Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 232: 232

He once again cleared his throat, "Anyway, we can get that out of the way then. But let me just say this."

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He looked at them seriously, "With all your background, being here like good friends would be attracting quite a lot of attention right? I know this is bad for me to say but currently the Wright Empire is in a pinch so if we add more..."

He didn't finish what he wanted to say but he knew they understood what he meant.

Timothy and Xander looked at one another, seeing him being awkward and still caring, they couldn't help but to feel happiness welling up inside them.

He is indeed just what their mother have told them.

She just runaway because he was not listening to her wishes but she was waiting for the time they would meet again.

For he was the kindest father they have ever had.

"Please don't worry, we are here to be of help as well and you would be even more shock to know just what kind of group we actually have," Xander said sincerely.

"Is it because of what they have done to you?" James asked.

"Partly but there are more reasons to it and maybe we will get to tell you everything, sir," Timothy answered this time.

James became confused, the two of them speaks to him with politeness and the way they say things felt like he has the right to know.

Seeing his confusion Timothy smiled, "Someone who cares so much for the Empire he was in is someone we would willingly impart such details to."

James was once again taken aback before he nodded to them.

"Very well, I'll try and impart with you as many insights as possible in running a business," he finally said to which the other two sat straight ready to listen attentively.



After listening to all of Amber's plan, Gideon didn't know whether to shake his head in disbelief or whether to laugh for finding such a capable grand daughter-in-law.

"But I must say, you really are not being lenient are you? Even eyeing the Wright Empire," he said with a shake of his head.

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Kyle was just there to listen but he too was surprised to hear what she wanted to say.

Quite a bold plan but at the same time it was a very nice move.

"Well I already said it, I am going for the whole circle. That means no one would be left unscathed," she said with a sweet smile.

"Hey, hey, slow down there. Can we not use the word unscathed? That scares me right now, it's like you are telling me that we would receive damage in this," Gideon said.

Amber laughed, "Well don't worry, what you will receive from this is only half after all."

"So that was why you were not too serious in dealing with this problem," he looked at Ashton and said.

Kyle shook his head spoiling their other half truly runs in the blood.

"You spoil her too much," Gideon instantly complained.

Ashton raised an eyebrow towards him, his eyes saying, 'Look who's talking.'

Gideon pouted, "You know how strong your grandmother is, it's not like I can do anything when she wants something."

"Are you complaining now?" Cathrine's voice then came from the door.

"Cupcake~~ you have returned?"

Gideon's attitude made a 180 degree turn.

But the way he called her made Amber suppress her laughter while Ashton had his brows furrowed.

He knew of this of course, the way his grand father submits to his grand mother but no matter how many times, he still couldn't get use to it.

Kyle could only turn a blind eye, even he who already has his own children couldn't get used at the way his father moves towards his mother.

Though he must admit he too was more scared at his mother than his father.

"Don't you dare laugh."

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Seeing Amber's face he glared at her and said.

And because of this Amber could no longer suppress it, she ended up laughing so hard.

Ashton just shook his head while Cathrine had a serious look on. Gideon's pout became more evident as he looks at Amber.

"S- Sorry… It's just… I was not used… to it," Amber apologized in between her laughs.

"Quite bold aren't we?" Cathrine finally spoke as she walked towards them.

Gideon stood up letting her sit on his chair.

"Hello to you too madam," Amber replied with a smile.

There was no sarcasm in her eyes but instead it was filled with genuineness.

Cathrine didn't smile but her face softened a lot.

"I have heard you brought the Price brothers with you," she then said.

"Well, they are my beloved brothers after all. Having them in my wedding would make me even happier," she answered honestly.

"WEDDING!!" Gideon exclaimed beside Cathrine which gained him a very sharp look from her.

"Care to explain?" Cathrine continued.

"We are getting married after we settle our score with the Ansel grandfather and granddaughter pair," Amber answered.

"Hmmm, I see."

This was followed by silence, no pressure nor awkwardness but instead just plain silence.

"You really are just like your mother, willful," after a while Cathrine commented.

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"I've heard that that was the only thing I received from her though. But that is enough to make me happy, for I know that my mother didn't bend to anyone's will no matter what."

The glint in her eyes shone even brighter as she spoke about her mother.

"But just as I thought, after seeing James Scott, I knew you all know our mother," Amber continued with a smile.

"Mad?" Cathrine asked her.

"No, I'm actually happy. I get to know people who knew my mother as a child. I thought you all knew her as Sarah Price yet you actually knew her from before she became Sarah Price," she said honestly.

Cathrine raised an eyebrow at her.

"I really don't know whether I should like you or not," she said honestly.

"Well, we could just say that the danger I have is…"

Amber paused looking at Ashton, "of the same danger as he was facing."

If the danger of her revenge is her reason for not liking her then that would be unfair for her.

She had revenge but Ashton is fighting for the underworld.

Now wouldn't that be unfair? He has more danger lurking around him.

Cathrine furrowed her brows before looking at Gideon.

"You ask them, they are the ones making decisions for themselves," he said evading the fault that Cathrine would surely give him.

Kyle decided to act like the wind looking at the books around them as if they were the most attractive things right now.

She squinted her eyes at the th=wo of them before looking back at Amber and Ashton.

Amber smiled widely at her while Ashton just shrugged.

Cathrine raised an eyebrow as she once again looked up at Gideon who was ready to runaway.

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"Why me? It was them having matters here. Ask them," he took a few steps back as he said this.

"Are you telling me or not?" Cathrine started becoming impatient.

She then looked at Kyle, "Kyle."

"Father was right mother. You should really get the information from your grandson," he said as he too stood up walking back to where his father is.

Cathrine raised an eyebrow before looking back at Ashton.

"Well let's just say I am also doing things dangerously. You should just remember that," Ashton finally answered.

It is not that Gideon and Kyle were hiding it intentionally but they knew they would be killed if Cathrine were to find out that Ashton was fighting his way to the top of the underworld.

Ashton just didn't bother telling them, they couldn't stop him anyway no matter what they do.

Cathrine furrowed her brows even further as she look at Ashton and Amber alternately.

Finally she sighed, "Do whatever you please."

"Understood grandmother," Amber answered with a smile.

Cathrine blinked her eyes a few times, she didn't expect Amber to call her that way.

After remembering what she had just said, she once again sighed.

'This girl truly, she's just like Sarah. Their eyes that was always filled with sincerity in everything that they do towards those whom they deem worthy.'

Cathrine no longer bothered correcting her over such a small matter and just decided to stand up and leave.

"You really are something, you knew she really didn't like you but you still do things that might irritate her," Gideon whispered to her when Cathrine finally left the room before returning to his chair.

"Indeed, others would surely curry favor towards their in laws but you go the opposite way. Is this a new unique way of trying to get the favor of your in laws. Especially so since mother has power over here?" Kyle added.

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