Vengeance To The Royal Ones

Chapter 244: 244

Amber smiled and felt emotional, since sixteen she stopped thinking about birthday but still being celebrated by the people she cared for, it is indeed a very happy feeling.

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"Thank you," she happily said.

"Come on then and let's eat," Gideon called her down.

After coming down Xander and Timothy gave her a warm hug, "Happy birthday sis, after so long we can finally greet you personally again. Mother and Father would surely be happy."

"Thanks I'm happy to hear you greeting me again as well. I know they are," she said in return as she hugged them back.

"Happy birthday vicious woman," Ashley said with a smile.

"Thanks brat," Amber said back before pulling Ashley into a hug that she gladly accepted.

"Happy birthday Amber," Liana and Kyle followed and Liana gave her a hug while Kyle gave her a pat in the head.

"Thank you auntie, uncle."

"Happy birthday Amber," Alissa and Samantha said as they gave her a group hug.

"Thanks guys."

"Your grandpa is greeting you a happy happy birthday," Gideon said as he approach her with open arms which she easily avoided.

"Thanks so much grandfather," she said with a laugh as Gideon puffed his cheeks at her.

Her eyes landed at Cathrine who was looking at her with a serious look. Two minutes later she smiled, "Happy birthday. I see that the two of you have finally make up."

Amber smiled back, "Thank you grandmother. And yes we have indeed made up."

Cathrine smiled at her once again.

Amber then looked at another person who had been standing there all these time.

"Happy birthday," he said with formality.

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Amber smiled, "Thank you sir James."

James nodded his head.

"Okay, okay shall we all seat now?" Gideon clapped his hands and said.

After they settled down, "Where's Ash?"

It finally dawned on her that he was missing.

"He left after preparing all these, a call came that he was needed in the company. Though he did say that we should tell you he will be back to pick you up later," Liana answered.

Amber nodded before smiling, "Shall we eat then?"

The table was joyous until a sudden visitor came.

She was lead inside and was welcomed by them celebrating.

"Something going on?" she asked with an awkward smile.

"Yes, we are celebrating Amber's birthday, do you need something miss Ansel?" Gideon asked.

Carla's eyes shifted, in the past he calls her by her name but now he calls her formally.

"I'll just comeback," she said.

"Just speak," Cathrine said this time.

"I want to speak with you grandmother," she said in a defeated voice.

Cathrine sighed before she stood up, "Let's go to the garden."

They watched the two of them leave before returning to their foods.

"What is it?" Cathrine asked upon reaching the garden.

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Carla dropped to her knees while Cathrine just looked at her.

"I didn't mean for all of these to happen, my grandfather coaxed me in doing everything. Please don't turn your back from me, my grandfather already did."

Carla looked up looking weak and pitiful.

But Cathrine wouldn't buy it, not before, not after.

"Stand up Carla," she said in a voice that is not cold but not warm either.

Carla shook her head, "Please I am begging you, let me stay by your side."

"I heard you asked him, why? Why not you?"

Cathrine no longer bothered with the way she kneeled in front of her, she already told her that she should stand up. If she wants to insist then she can just keep going on her own.

Carla was looking at her with tears in her eyes.

"It is because whenever you are at fault, you show this side. You act pitiful and weak as if telling people that they should forgive you because you are weak. But when your faults are not being pointed out, you act so high up in your horse."

Cathrine sighed, "That is not the case Carla. We can't always use weakness in order to gain favor, people tend to get tired of it as well. That is the real difference between you and her."

Carla finally stood up seeing as Cathrine will no longer pity her.

"She admits her mistakes not passing anything to others. She faces everything head on and she never tried to pull others down."

"She just did, didn't she just pull me down to where I am right now?" Carla complained instantly and her eyes became vicious.

Cathrine shook her head, "She didn't pull you down, you pulled yourself down. The reason why you are where you are right now is all because of you. If you still don't understand that, the door is open, you are free to go."

Cathrine no longer wanted to linger with her, Carla was close-minded at the way she lives. She will never accept her faults.

Carla watched Cathrine leave with her eyes filled with hatred. She will never accept this fate.

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"I will return and I will make sure that your life Amber Wood will be hell," she said in gritted teeth before leaving.

Cathrine returned to where she was seated with a sigh, she really do feel bad that Carla turned out to such kind of woman. She hoped she had watched her closely for she really treated her as her very own granddaughter.

"The way she grew up is something that you have no hold on. People can be guided but as they grew older their decisions will be the most contributing factor in how they will turn out to be."

A cup of her favorite tea was placed in front of her as she heard these words.

She looked up and saw Amber with a solemn face.

She didn't give her a smile of encouragement but just nodded in respect before going back to her seat.

The others were on their own world that they didn't truly hear what she had said.

Cathrine looked at Amber holding her cup, Amber returned to talking with Alissa and Samantha.

~"She was someone who watches people closely, she was a real busy body."~

Once Ashton told her after returning when she asked him how was his stay in Star country.

She didn't bother with this back then because she was still mad at Amber.

But remembering it now, she couldn't help but smile as she took a sip of her tea.

It was the right mixture that she couldn't help but to look back at Amber.

"She may act laid back and nonchalant but that doesn't mean she was not watching other people closely. She went to the kitchen after seeing how you look outside while talking to Carla. She asked the head maid to help her," Gideon spoke on her side upon seeing her look.

"Could that be Nathan's nature?" Cathrine asked.

For the past few days, they have been seeing Sarah and Nathan in this young woman. Now she couldn't help but think that she must have gotten this from Nathan for Sarah was not this attentive.

Gideon smiled and shook his head, "Both parents are not as attentive as her. It is her very own trait to watch over people."

Cathrine nodded and once again sipped at the cup.

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The heavy feeling in her heart moments ago slowly disappeared with her every sip of the tea.

At the same time, Amber's words allowed the heaviness to lessen even more.

She was indeed not Carla's mother or grandmother. She helped watch over her but not for her entire life.

Carla was old enough to know what is right or wrong but she still chooses to be the way she is right now.

"Their difference is truly miles apart," she once again commented and Gideon understood what she means.

"Are you glad now then? That Ashton chose her instead of others?" Gideon asked with a smile looking towards Amber.

Cathrine smiled but didn't reply.

But Gideon knew just that smile of hers, which was her smile of approval, the smile that makes her eyes look smaller.

It means that she truly was happy.

The lunch celebration was over but Ashton still hasn't returned, she couldn't help but sigh as she watches the outside through the living room.

She had been prepared for a while now but Ashton sent not even a text and it was already nearing sunset.

They just made up for a bit last night, if she only knew that he would be gone early she would have woken up early as well.

She couldn't help but pout in annoyance at how much she sleeps whenever he was beside her.

"Stop pouting now, he promised to take you somewhere surely he would do just that," Timothy who was sitting across her commented.

Amber just looked at him before looking back outside.

That's when she saw his car and a smile bloomed on her face.

Timothy could only shake his head seeing the great change in her look but at the same time, something passed through his eyes, sadness.

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