Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 234: 234

Samantha and Alissa whom she finally heard the name off, was talking happily with Liana.

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Gideon, James and Kyle were talking on another side about a matter she obviously couldn't join.

Amber went out to answer a phone call.

Ashton was with Timothy and Xander.

Cathrine went ahead to rest.

Even the gifts she brought were left to one side.

She huffed before walking towards where Ashton and the other two are.

"Hi, uhmm I didn't get to introduce myself a while ago but I am Carla Ansel, I am a bit of a childhood friend of Ashton."

She extended her hand as she greeted them.

But Xander and Timothy just nodded at her.

She awkwardly put down her hand, "Well, I'm glad that you became friends of his despite your background."

"Background does not matter when you truly wants to become friends with anyone miss Ansel and if you may excuse us, we are talking about a serious matter please…" Timothy said.

Carla felt her face turned red, she just wanted to get to know them but he just have to brush her off just like that.

"Well, I apologize I shall excuse myself then."

After leaving their side she just walked to where the other four ladies are.

"Hi," she greeted before sitting down beside Ashley.

"Hi," Samantha and Alissa greeted back.

"So, that's how it is. But at least you were able to enjoy it even just for a bit," Ashley continued what they were talking about a while ago.

They were talking about Samantha and Alissa's past endeavors.

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Alissa smiled, "Yes it was tiring back then but once you get to the runway, you just find yourself enjoying it. But since it was not truly in my heart I couldn't truly enjoy it to the fullest."

"You were a model?" Carla butted in and asked.

Alissa looked at her together with the others, "Yes, I was."

"I didn't recognize you, were you using your real name?" she asked more.

But her tone says, 'You must be a small model.'

Alissa shook her head with a smile as charming as ever that even Carla couldn't help but see her in a magazine in her mind.

"Well I guess if you are not following other country's news then you really wouldn't have known of me. Don't worry that's normal," she replied.

Ashley once again wanted to laugh, Carla was trying to find something to point out towards Alissa but in the end she was cut off just like that.

Carla hid her irritation and smiled, "Indeed you must be right."

She then looked at Samantha, "Could you also be from the entertainment industry?"

Samantha shook her head, "No, I am a hotel manager."

"Oh, what hotel? Where?" Carla said with interest.

"It was at downtown of city A of Celestial country, it was Agate Hotel," Samantha replied.

"Downtown?" Carla exclaimed.

"Yes, downtown," Samantha didn't back down and said.

Carla slowly looked at Xander after hearing this.

"Well, he had loved me not for my standing but instead for my character. That's why I love him as well," Samantha suddenly said as she looks at Carla who returned her eyes on them.

Carla laughed nervously, "I- I didn't mean anything I'm just amazed really."

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"Don't worry, I didn't mean anything by it as well," Samantha said.

"I'm kind of thirsty, I shall excuse myself for a bit auntie," she then said looking at Liana.

She was not used at asking people for something so it was better for her to get it herself.

She was craving for milk and Liana have told her where to get everything once she needed something and no one was there.

She was pregnant after all and it was Liana who diagnosed it when they saved her.

It was a little bit later when Carla excused herself.

And after coming out of the restroom, she chanced upon Samantha who was standing by the door leading to the garden enjoying her warm milk.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself?" she then said as she approaches her.

"It is no bad to enjoy a few days of relaxation," Samantha said as she looks back at her.

"I say, I'm jut wondering, with your standing. For you to be able to get Xander Price's attention, you must be an expert," she answered.

"Showing your true colors? Well let's just say, there's a lot of things in this world that you wouldn't understand even if I tell you. Someone like you that is," Samantha answered meaningfully.

"How dare even you belittle me? Someone who was born from the lower class."

In agitation she pushed Samantha.

It was not that strong but what's behind Samantha was a two-step stairs leading outside the garden.

This fall was a bit hard and Samantha felt pain in her stomach.


Amber who had been on the garden with her phone saw Samantha falling and run towards her.

Seeing as she was in tremendous pain, "XANDER!!!"

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Her shout caught the attention of all of them who are inside, even Cathrine who is on a room in the first floor that was close to where they are.

Xander came running out and upon seeing Samantha's look, he rushed towards her.

"What happened?" he asked as he took Samantha in his arms.

"Just get her inside. Aunt Liana please," Amber didn't want his attention to leave Samantha so she just urged him to bring her inside.

Both of them rushed Samantha upstairs.

"What's going on?" Cathrine who just came asked.


She was welcomed by a crisp slap in someone's skin.

Amber, after slapping Carla who was stunned by what had just happened, grabbed her by the collar.

"I don't know just how much highly you think of yourself but let me tell you one thing.."

She moved her face even closer to Carla's.

Her eyes shocked not just Carla but even James, Gideon, Cathrine, Kyle and Ashley who never saw her like this.

"If something bad happens to that child, I'll make sure that not only you but everyone around you will suffer. You think your that great?"

She pushed her down the same steps that Samantha fell on. Carla yelped in pain as she sprained her own foot.

"Well how about I show you just what great means?"

Amber who was of the same height as Carla is now towering her with the two steps between them and Carla sitting on the ground.

"You think you have connections? How about I show you just what a connection truly is?"

Her eyes were truly blood thirsty for Samantha was still in her early pregnancy stage, she could easily get a miscarriage.

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"Don't think too highly of yourself for you will surely feel the greatest fall someone like you born in upper class could ever experience. And I promise that when you do experience it you will remember this day."

After saying all these she looked at Ashton and Ashton without asking any of his parents and grandparents tasked someone to bring Carla home.

"What happened?" Timothy approached Amber but he could still feel the murderous aura around her.

"Calm down," Ashton who felt this as well held her shoulders and said.

"Take a deep breathe and calm down, both of them will be fine," he added as Amber started taking deep breaths.

"I didn't know what exactly transpired but when I saw them I saw her pushing Samantha. It wouldn't be too big if there are no steps behind Samantha but there is," she finally said after calming herself down.

"Could it be she did it intentionally knowing what was behind Samantha?" Alissa couldn't help but say.

"No, the shock was visible in her eyes as well. That was not acting on her part adding to the fact that she didn't know Samantha was pregnant."

"We should probably go and check on them," Kyle suggested.

"No, there's too many of us, we should probably wait for the news in the living room," Cathrine said before tasking a servant to prepare coffee for them.

The whole room was silent as they wait for the news from upstairs.

Liana had her own room here that is used just like that in a hospital and it was complete with things needed for emergency, except for the big machines that are in the hospitals.

It was another thirty minutes before Liana finally came down.

"How was she?" Amber stood up and asked.

"Well we are lucky that it was only two steps of stairs and the fall was not so hard to the point of bleeding. But because of the shock, she felt that tremendous pain. Proper rest and she would be fine. Though another such fall and we might lose the baby better be careful."

Sighs of relief was heard around the room.

"Also it's a good thing we are able to give proper medication fast, if not it might become dangerous. Your call of getting her to be checked the moment she fall is a good thing Amber, you did a great job," Liana then complimented her.

Amber sat down and sighed once again, "We are just lucky I was outside during that time."

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