber.

"I think she just understood it," he replied honestly.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you talking about the one who saved us? Who was that? What was with Ashton? I thought he only have Amber?" Xander asked continuously.

"That is Amber," Timothy finally answered one of his questions.

"Huh? But..."

'She seems different,' was what he wanted to ask but couldn't ask in the end.

He didn't realize that the different part was because of her bare face, that there was no scar.

"For now, get your strengths back and let's wait for Amber to be fine as well. Then we can speak about everything else," Liana said as she smiled at them warmly.

Xander could see that something is different but asking now wouldn't truly give him an answer so he could only wait.

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